
"Alright I agree this heat is ridiculous." Lucy said. "Joshua, I want you to cast a spell for me dear."

"Oh, teaching me a new spell?!" Joshua asked excitedly. "It's not just summoning slimes again, is it?"

"No, it has nothing to do with slimes." Lucy said. "Why would you think I would waste my time on slimes as hot as it is?!"

"I don't know? Summon a bunch and make it like a pool or something to cool off?" Joshua asked.

"Your first thought was slime swimming really?" Lucy asked. "I don't even have words to describe that level of stupidity. I just want you to repeat these words while channeling your magic."

"Alright." Joshua said.

"The time of life has stopped, all must be still, frozen in time, frozen in life, not to move evermore." Lucy said. "Please recite that."