Scenario 847

Joshua and the group ran to the portal and jumped through with reckless abandon as the ocean's waves crashed in around them.

As they landed and rolled on the ground on the next floor, they found themselves in a small meadow. The next floor in plain sight. Only one small cabin surrounded by trees between the group and the seventh floor.

"It's got to be a trick, right?" Joshua said. "They wouldn't make this floor this easy after the last hellish floor."

"No, I have seen this before." Lucy said. "It was in the dungeon I went in. It's a rest area of sorts. No monsters, just a safe place to make camp."

"That sounds amazing." Gina said. "My only question is why?"

"Exactly." Doreen said. "They spent so much effort making the dungeon damn near impossible, why would they give a rest area instead of just giving us more hell."

"Well in my previous dungeon this floor was right before that demon I told you about." Lucy said.