Demon Slime

"Is it really so bad that the priest started a religion on your behalf?" Lucy asked. "Just think of all the useful followers you have now. Not like an army either, you are those people's focus, they worship and adore you."

"I don't think I like that." Joshua said. "I mean would you like something like that to happen to you?"

"I think I could get used to such an occurrence, yes." Lucy said, grinning from ear to ear. "I thought you intended on being an emperor. Are they not revered as gods and worshiped by their subjects? Why would having your own religion bother you? You are the demon lord after all."

"Valid point." Joshua said. "I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later, I guess I will let the priest keep his life for now."

They could feel the train coming to a stop as it had reached the outpost that Lucy had spoken about earlier. As they looked out of the window, they noticed a group of knights charging towards the train with their weapons drawn and at the ready.