At The Castle

"It was nothing important." Joshua said. "She just wanted me to save her people from Neu."

"Oh, is that all?" Lucy said. "She didn't want a mansion by the lake and a million puppies too?"

"No, just the suicide mission." Joshua replied with a laugh.

The two continued walking through the city until they came to a grand white castle that stood in the center. A large gate with six guards blocked the entrance.

"Step aside, I am here to meet with the king." Joshua said.

The guard Joshua was addressing looked him over and noticed his Knight's ring. "I am sorry, lord, Knights cannot meet with the king without a summons. Do you have a summon?" The guard asked.

"Oh, so you don't know who I am?" Joshua asked, raising his brow as he looked at him sternly.

"No sir." The guard replied. "Are you a famous knight or something?"

"Something like that." Joshua said with a laugh.