Alexa's Quest Part 3

"A v-v-vampire?!" The innkeeper yelled. "A-a-rn't those only legends?!"

"Nope." Alexa said plainly as she pointed to June's neck. "As you can see, she has two fang marks, and a general lack of blood. If that isn't a vampire then I don't know what could have caused it."

"Well, I guess that explains all the death." The innkeeper said. "You think you can take it out?"

"I think we can kill it, yes." Alexa said. "Do you happen to know of any caves in the area?"

"Food!" June demanded. "I swear I feel like I am about to die!"

"I have something for you." The innkeeper said. "Just give me a moment."

She hurried into the kitchen and made a loud racket as she prepared a quick dish. A couple of minutes later she came out with some eggs and sausage and a chunk of bread.