Sighing, I counted through the money and elbowed the low-life below me when he began moving about. "Five million won? I guess it'll do," I said before pulling my backpack round to the front where I deposited the money, "Now, what do you need to do after I leave?" I asked the guy and whoever else was awake after the beating I'd given them.
"W-we..." he gurgled and spat out some blood, "We need to...say sorry to the w-women we were h-harassing--right?" he turned his head to look up at me and I pushed his head away and back down to the floor.
"Right," I nodded before pushing off the guy's back I was sitting on and turned to give him a kick to the side, "Don't go harassing women and waving money around, ya idiot. You'll get mugged or arrested. Live an honest life from now on or I'll probably find you again and beat the shit out of you. Steal your money as well," I paused for a brief moment before smiling, "See ya then. Stay out of trouble!"
And with that I was on my way.
It'd been two days since I'd offered Hajoon out for the fight, and I hadn't been wasting my time. Like I'd thought, it'd been trivially easy to find some guys to fight so I could grind my skills up and I'd even run into some decently strong guys as well. Meaning my skills had all gotten plenty of practice and XP.
All my Karate skills were now at C-Rank and my Boxing skills got boosted up to B-Rank, where something cool happened. What happened? Well, the cards combined together to become a Gold Card instead of a bunch of Silvers.
[Attack Card, Boxing (Complete) - You're now a complete boxer. Current skill rank: B 31/100]
It may not seem like much of a difference but my combat prowess has skyrocketed. My style of fighting is much more fluid now, with each of the moves flowing together to produce a much more brutal barrage than before. If before it took a moment to follow up with a different skill after using a jab, now there was no waiting - it just happened.
So, all in all, I felt more ready than ever to fight Hajoon. I was much better off when compared to the original Soohyun, anyway. Especially when it came to stats.
[Strength: C+ ---> B+]
[Speed: C+ ---> B+]
[Potential: S]
[Intelligence: B]
[Tenacity: S ---> S+]
You may be wondering, 'Kim Soohyun, how the hell did you go up an entire rank in two days time?'. Well, disembodied voice that may or may not be the representation of my mental illness, that is to do with what I just did. You see, after fighting a bunch of no-life delinquents I began to realise one thing: Delinquents usually carry a lot of cash. So I started pocketing it after beating them up. I mean, what were they gonna use it on? Alcohol? Beer? Hell, probably even prostitutes? I decided I'd save their young souls (despite them being older than me most of the time) and took their burden off of them.
So yeah, I stole money. How does that correlate to my increase in stats? One word: Gym. I got a gym membership and started working out with the weights there. And I started working out three times a day instead of just two. It was only a temporary thing so I could get ready to fight Hajoon - and good thing too. I shiver in fright when I think of our water bill with how much I showered the last few days.
Anyway, that's how I experienced such a quick increase in stats. My strength and speed are still nothing compared to Hajoon's but the gap has still undergone a reasonable shortening.
For reference, B+ would be an Olympic-level athlete who has a shot at winning Gold, A+ would be a literal peak human (but anime/webtoon peak human) and S+ is basically superhuman for all intents and purposes. So I'm in the upper echelons of Strength and Speed but still nowhere near the peak or the level after that. And now that I've reached B+, I have a feeling my progress is gonna slow down massively - still way quicker than other people, sure, but slower than what I've been growing at recently nonetheless.
Tenacity just increased out of nowhere. Whether it was the increased workout time or whether the fights did it, I have no clue. One day it was S, the next it was S+. Could be a sudden burst in willpower or something but I don't feel any different - One of life's mysteries, I guess.
After it reached S+, the passive skill I got for it was enhanced. Nothing was added to the description but the system said the skill was no more effective or something. I tested it and I felt even less pain or force when someone hit me, so it's a good improvement. I feel like at some point I'll be able to punch through concrete without even reddening my knuckles and I live and train for that day.
Punching through hard things is a man's romance--or whatever. I don't know.
Ahem, anyway, onto other things. The fight with Hajoon is tomorrow at lunch, so I need to get some beauty (strength) sleep after I have a shower and then I'll wake up and have a morning workout at the gym before school.
. . .
"Where the hell is he?" I mumbled to myself, looking down at my phone and seeing the minutes practically tick by. Goo Hajoon was late for our fight - usually, I wouldn't really care. I'm not a stickler for punctuality most of the time but when it concerns a timed Quest from the system? Yeah, I'm gonna be a stickler for punctuality.
The crowd around me were mumbling to each other, speaking in little groups and whispering the same questions I was thinking.
Putting my phone away, I decided that I'd waited long enough and that I should go out to look for him. He's either in trouble or he's fucking forgot--and either way, I can't let that shit slide. I'm not losing all my rewards just because some schmuck beats Hajoon before me or because he's an idiot.
"Did any of you see Hajoon leave the school?" I asked aloud to anyone willing to answer me and the whispering stopped before some random guy stepped forward. Hadn't seen him before and from his overall demeanor, he didn't seem to be one of Hajoon's crew either.
"N-no," the newcomer said before scratching or wiping at the back of his neck when he met my unblinking gaze, "He...he wandered off with some of the guys from my class. He seemed kinda angry after they told him they couldn't get something," he explained and I already had a good idea on what had happened. Frowning, I gave a nod to the guy and walked away toward the only place I knew where Hajoon would take people who'd pissed him off.
Memories told me that this was a place I'd avoid at all costs before I gained the system. Before I became the new me. But now I had to go there.
The crowd followed me from a distance but I didn't pay them any mind and instead focused on staying reasonable. Hajoon didn't know how much he was fucking me over...but damn am I still pissed off. Ignorance doesn't equal innocence.
It didn't take long to arrive at the location I was aiming for and low and behold, I could already hear someone getting their ass beat.
"I-I'm sorry, H-Hajoon," one of the guys from Karaoke a few days ago said just before his face was slammed into the wall again. Tears began building up in his eyes and whether they were from actual emotional damage or because he'd broken his nose, I have no idea. Could be both. "My...m-my crew couldn't get it--" he tried to get out before his face was slammed into the wall a second time.
Sighing, I walked up to Hajoon, "Oi," I called out and he stopped, looked at me and then smiled.
"Soohyun," he said before letting go of the guy he was beating on, "When did you get here, man?"
"Just," I answered with a stony face, "We had a fight scheduled, Hajoon. What the fuck do you think you're doing messing around here?" my stony face cracked and turned into a frown.
His own smile froze and he looked to me with slightly narrowed eyes, "Oh," he said before putting his bloodied hands in his pockets, "Sorry about that. Had some bugs to deal with. Can we do the fight tomorrow instead?" he asked and I had to stop myself from blowing up right at that second.
I don't care that he was beating up dudes for money. I do that, so if I got mad I'd be a hypocrite. But time's precious, you know? You never know when you'll die or when your life will suddenly change for the worse. And this bastard wants to waste my time? When we decided on the fight today? Oh man, it's really grinding my fucking gears.
"We're fighting now, Hajoon. Get your hands out your pockets," I said, walking toward him. The alleyway we were in wasn't the best place to fight and actually put me at a disadvantage but if I can't fight even when I'm at a disadvantage, that'd make me a coward. It'd also make me clever and we all know I'm stupid as fuck, so no need to keep up airs. Hajoon, in reply, gave a sigh before getting into a stance and the crowd that had followed me were all gossiping while trying to fit into the alley.
I opened the fight up with a blindingly fast jab which Hajoon barely dodged, "...You've gotten better," he said before countering with a flurry of jabs himself.
Weaving between them, I tried a uppercut on him but he caught it in his guard and landed a hook right across my chin. Didn't hurt as much as last time and I could actually see him attack this I knew I was much more prepared for the fight than before.
Actually smiling, I rolled with the hook and directed my momentum back the other way and landed a surprisingly fast and sharp hook right to his liver. Hajoon went a little pale and backed up a step, his guard tighter and his eyes a tad more serious than before.
I didn't give him any time to rest, however, and I was soon on him with a burst of speed and hammering him with jabs and crosses. His guard held strong but I wasn't trying to break his guard - I was trying to get him to attack me. So, I opened up an intentional opening in my guard and he jumped at it like a dog to a bone. I weaved to the right of his cross and sent an overhand cross of my own right into his face with everything I had.
The combined force of his own forward momentum and my punch backed up by multiple different skills, actually knocked him back with a bloody nose.
"...Shit," he frowned, his usually dead eyes and neutral face actually looking a bit pissed. Either at himself for getting hit or at me for hitting him.
This time he came to me, his speed seemingly increasing suddenly, and I barely diverted the uppercut he had aimed for my solar plexus before having a left hook slam right into my chin again. Ears ringing and vision slightly blurry, I re-focused myself and slammed a hook of my own into Hajoon's face to return the favour before following up with another hook from the opposite arm. He had the advantage in stats but it was becoming quite obvious that I had the advantage in terms of skill and technique.
Even as well-trained as he was, Hajoon was a street fighter. His technique was crude and he relied on his superior body to win a lot of his fights.
And now that my Tenacity was at S+, I could take his monstrous hits without much damage. Especially considering my two passive skills, one from the stat and the other from my boxing skill, which made me even sturdier.
Hajoon staggered to the side, leaning his shoulder up against the wall while he used the opposite hand to wipe some blood from his lip. He scowled and rushed toward me, pushing off the wall...and that's what I was waiting for. For him to lose his temper and therefore to drop his guard just a little too much. The one good thing about him being a street fighter is that his instincts are very well attuned to fighting...unless he's angry. Then his ability to perceive things will go down the drain.
I waited until the last second to lift my foot, aiming to do a front kick and Hajoon noticed that. What he didn't notice was that it was halfhearted. Merely preparation for something more.
So as Hajoon lowered his guard to block the front kick he thought was aimed for his torso, I twisted my hips and remaining foot that was on the ground and rotated myself ever so slightly to the left. Then my leg, which was now horizontal, flashed out like a snake or a whip and slammed into the side of Hajoon's head. His head rocked to the side and hit the wall not too far from him and I practically leaped on him when I saw his dazed expression.
A cross punch hit him square in the middle of his face, followed up by a hook, and then another hook, then an uppercut to knock his head up fully for another cross which had my entire body weight behind.
After all, the week needed for me to grow was done. I was 188cm tall and I was definitely heavier than Hajoon now. Last time I checked (this morning), I weighed I was the same weight as someone who was in the light heavyweight division and I was getting close to cruiserweight division. Meaning my punches were equal to an Olympic Athlete who was competing in that weight division...and boy were those punches powerful.
Hajoon dropped back onto his ass and I didn't stop with my assault. No, I mounted him and began raining down a mixture of crosses and jabs, fully digging his head into the ground behind him.
And when he stopped trying to get up, I stopped hitting him.
He looked up at the sky above, a bloodied nose, swollen face and a majorly split bottom lip. Despite all that, he was conscious, "I lost, huh?" he asked, seemingly to no one in particular before his dazed eyes looked to me, "Guess that means you won, Soohyun."
I laughed before holding out a hand, "Sorry about having to do that, Hajoon. Wanted to see who was stronger between us and I had to blow off some steam after somebody tried to delay the fight," I said in a directed manner and Hajoon only gave a half-smile before he took my hand and I pulled him up from his prone position. He stumbled but I steadied him and then let him stand on his own two feet.
While that happened, I looked through the status screens I'd ignored while fighting.
[Due to the strength of your opponent, your proficiency in boxing has increased!]
[Due to the strength of your opponent, your proficiency in Karate, Defence, has increased!]
[Due to the strength of your opponent, your proficiency in Karate, Roundhouse Kick, has increased!]
[Karate - Defence - Has Ranked Up To B-Rank!]
[Karate - Roundhouse Kick - Has Ranked Up To B-Rank!]
I guess even if I outmatch him in terms of technique, his superior stats still make him a good sparring partner for grinding skills. I wonder if that means I should start fighting bodybuilders or something? Thoughts for later.
[You have completed a Main Quest.]
[As per the rewards of completing the quest, you will receive: Platinum Card (x1)]
"Reveal card," I whispered and the screen changed to show the newest skill for my arsenal. I hope it isn't Sneak Peek, man, that shit is just odd.
[Observe - Wanna know how strong your opponent is before you fight them? Well, here you go. Observe allows you to see an opponents stats, height and weight. The perfect ability to see whether or not you can beat the shit out of someone.]
...So, a better version of sneak peek. Thank God. Thank the System.
Stretching my back, I looked over to Hajoon, "Wanna skip the rest of school and get something to eat? My treat, seeing as I beat you up," I joked and Hajoon smirked before rubbing at his jaw and then he gave a nod. Looking to the people crowding the entrance to the alley, I gave them all a lot before jutting my head to the side, "Get outta the way, will ya? Can't leave the alleyway with all of you blocking it's only entrance."
And they scattered like rats. Am I really that scary? Or is it because Hajoon and I are here? Maybe I'm just that menacing.
Either way, we left the alley and walked to a nearby convenience store for some food and drink.
Men who fight together will become eternal bros. It says so in the bible (it doesn't), you know?
. . .
[A Main Quest Is Being Generated.]
[Become The Official Ruler Of West Gangbuk High. 1, Recruit A First-Year (0/1). 2, Hold A Boos Inauguration (0/1). 3, Attend The Gangbuk Summit (0/1).]
[Will you accept this Quest? Yes/No]
Mentally accepting the quest, I looked to the odd-ball bowing in front of me.
"The Boss of the first-year students, Lee Hyundong, would like to greet you!" he basically shouted this in the middle of the hall, two other guys next to him also bowing and giving a shout like you would when going into battle. These guys...are a bit intense, huh? I looked to the side where Kuza was, and he was looking mighty uncomfortable until I put a comforting hand on his shoulder and turned back to the first-year.
"Okay," I said, nodding to myself as I thought about how to go about this, "So, uh, you wanna join me, right?" I asked and the guys in front of me all looked up at me with starry eyes and awed faces before rapidly nodding, "Fine. You can join me. First order of business is cementing my rule over West Gangbuk. Lower the taxes placed on each year - tell all the other bosses that, yeah? If they have a problem, send them my way."
Lee Hyundong went red in the face and then bowed even deeper, "As expected of Boss, he's already got a plan to stabilise his rule!" he said in an enthusiastic tone with a borderline shouting volume and then he looked up at me, "I'll get right on it, boss, don't worry! Come on, let's get it done!" he shouted to the guys next to him and they turned to rush off.
Sighing, I looked and saw as the first Quest objective was completed. Using Observe, I looked at Lee Hyundong's stats.
[Name: Lee Hyundong]
[Height: 179cm]
[Weight: 77kg]
[Strength: C]
[Speed: B]
[Potential: F]
[Intelligence: B]
[Tenacity: C]
Decent stats, apart from Potential which is dreadful. He's kinda intelligent for such a thuggish looking guy, especially considering he has a brow like a neanderthal. But I guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover and Observe is helping me fight my biases. What a nice skill.
With that over and done with, I turned to Kuza, "I think things are gonna get a bit hectic from now on. Sorry about that, Kuza," I apologised sincerely.
If I was on my own, I wouldn't think twice about doing all sorts of crazy shit. But Kuza...despite not really being the original Soohyun, I couldn't help but feel like Kuza was a good guy. A good friend. I felt a bit bad for him knowing he was gonna get dragged into this whole thing but there wasn't much I could do.
I guess the only consolation is that I know he could leave whenever he wanted but he's still sticking around.
Kuza put a hand up on my shoulder - which looked comical with our massive 22cm height difference - and pushed up his glasses as he replied, "It's okay,'ve been dragged into it as much as me. Just please don't let them kill me..." he said in an overly dramatic manner and I couldn't help but smile at how dramatic this guy could be.
Sure, some people are gonna try and beat him up in the future, but kill him? Nah--Oh god, did I just plant a flag? Oh fuck.
"Say...Kuza?" I called out to him while looking down the hallway, "Wanna start working out with me? I can make you strong, my friend. So strong you won't need to worry about people trying to kill you." I said this and looked down to use Observe on him.
[Name: Yang "Yakuza" Gookja]
[Height: 166cm]
[Weight: 91kg]
[Strength: C]
[Speed: F]
[Potential: S]
[Intelligence: D]
[Tenacity: C]
With Potential like that, I should be able to make him strong enough to overcome the flag I just planted. I'm so sorry, Kuza.
"Eh?" was all he could say.