Chapter 9

Through the past 2 months Nova had been questioning herself about this spirit who claims to be her mother whenever she is either asleep or blacks out having a deep and meaningful conversation about her past and how this threat is grow closer and closer as days pass by being the main source of her pushing Anxiety as she tries her best to pass college with flying colours no matter what type of situation she gets herself into. However tonight a blood moon was seen to rise that night something Nova had been warned by the spirit to not go outside and look at or dangerous things will happen if she does and could kill thousands of innocent lives if it happens a her tail should not be cut off as it is the main reason her species are alive having important arteries that makes them useful weapons in battle and wrapping material when dangling off from tree branches even though only royals or possibly Gods of their kind are know to have incredibly longer tails than the rest of their race that once thrived over a millennium ago.

Nova that afternoon didn't bother to stay behind for extra lessons and decided to walk all the way home this time as a familiar group of ex-best friends followed behind her with a Riaura leading them after a new accusation slipped from Abigail's mouth blaming Nova for yet against with another lie about her bullying. It wasn't long until the victim was pulled aside by her hair and tail by everyone, but Riaura and Abigail who was obviously using makeup to form some sort of bruises that apparently Nova made the following hours at lunch. "Where do you think You're going, huh?" Yuri said dragging her into a nearby ally with the others where they continued to beat her up as all it took was one girl to turn all of her friends against her especially one who she thought would cover her back when times get tough.

"Move!" Riaura yelled pushing one of them away seeing Nova with hands over her head on the floor quivering in fear knowing that fighting back means nothing, but more conflict as the princess walked towards Nova's tail using all the strength she had to stamping on it making her yelp in pain forcing it to tuck away into her clothes out of reach as it was the Princess' turn to give her a beating. "Pathetic. I expected more of a struggle from you monkey. Lets see how much you can withstand under someone of my power" She smirked cockily knowing full on that in Nova's state she can't fight back allowing her to beat the poor saiyan up for as long as she pleased doing far more damage than the others who's power levels don't stand a chance against a crocodile let alone a pure blooded saiyan. After an hour of beating they grew fed up and left Nova curled up in the dark alleyway too scared to even move like a cowardly, scared puppy bruised, blooded in her own blood.

Within 10 minutes a pair of singular footsteps stopped in front of the darkened alleyway seeing something unfamiliar slowly moving in the shadows making them cautiously walk down, but as they grew closer and closer the sight of Nova still with both hands over her head shivering in fear scared to even move hearing these footsteps as they stopped 2 metres away. "Nova?!" They called out rushing over helping up the quivering saiyan as she looked up slightly dizzy trying to find out who exactly helped found her in such conditions before passing out in their arms. "Crap! Dad is going flip if he sees you like this" As they picked her up Goten came into view holding her in his arms before teleporting back home where Zorion was the first to see Nova in such a bad condition not taking this encounter easily, but before anything else could be said Zorion vanished in fin air alerting the father of the situation since to him it felt like the brother was too afraid to confront his father about what happened knowing what the out come will be and Zorion was not afraid willing to tell the truth no matter how dire the situation comes to be.

"Oh, Zorion we were just talking about you! Wanna train with us?" Goku asked unaware of the news the saiyan had in store for him before changing his happy demeanor seeing the young saiyan's serious expression which could mean a lot of things. "Well then get out with it, if you don't want to train with us, then why are you here? did something bad happen on Earth?" He asked despite being half way there, but Zorion prepared himself to give the hero some rather disturbing news.

"Yes. But I don't think you'll like it" He replied crossing his arms proving that he wasn't joking around even though night will soon fall bringing out the dangerous blood moon a time where two female full blooded saiyans must under any circumstances go outside. Goku's expression changed growing impatient by the second stepping closer to the boy who remained calm knowing that he has to go ahead and speak or his tail would probably be cut of as it twitched by the thought of such an event happening. "Nova is in bad shape and seems to be unconscious, I thought that you would've wanted to know sooner than later" He spoke seeing him pause instantly putting two fingers on his forehead ready to use instant transmission grabbing on Zorion in case he was making assumptions in which he wasn't, but just in case and left Vegeta on Lord Beerus' home confused in shock staying there for the time being or getting the angel to help him get back to Earth.

Nova's injuries were bad and would take a few days to completely heal or instantly with a sensu bean as Goku came through seeing her so heavily injured knowing that no living being on Earth could do such a thing, but he luckily had sensu beans in hand coming to the edge of her bed lifting up her head breaking the bean into easy singular bits making it easy for her to swallow rubbing the front of her neck in order to get it to go down without chocking taking time and effort just to get her back in good health. "Come kid.." Goku mumbled kinda sweating seeing that she remained out despite the wounds completely healed which is not the main of the father's problems until her tail twitched and flicked for a second catching both his as Zorion's attention before groaning sitting up on her bed holding her head still feeling a slight ache from the beating Riaura and her so called friends gave her all thanks to Abigail. Nova was caught off guard as Goku came up and hugged her unexpectedly as she slowly hugged back trying to remember what happened until he whispered. "Tell me who did this to you and i'll do the rest in your favour as no one has the right to touch you like they did so tell me.. *sounding serious* Who did this to you?" He asked leaving her frozen for a second before the images of her ex-friends dragging her and beating her up until Riaura arrived making things far more worse than they needed to be. This memory caused Nova to growl aggressively surprising Goku who pulled away seeing some sort of fangs similar to what of a monkey dangerous and could tear you apart limb from limb. "Uh.. Nova?" He nervously asked as her hands clenched tightly forming a fist while the full blood moon remained high in the night sky being the main cause of Nova's sudden aggression. Suddenly he watched as her pupils constricted that similar to a cat's eye allowing anger to take over.

"Riaura.." she mumbled before vanishing and reappearing in front of Zorion catching him off guard seeing this sudden aggressive side of her that was filled with rage as her tail flicked and swished aggressively ignoring the warning about the full blood moon that night walking up to the window that allowed her to look outside seeing Riaura looking up glaring at the window from the outside feeling disgusted in her ex-best friend as Zorion came up behind her feeling the intense atmosphere building and how her tail twitched while the red moon hung high above their heads. Then out of nowhere Nova's swiftly ripped of her blinds and pressed her entire right hand against the glass window forcing Zorion to back off near Goku to remained vigilant cautiously watched until the glass window shattered allowing the cold freeze to come in making a possible exit to get to Riaura who faced her back toward her enraging the teen even more as she roared before readying up a charge to launch at the Princess alerting Goku of what her intentions were dashing towards the angered saiyan reach out to grab her, but he wasn't fast enough.

"NOVA! NO!" He yelled as she took off damaging the floor below her going straight to the enemy knocking him back by the strong gust of wind she made while Zorion braced himself as the hero collided into him hitting heads making them both fall backwards landing on the floor rubbing their heads as Zorion pushed Goku away from him in order to stand up. "Hey! What was that for?" He complained looking up at the tailed saiyan who huffed with a smile with a hand held out to pull him up the collision in the front caught Zorion's attention as Goku looked back at the window standing up as the hand that was held out for him retreated.

"The blood moon wither they see or not are effecting them into acting like savage beasts, but be grateful that they cannot transform into a great apes like we can" Zorion said as nearby trees fell as the two girls fought head to head showing no mercy already beginning to shed blood, Goku went out of the window first seeing what was happening not expecting Nova to act so violent towards a friend like this before looking over to his right seeing Vegeta looking surprised and unsure if he should intervene or not glaring back at the saiyan while Zorion landed down beside the hero being serious and oddly calm before looking over at the Prince then at the teens fighting. "What should we do? If they continue to fight like this who knows what they'll do to the city" He calmly remarked reminding the two fathers that if nothing is dealt with now then the whole city would be in great danger if nothing is done before someone gets greatly hurt.

"Grr! YOU TRAITOR!?" Nova was heard exclaiming this before aggressively punching Riaura down into the floor form yet again another crater jumping on top delivering an endless amount of attacks getting the revenge she rightfully deserved, blood was seen forming on her fist the more she continued they were left shocked seeing such fiery rage taking over the once seen kind, innocent and pure teen now left looking like a ravage angered beast. Vegeta dashed kicking Nova off her sending her flying before gaining her ground leaving a small trail in the dirt she used to slow down her momentum. "You want some too? So be it" She mumbled not caring launching straight at the Prince who held his badly injured daughter on his hands not liking this side of the girl or seeing Riaura in such a state, but before she could even get to them Goku and Zorion appeared out of nowhere using all of their strength to push her back as one tripped her over and kept the raging saiyan pinned to the ground by two grown men. "Let me go!" She growled not liking how things are going as her tail was seen swishing ready to hit either saiyan util Zorion made a risky move and pinned it down with his foot while using his to wrap around as much of her tail as possible stopping it struggling due to the strength she was expressing wasn't for show.

"Damn.. You weren't kidding when you said she was unusually strong, but I didn't expect her to be this strong!" Zorion despite being secretly a God was struggling to keep her down in his base form making both him go SSJ4 a complete surprise as some parts of his entire body were covered in soft pure black fur while his hair was long and spiky remaining the same colour as his base form, eyes now a brighter shade of purple leaving Goku in awe at a sight of a completely new transformation, the strength was far beyond SSJ3 and could possibly go against a God due to the power boost advantage since he did train with one higher than any in the Multiverse making this form no joke to mess with.

"Wow! What kind of transformation is that?" Goku said looking at the SSJ4 Zorion with admiration not aware that he can no longer be able to get to this level as it requires a tail in order to transform into a great ape and harness its power in order to get there.

"Can we like sedate her first? and then I'll tell you everything else" Zorion replied as Goku clicked back onto the current situation and how wild Nova had become just because of some blood moon, Gohan was able to bring some unbreakable chains, rope tying her up away from Riaura in order to wait out than just knocking her out while the end of her tail twitched tapping the ground growing impatient as her mouth was eventually gagged by some fabric for safety precautions. After with her tucked away Goku went back over to the SSJ4 Zorion who knew he had to explain that both he and Vegeta can't go SSJ4 without tails or a specialized technology in order for it to happen. "Now do you know why I am able to surpass your SSJ3 transformation? A tail can make a huge different in many ways as I can go further if needed, but i rather not push myself past those boundaries.. even though this form forcefully makes me shirtless every time I transform, which is a pain for starter, I really liked that shirt" He explained as well as complained really liking his tight black shirt until the very moment that he went SSJ4 in order to some how overpower Nova's rage.

"What a shame, its kinda suits you too which is rather strange as i never seen or heard of this sort of transformation before" Goku replied scratching his head in confusion as Zorion just shrugged his shoulders stood with the hero until Vegeta came back with a sigh making the duo a now known trio of 3 pure blooded saiyans.

"Vitals are stable.. *glances over at Nova* and keep that thing under control before I do something about it!" Vegeta yelled at Goku who too looked back at Nova seeing her still struggling to get out of those restraints while Zorion scoffed walking up to the Prince's face as he was smaller, but harder to intimidate despite being in a more power form for the time being as his tail flicked seeing how serious and calm Vegeta's face remained glaring until a smirk came creeping on his face. "What? Are you mad that I talked bad about the little miss snowflake over there? Suck it up kid because you're going to get used to it.. unless you want to fight me? assure dominance? Try it. You're an easy target anyway" Vegeta said getting closer to the young saiyan's face making Goku looking back at them feeling the tension coming in between the two, but the Prince and Zorion just pushed him out of the way ready to brawl it out. "Lets see how weak this new form of yours really is" He lastly said which made the young saiyan bare his teeth at Vegeta who seemed to like this side of him feeling his power continue to rise angered by the disrespect his friend was being given from one simple mistake.

"Come on Vegeta don't be like that, even though you're probably jealous that he can turn SSJ4 and you can't, hehe" Goku stepped in again kinda pointing out the obvious making him look directly at the hero instead of the young saiyan in front of him who was ready to throw punches.

"I am not jealous, Kakarot! His for one is stupid and waste of time! And besides Ultra Ego is far greater than that fricking furry form anyway" Vegeta's reply made things escalate far than expected as the young saiyan used all power in his SSJ4 form landing a direct punch in the Prince's face sending flying a few pitched away as Goku watched him fly off impressed before glancing back at Zorion who had his fists still clenched.

"Kinda bad decision Zorion, but he did in the slightly deserve it even though i would prefer to do it myself during tomorrows training, after all since its finally your turn to help Nova train! Warning she never holds back so stay on the defensive or she'll knock you out just like she did with Vegeta, hehe. He was out cold" Goku said with a chuckle kinda embarrassing the prince and after all this time Zorion finally felt able to see how far Nova can go for waiting so long to just spar with her one time. Vegeta zoomed back as Zorion dodged it grabbing the Princes's hair pulling him back and slammed him in the ground making a cracks underneath him using a source of energy to prevent him from transforming waiting for him to quit. However that took a while until he finally gave up which he hated to do and hardly did as Zorion released him just to have a punch hitting his face and yet he remained unmoved from the same spot he punched Vegeta. "Hey! Vegeta! He just released you" Goku said not wanting to be apart of a long lasting battle despite loving to fight being his passion, but for some reason he didn't want to get involved between two as a gut instinct he must follow.

"How's that furry freak? *Zorion slowly turns his head as his eye looked at him with a rather cold and intimidating stare startling both saiyans* Huh? Crap! You really are a tough one to crack aren't you, hmph!" Vegeta said pulling his fist from the young saiyan's face realizing that now in the circumstances he was out matched and kinda offended as he too was kinda like a furry taking back his words while his hands pulsates uncontrollably inflicting pain. "Why did that punch hurt so fucking much? What is this saiyan made of?!" He thought kinda sweating at the seems as Zorion just looked calm now revealing no signs of anger as his tail stopped twitching even though twitching doesn't always mean anger, however his fists remained clenched looking down at the shorter saiyan knowing he'll easy floor him if he got the chance to do so.

"Oh, my. Look at what we have here.. 3 full blooded saiyans working together, I never thought i'll see the day that your pathetic kind in this universe finally grew up" A unfamiliar male voice was hear butting in as they all looked up seeing a black haired saiyan who too had a oddly coloured tail matching his hair proving that he too wasn't from this universe looking down at them with his untruthful dark eyes judging them to be some sort of a useless challenge against him before Nova caught his eye teleporting over to her. "Poor little thing, what have they done to you?" He acted sympathetic and yet he was only here for one thing, crouching down as his hand lifted up her chin he making immediate eye contact as she pulled away making him sigh disappointed at what he had to do standing back up before putting his attention back at the three saiyans aiming his sights on Zorion as he currently had the highest power level.

"Back away from my daughter!" Goku yelled looking at the new comer seriously not wanting a grown ass man touching his kid especially right in front of him too making this far more personal than it has to be, But the saiyan didn't listen and just stood there as his tail brushed underneath her chin while smirking looking at Goku purposely teasing him proving that he wasn't here to make friends.

"Come on, can't a saiyan have fun with such a gorgeous female? Just be glad that she isn't my daughter or anything even though i am only here for one thing. *looks back at Nova* Her power" The now seem threat made his plans known to almost everyone around him as Zorion glared intensely at the evil saiyan as their tail flicked seeing one another. "Ah. Zorion.. Looks like your master finally allowed you to make some friends. Sad she isn't here to see you flourish with your own kind" The saiyan continued to talk as if he knew the secret God despite the young saiyan remembering him quite well making this a very bad situation to be in as anything could be leaked.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Ebba or should I say Xzander, but Nova doesn't belong to you never did and never will be as she isn't your daughter to control either in this Universe nor the entire Multiverse. So do us a favour and fuck off back to where ever you came from as monkeys like you don't deserve to walk free and use Ebba's name like you own it after committing those law breaking crimes in the entire Multiverse like some God, in which you aren't worthy of being" Zorion's words shocked all exposing the criminal right then and there with the actual name he went by not Ebba as he was a legend and a loving proud father all looked up to especially the immortal deities and angels.

"You mean he is THEE Xzander the younger brother of Ebba Darkmore the God of The Unknown Universe?! That place ceases to exist and hasn't for thousands of years!" Vegeta exclaimed aware of the story of these legendary saiyans and yet here he stood before them in search of the power to bring back the home he once lost because of his own selfish mistakes. Nova looked up at Xzander seeing his tail swishing dangerously close to her face as she used her tongue and crunched down on the saiyan's tail as he yelped before spinning round kicking her in the face hitting the sound reaming stuck on her side looking up at him with a serious expression.

"Tch! you are just as idiotic and useless like your father was before he abandoned the Universe he swore to protect! And yet here you are living a life of luxury with a family that isn't blood related, You were supposed to destroy the planet by now and yet it is still intact!" Xzander exclaimed shocking Nova who looked at Goku then away in shame which hurt not just him, but herself after hearing this coming out of his mouth.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!! I am not allowing you to continue to hurt this wonderful family just because you're jealous that Neoma chose Ebba after you cheated on her with some side chick whore!" Zorion butted in watching as Xzander looked over unfazed by the accusations despite only believing in his master who told him to never trust this monkey under no circumstances, the evil saiyan smirked after noticing Zorion glancing down on Nova who tried to sit herself up so he did the worse thing possible and stomped his foot down on her rubbing his heel into her side hurting the only power he needs to bring back his home. "Don't make me finish my master's job, Xzander. You should know by now that I take my position seriously as I will never let any evil like yourself go unpunished" Zorion was fueling on the rage as he got into his battle stance making the brother of a legend sigh disappointed retreating his foot from the one he was hurting before unexpectedly grabbing rope that had her heavily tied up pulling her back onto her feet as his tail easily broke the chains and ripped the ropes that held her feet together allowing her to stand in front of him half way in control of the blood moon state she was in.

"Like I said, boy. I only came here for one thing so back up if you want her to live" Xzander threatened putting his attention back onto Nova once again as he placed the palm of his hand in the middle of her chest and smirked. "This is gonna hurt a lot so.. don't die on Uncle Xzander sweetheart your father will kill me if you did, literally, hehe" He maniacally chuckled before closing his eyes inhaling a big breath as Zorion and Goku dashed over in an attempt to stop what was about to be done.. black and purple galactic coloured electricity began to come out of Nova as her agonizing screams of pain could be head knocking back everyone who tried to get in the way not even Zorion was able to get through.

"NOVA!?" They all yelled seeing and feeling by the tone of her screams that whatever he was doing was nothing in her favour, but his own selfish needs not caring about his own blood all because she wasn't his own. All everyone could do was watch and wait hoping that when this was all over Nova will still be alive even though by Xzander's tone that might be highly unlikely.

"I can feel it! The power grows within me!" He yelled overwhelmed by the power he was taking from this poor teen that was victimized over rage, jealousy and power this one saiyan wanted in order to bring back a world filled with endless potential that could or maybe end the entire Multiverse if not stopped. Nova's was trying her best to move her arms wanting to lock this power away before more is taken calling out for the help of Neoma in hopes of a solution to end this endless suffering.

"Um, other mum? Or Neoma, are you still here?! I kinda need your help or i'll end up dying because of this saiyan called Xzander" She called out until Neoma came out in a hurry when that name in particular was called cupping the teen's face with her hands feeling the fuzzy electricity feeling despite being in her conscious.

"I said not to let him touch you?! He's going to take ever last ounce of power you have if we don't do anything about it. Let me take over until I can get this monster off this planet before he destroys it" Neoma seemed to get pretty serious holding a hand out for Nova to take which would grant her full control in order to save Earth from complete construction. "Please.. trust me, I want to save your family as much as you do so allow me to do this one thing for my daughter so you can continue living a happy life with these people" Neoma knew that getting Nova to agree was going to be a tough battle and yet she was prepared to give anything about herself in order to gain it. It took the girl 5 minutes to decide grabbing Neoma's hand allowing the real controller take over and hope that she made the right decision to right what has been wronged.

to be continued...