The Courtiers gathered in the throne room the Guangzong Emperor followed by Eunuch Qin walked in and mounting the stairs that led to the dragon throne he settled down on it.

        "Greetings Your Majesty." Everyone said in unison and the Emperor smiling granted them ease that they stood upright.

        "Anything that you wish to bring forward today?" Emperor Guangzong asked and Minister Li walked up to the front.

       "Allow me Your Majesty." He said bowing his head that the Emperor nodded his head in approval.

       "Something seems to be bothering you." He muttered.

       "Your Majesty might as well know that the Great Song is florishing and it's about time that the succession was secured.

       We have been blessed by the heavens and now that the Prince Zhao Kuo is of age we wish that he too would learn to become more serious and concerned with the affairs of state." Minister Li said.

       "Father allowed him to discuss with some of the best young scholars, is that not enough?" Emperor Guangzong asked.

       "Humbly Your Majesty, peace can not be taken for granted and some day you'll need a successor to fill your shoes, the oldest and healthiest of the Prince's is Zhao Kuo who is also the son of the Empress but unless he is pushed I fear that he might not take things seriously." Minister Li replied.

      "So you are asking me to name him the Crown Prince?" Emperor Guangzong asked.

      "Your Majesty is wise." Minister Li replied.

      "I beg your pardon Your Majesty." General Wu said as he stepped up to the front.

      "Are you against Minister Li's proposition?" Emperor Guangzong asked.

      "It's not that I mean to be against it but the matter concerning the Crown Prince is an issue of the state and that said I believe even the senior members of the Imperial family should be consulted." General Wu said.

       "Is there any need for consultation?" Minister Li asked, "we all know well enough what the answer will be." He added.

       "Knowing it or not what makes the state orderly is that there is protocol." General Wu replied, "to put it all simply there's always a procedure that is to be followed when designating a Crown Prince." He added.

      "The Retired Emperor as a Senior Family member should offer his opinion on the matter Your Majesty." Minister Zhao Ruyu suddenly spoke up and General Li looking at him from where he was standing he paid keen attention.

      "Don't fight about this." Emperor Guangzong said.

       "If I may Your Majesty?" Minister Zhao Ruyu asked.

       "Speak up." Emperor Guangzong said.

       "You have ascended the throne not so long ago and furthermore the young Prince Zhao Kuo under the patronage of the Empress Dowager is still studying for the time being, it might sound reckless for me to say but there's no rush in appointing the Crown Prince perhaps for the state's safety without consultation of the Retired Emperor, his Blessing is as good a blessing from God and if we forego his opinion with such a crucial matter then I fear that it might not be too pleasant a sight to the people." Minister Zhao Ruyu said.

      "You all have your reasons and Zhao Ruyu as a Minister of Rites means to respect each of the customs, parents should be included in such a conversation and if I don't listen to what His Majesty the Retired Emperor has to say I fear that the future generations will instead regard me as unfilial." Emperor Guangzong said while Zhao Ruyu nodded along with a couple of other Courtiers.

       "We'll seek the counsel of the Empress Dowager and the Retired Emperor on this and if that's all you had for today the Assembly is hereby dismissed." Emperor Guangzong said.

       "Long Live Your Majesty." The Courtiers said in unison bowing their heads and Commander Wu and Zhao Ruyu along with the others descended the stairs that led from the throne room the Emperor himself having departed earlier.

       "It seems that the Empress was pushed off the edge after everything that happened in the Inner Court yesterday." General Wu said.

       "She seems to have felt some gravity amounting on her from Consort Huang's existence." Zhao Ruyu replied.

       "She is afraid of Consort Huang?" General Wu asked.

       "Consort Huang is the Emperor's favourite and worse I hear that she'd personally charged to her room on the issue of bewitching the Imperial Princess Consort." Zhao Ruyu replied.

       "Consort Huang must have been infuriated by it and now that it seems the Empress herself is still pushing further in my opinion she's preparing for any retaliation." General Wu said.

       "Surely they Emperor himself seems disinterested in choosing his successor so soon." Zhao Ruyu said.

       "He's not ready for any of this yet." General Wu replied.

       "But now it seems that the Court is going to turn upside down." Zhao Ruyu said.

       "Any one with half a brain can see that." General Wu remarked.

       "Impossible." Emperor Xiaozong said.

       "What's the problem Your Majesty?" Yang Meizi asked.

       "It's barely been two months with him on the throne." Emperor Xiaozong replied.

       "It's not a surprise." Yang Meizi said.

       "Those Courtiers sure are very greedy." The Emperor remarked, "wasn't it just them that wanted the Emperor?" He Asked.

       "I understand Your Majesty but getting angry won't solve anything." Yang Meizi said.

       "You seem to understand them well enough." Emperor Xiaozong said. 

       "I grew up with Her Highness so it's only natural that I know a number of them and perhaps I am not as stupid as of recent I have heard that Han Touzhou seems to be overly ambitious." Yang Meizi replied.

       "He has quite a personality that I can't help but think at times that he would be a crouching dragon." Emperor Xiaozong remarked.

       "Contrary to Your Majesty I believe there is only one crouching dragon." Yang Meizi said.

       "What are you proposing?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.

       "Your Majesty might be the Retired Emperor but a dragon nonetheless, if these Courtiers are really stubborn I believe no one can beat you to playing the stubborn game." Yang Meizi replied.

      "If only the Imperial grandson would spend some time around you then I wouldn't have to be worried about him dancing around Han Touzhou's finger." Emperor Xiaozong muttered.

       "I believe that Your Majesty has done enough, now it rests with him to put all that you have given him to the best use." Yang Meizi said.

       "Then do me a favor." Emperor Xiaozong said.

       "Anything you say Your Majesty." Yang Meizi replied.  

      "I heard that you are very good with the liberal Arts and he isn't the very best, I was hoping that perhaps you could lend him a hand." Emperor Xiaozong replied and Yang Meizi went quiet.

       "Can you do that for me?" The Emperor persistently asked.

        "Eunuch Qin is away, if I am not here who will tend to his Majesty?" Yang Meizi asked.

        "Thanks to you I realised how much I missed out but now perhaps I need to spend some more time with the Retired Empress that you don't have to worry about me." Emperor Xiaozong replied.

       "Very well then Your Majesty." Yang Meizi replied with a smile on her face and bowing her head she withdrew from the room as the Emperor smiled looking at her go away.

       She had travelled a distance from the hall when she stopped on top of the bridge and looked down at the pond underneath.

       She raised her eyes and looking at the second bridge that was across she caught sight of the Imperial grandson that was staring at her.

       For a while not breaking her gaze or letting his intimidate her they went silent and flashbacks from her past surrounding the deaths of the members of the Silver Fraternity including her mother and her Uncle appearing before her eyes she found herself shedding a few tears when Nuwa ceased her by the hand.

       "Are you alright Milady?" She asked.

       "I'm fine." Yang Meizi replied as she bowed her head and walked away while being accompanied by her ladies in waiting as the young Prince watched.

       "It seems that she really doesn't stand you." Lan He said.

       "She was in tears." Prince Zhao Kuo replied as he turned to Lan He.

       "It's the first time I have heard her crying about anyone else other than her foster mother Yang Cairen." Lan He muttered while the young Prince seemed immersed in his own thoughts.

       Yang Meizi barged into her room and walking up to the side she flung the doors open.

       There she approached a very small cupboard and with the little strength that she could find nearly in tears she opened it slowly to reveal the three memorial tablets that she had erected the first being for Zhang Shansheng, the second for Yang Cairen and the third for her uncle Zhang Shen.

       There she recalled the Emperor's orders as she remembered how she had watched the three die with her two hands.

       "Don't you worry." She comforted herself a cold expression all over her face when Nuwa walked in.

       "Milady." She called, "are you crying?" She asked.

       "I have got no tears left to cry." Yang Meizi said as she turned around and faced her in an instant seeming far too composed than she had ever been.

       "Are you sure Milady." Nuwa asked.

       "Now's not the time to be weak, merciful or remorseful." Yang Meizi replied and the latter bowed her head, "whatever it is that causes you to be afraid get rid of it." She demanded.

       "Yes Milady." Nuwa replied.

       "It's time that will tell." Yang Meizi said, "it's time that will make them all shed ten times as much tears of blood and time that I'll give the earth satiety with their corpses." She solemnly swore looking at their memorials right in front of her.

      "Push Your Highness." Qing Yi shouted while the Princess Consort Han tightening her grip on the white sheets she closed her eyes and bit the cloth in her mouth.

      Her veins appearing and herself sweating profusely the tears blended in as a light moan escaped her.

      "It's coming out Your Highness." Qing Yi cried and the Princess Consort tightened her grip on the bedsheets further taking a deep breath as she pushed.

      "Her Highness is bleeding to much." one of the ladies in waiting said while the others kept on removing the white pieces of cloth soaked in blood.

       Prince Zhao Kuo and his mother were marching from one end of the East Palace with his retinue while Yang Meizi and the Empress Dowager arrived from the other with theirs as well.

       Arriving at the intersection in front of the Princess Consort's Chambers they all looked at one another with the Empress Dowager staring coldly at the Empress while Yang Meizi tried to refrain her eyes from staring at the Imperial grandson very long.

       "Congratulations." Empress Wu muttered, "you are about to be a grandmother." She added.

       "The congratulations shouldn't entirely extend to me, you will also become a great great grand mother." Empress Li said.

       "Heaven is in deed merciful." Empress Dowager Wu remarked.

       "Nine months wait is finally over Your Highness." Empress Li said as well a smile all over her face while she turned and faced the raised quarters.

       "There's a few stairs, can your Highness manage?" Empress Li asked.

       "No worries, I am hardly vulnerable even in my old age, why so do you think I am alive until now?" Empress Dowager Wu asked as she offered her hand to Wan Mei who helped her up while Yang Meizi's eyes met the Empress'.

       "Your Highness." She greeted.

       "You came with the Empress Dowager?" Empress Li asked.

       "My instructions from His Majesty were to come here and report back to him, it's natural that I met the Empress Dowager on the way." Yang Meizi replied.

        "I see." Empress Li said.

        "After you Your Highness." Yang Meizi said.

       "Thank you." Empress Li replied as she mounted the six stairs and continued further up to the front of the room while the Imperial grandson coming closer she didn't wait for him to reach into close proximity when she mounted the stairs herself.

       "We're almost there Your Highness." Qing Yi said when the Princess Consort biting at her piece of cloth she gave one final push and at last sighing in relief the cries of ab infant emerged and were heard all over the compound.

      "The Child is here." The ladies in waiting said and Qing Yi looking at the child she smiled.

       "Congratulations Your Highness, it's a Prince." She said and the Princess Consort delighted the other midwives present in the room all went onto their knees and bowed their heads.

      "Long Live Your Highness." They said in unison as the young child was quickly handed over to it's mother who breastfed it and the others started tidying up the place.

       Everyone seemed anxious waiting outside after a while when the doors of the Chambers were opened and Qing Yi rushed in.

       "How is Her Highness?" Empress Dowager Wu asked.

       "In perfect Health." Qing Yi replied.

       "And the baby?" Empress Li asked.

       "It is a boy." Qing Yi replied with a smile on her face while the Empress seemed just as relieved hearing it.

       Prince Zhao Kuo's eyes travelled across to where Yang Meizi was standing and even if she was well aware that he was looking at her she didn't seem to make an effort trying to prove that she wasn't bothered by it.

       "Did you hear that my dear?" Empress Li asked as she turned to her own son absentminded for a short while it took him some time to reply.

       "Yes." He said.

       "We should go in." She demanded and the Prince nodding his head turned to Yang Meizi while the Empress Dowager noticed just how intense his gaze was.

       "I'll come in with you." Empress Dowager Wu said.

        "You must." Empress Li muttered as the three walked in while Yang Meizi remained staring at the floor blankly.

        "I laud your efforts." Prince Zhao Kuo said casually as he held the child in his hands.

        "They say he has your brilliant eyes and my slender nose." Princess Consort Han remarked.

        "He is in deed like an angel he reminds me of Zhao Kuo when he had also just been born." Empress Dowager Wu muttered.

        "Shouldn't we give him a name?" Empress Li asked.

        "Whatever His Highness decides, I'll simply do with it." Princess Consort Han replied and at once everyone quickly turned to the young father.

       "I was thinking that we call him Zhao Jun." He said.

       "Jun'er it is." Princess Consort Han said with a smile on her face while the Empress took the child from it's father's arms and looked at it.

       "There you go little boy." She said, "your father shall certainly cherish you." she added as she slowly shook it in her arms.

       "It's a son." Yang Meizi said as she bowed her head to the Emperor and the older seemed quite happy he stood up from where he was seated.

        "And how is the Empress?" He asked.

        "From the looks of it Her Highness seems excited." Yang Meizi replied and the Retired Emperor hearing those words he smiled while he slowly caressed his beard.

       "Then that's good news." He remarked.

       "For who Your Majesty?" Yang Meizi asked.

       "Everyone as it may seem?" Emperor Xiaozong replied and Yang Meizi sighed.

       "There appears to be something on your mind." He said.

       "Hearing this would be as pleasing to Han Touzhou, at last not only by marriage anymore and now by blood the Han Clan is affiliated to the Imperial House." Yang Meizi muttered.

       The Emperor was surprised to hear that coming from her.

       "That's inconsolable, yet you of all people understand?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.

       "I have served Your Majesty for a while and now I understand what really bothers you sometimes much as you don't wish to talk about it, you asked about the Empress it's only natural." Yang Meizi replied.

        "It's been a while now and Han Touzhou is quiet." Emperor Xiaozong remarked.

        "Does Your Majesty doubt his actions?" Yang Meizi asked.

        "It's hard to tell." Emperor Xiaozong replied, "a couple of times before I have received numerous leads and my faith in him has greatly reduced as none of them seem concrete." He added.

        "All politicians are discreet Your Majesty and none is perfect " Yang Meizi defended.

       "Some times it's too much and you there are people you can't help but doubt and suspect, had you been in my position you would understand." Emperor Xiaozong said.

        "But I don't want to understand." Yang Meizi replied.

        "Why is that?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.

        "The people outside call you benevolent, however His Highness is called only filial, if you give people the impression of suspicion, you are only cutting off your own arms and feet." Yang Meizi said.

        "So you are saying I should ignore my conscience?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.

        "He who gets interested last digs deepest, if your Majesty is willing to embrace that doubt then you shouldn't be willing to let a thing or two hold you back which means that you can't become to partial or too kind or too guilty." Yang Meizi replied, "tell me Your Majesty, can you not feel any of these?" She asked.

       The Emperor kept quiet while she smiled bowing her head.

       "It's only natural for someone like you." She said.

       "I believe now that it's hard." The Emperor remarked.

       Han Touzhou seated in his Chambers Lin Xue quickly rushed in with a smile on his face.

       "Congratulations Your Excellency, Her Highness has given birth to a son." He said and Han Touzhou hearing this he quickly stood up with a smile on his face as well.

       "And what's the child's condition?" He asked.

       "His Highness is in perfect health." Lin Xue replied and Han Touzhou quickly faced the window and walked up to it.

       "At last our own Imperial grandson, both in our flesh and blood." Han Touzhou remarked.

       "With this child the Crown Princess position is as good as secure." Lin Xue said.

       "But it's not as easy for this war has just started." Han Touzhou muttered, "there's very many people out there that are looking forward to the death of that child and I can't be guaranteed that the Empress Dowager is not one of them and does not harbour such thoughts." Han Touzhou muttered.

      "Don't worry Your Excellency, I believe that the Princess Consort can take very good care of herself and her entire retinue is devoted." Lin Xue said.

      "Devotion is not a solution." Han Touzhou remarked, "Devotion is only a precaution." He added, "It wasn't your devotion that saved me from the economic disaster, it rather gives me the strength to fight trusting that there's someone by my side." Han Touzhou said.

      "Yes Your Excellency." Lin Xue replied.

      "This is good news for us all, just convey my congratulations to Her Highness and pick out some gifts for her and the child." Han Touzhou ordered.

       "Yes Your Excellency." Lin Xue replied as he withdrew from the room.

        "An Imperial grandson, this is bad on our side." Bo An said.

        "Han Touzhou is now firm Milady and with the support of many others I doubt that he'll he harder to topple." Bao Langya said.

       "You know that the Courtiers are looking for affiliations to the Imperial house and there are rumors circulating that with the Empress Dowager already very old it'll be difficult for her influence to last much longer." Shi Miyuan said.

       Yang Meizi who seemed absent minded won their attention as they realised she was hardly moving.

      "Are you even listening to us?" Bo An asked.

      "That child is innocent and it's merely a pawn in this Political game." Yang Meizi said.

       "Even pawns can become the most powerful pieces on the board and not to mention that young boy being likely to become the future Emperor, an Emperor of the Han Clan would only grant his grandfather more power." Bo An said.

       "That's not guaranteed." Yang Meizi replied.

       "So you will turn a deaf ear to this?" Bao Langya said.

       "What can men do to oppose the will of heaven, how many first horns have become Emperors, throughout history a number of children died in infancy, and under the dragon throne could you possibly tell me how many of them were expected to be the sons of heaven?" Yang Meizi asked with a smile on her face they all kept quiet, "if heaven gives me a reason to fear this child then I'll deal with it, without it I am afraid these are small mistakes that must be overlooked." She added as she stood up from where she was seated.

       "What are we going to do now?" Bao Langya.

       "Proceed with the usual, after all, the Palace is soon going to get livelier." Yang Meizi replied as she turned around and walked out while Nuwa followed.

       "Sometimes it's hard for me to tell what she is thinking." Bo An remarked.

       "But without her we wouldn't have been where we are right now." Shi Miyuan said.

       "Of course as a Marquis of the Third rank you must in deed feel indebted to her." Bao Langya said.

       "And that's why regardless of the fact whether I know what she is thinking or not, I simply choose to trust and believe in her." Shi Miyuan said and smiling he stood up and walked out of the room as well.

       "Milady, about the Palace being lively, what did you mean?" Nuwa asked.

       "Consort Huang has a reason to act and that is why when she does I'll hope that it can give the Empress a very big blow." Yang Meizi replied.

      "What if it doesn't?" Nuwa asked.

      "Then we'll make it happen." Yang Meizi replied as they continued their way.

      Consort Huang lay in her bed and the Imperial physician was checking for her pulse.

       "How is Her Highness?" Ping'er asked.

       "What happened to her?" The physician asked.

      "She wasn't feeling well since morning and she was feeling a little bit nauseous, she had a fever and a slight cold with a loss of appetite but I didn't think that it would be this serious." Ping'er replied.

      "How old are you." The man asked.

      "Twenty six years." Ping'er replied.

      "Do you not know these signs?" The physician asked as he turned to her.

      "I don't dare to assume Sir, you know as well as I do that you can never be too careless with your tongue unless you are sure you can survive any hurdle that it may bring." I Ping'er replied.

      "The good news is that it's nothing serious and since the Guifei is young she herself might have not noticed." The Imperial physician remarked.

      "Then what is it?" Ping'er asked.

      "A slippery pulse." The physician replied.

      "That can only mean....?" Ping'er said when he interrupted.

      "Her Highness is with child." The physician replied with a smile on her face it didn't take long enough for the young woman to feel overjoyed.

      At the same time Consort Huang opened her eyes.

      "Anyone there?" She asked.

      "Your Highness is awake?" Ping'er said as she rushed to her side.

      "What happened?" She asked.

      "Congratulations Your Highness." Ping'er said with a smile on her face. 

      "Your Highness is with child." The doctor muttered and Consort Huang alarmed she stood upright and looked at the both of them while they looked certain of what they were saying.

      "Is this true?" She persistently asked.

      "Yes." The Imperial physician confirmed and the latter hearing for herself she smiled ghastly.

      "Alas, a child of my own." She said, "and none can dare touch me because that would be treason." She added.

      "So shan't the Empress." Ping'er said.

      Empress Li furious she let go of the cup in her grip as if fell down onto the ground.

      "Calm down Your Highness." Liu Zhan said, after all you are still the Empress. " She added.

       "How could I possibly be calm when that little wench is carrying the blood of my husband in her womb?" Empress Li calmed down.

       "You can't Your Highness." Ping'er said.

       "And why not?" Empress Li asked, "am I the one taking orders from you?" She demanded loudly while Ping'er only mastered up the courage to speak. 

       "At this point touching both her and the Imperial child will be considered treason." Ping'er said.

       "Over the years how many palace babies have died, some without the Emperor himself knowing and now you are asking me to spare one woman?" Empress Li asked.

       "The Huang Clan is behind her Your Majesty.' Ping'er replied.

      "And what is the Huang Clan?" Empress Li asked, "they are all but too small, I am on the other hand more powerful and I run this harem."she said, "if I have to spare even one of the sons born of those lowly women then I fear that I shall be destroying the future of my own son with my own hands." Empress Li muttered.

      "But if you are branded a rebel....?" Ping'er asked.

      "What can the whole lot of those Courtiers do to me?" Empress Li replied while smiling ghastly.

      Consort Huang seated in her Chambers and caressing her small belly the doors were flung open and the Emperor Guangzong rushed in.

       "Greetings Your Majesty." Consort Huang said gracefully lightly bowing her head.

       "Is what I am hearing true?" Emperor Guangzong asked.

       "Yes, I am with an Imperial child." Consort Huang replied and the Emperor so delighted he pulled her into a hug while lightly pulling away he placed his hand on the small belly.

      "I can feel it kicking." He said.

      "Three months it's still too young to kick Your Majesty." Consort Huang remarked.

      "What would you know, is there any greater joy than feeling your own flesh?" Emperor Guangzong asked.

      "Enlighten me Your Majesty." Consort Huang said.

      "This child shall certainly be our little miracle." Emperor Guangzong said.

      "I'm glad that even Your Majesty thinks so." Consort Huang remarked happily as she slowly rested her head on the Emperor's chest and Ping'er ordering all the other ladies in waiting they quickly withdrew from the hall.

      Yang Meizi sat in her room still lost in thought and her white night gowns falling loose on her body she stared at her Court lady robes in a distance.

       The doors of the room being flung open Nuwa quickly rushed in.

       "Big News Milady." She said.

       "Tell me." Yang Meizi demanded.

       "Consort Huang is confirmed to be pregnant with an Imperial child." Nuwa Said.

       "Should I be happy?" Yang Meizi asked as she looked at Nuwa who looked down.

       "I don't know." Nuwa replied. 

       "I had a dream about my mother Yang Cairen yesterday night, looking at her she was screaming as Consort Huang's poison slowly consumed her body, I could see her empty eyes staring at me and in an instant her body was soulless yet of all things the most annoying was that the Guifei standing not so far from where I was smiled ghastly as though something had been lifted of her chest and my hands wet I realised that they were just so much drenched in blood." Yang Meizi said.

      "I'm sorry Your Highness." Nuwa said.

      "You shouldn't be." Yang Meizi replied as she stood up from where she was seated and she approached her jobs.

       "Since young I had always imagined that I would be happy to watch my mother grow old, I imagined that I would live a carefree life in the mountains and the forests hunting and surviving on the fire for warmth, that perhaps either Bo An or Bao Langya would be my husband but who would have thought that an innocent girl like me would be destined to be a very lonely Lady in waiting now looking at the person that I love but unable to be with them?" Yang Meizi asked, "I have lived under the same roof with my enemies devoted all the years of my early youth to scheming and now I am more afraid than ever that I no longer understand what I have become myself." she said.

       "They did this to us Milady, they did this to you." Nuwa consoled.

       "Will I be bad enough to send them both to hell like they did to my dearest family?" Yang Meizi asked.

        "No Milady." Nuwa replied.

        "Every injustice has its perpetrator." Yang Meizi said, "and if it all goes well for the time being then we shall get rid of those two devils alike." She added.

        "What would you wish for me to do Your Highness?" Nuwa asked.

        "It's not yet certain what Consort Huang thinks of the Empress and we aren't as certain ourselves what the Empress is thinking.

        We can't take for granted the calm appearance of the waters on the surface and claim that they are turbulent underneath until they can boil before our eyes and we can come to in deed see them banging against the rocks one by one breaking them." Yang Meizi said as she turned around and looked at Nuwa.

      "You are right Milady." Nuwa remarked.

      "Let's set the Palace up in arms, we are going to throw the first stone." Yang Meizi confirmed and Nuwa in an instant understanding what she meant she quickly withdrew from the room.

       Yang Meizi then turning to her Head Lady uniforms she touched them with her left hand and felt their quality underneath her fingers.

       "Head Lady or not, I am going to push you down the hell you dug for me." She swore to herself.

       Consort Huang in her Chambers a couple of Ladies in waiting rushed in and amongst them there was a little girl that was standing at the back and holding in her hands a couple of clothes while the one at the front held a tray with a small bowl containing medicine.

      "Immediately approaching the Guifei Ping'er took the bowl.

       "It's time for your medicines Your Highness." She muttered and the Consort sitting up in bed those holding her clothes moved to the front and Ping'er lifting the spoon to feed her, the other bumped into her setting both the bowl and the spoon to pour on the silver ornaments that had been placed before her.

      "You wench." Ping'er scolded at her as she stood up ready to hit her.

      "Your Highness." Another cried pointing at the sheet and Consort Huang coming to her senses she looked down at the ornaments that were slowly turning black.

       Shocked she stood up from where she was seated.

       "A very lethal poison?" Ping'er remarked.

       "Had she not done this then?" Consort Huang remarked.

       "Who did this?" Ping'er scolded.

       "Pardon us Your Highness, we didn't do anything." All the ladies in waiting said as they fell onto their knees.

       "Don't torture them." Consort Huang said.

       "Why shouldn't I?" Ping'er asked.

       "We all know the one person that would want the death of this child more than anything else." Consort Huang said while looking at her.

       "Could it be?" She asked asked and the Consort nodding her head she picked up a shard of the broken bowl and looked at it.

       "Then I must have bothered her too soon." Consort Huang muttered looking at Ping'er who ordered the other ladies in waiting out while they withdrew without any hesitation.

       "It's now clear." She muttered.

       "I want you to examine the poison on this bowl and have my Palace entirely cut off from the outside, spread some rumours that I am not feeling well because we can't let the Empress know that I am in a perfect condition." Consort Huang ordered.

       "Yes Milady." Ping'er replied as she withdrew from the room at once while Consort Huang looked down at the ornaments and then back at the soaked carpet.

       "Is that what you want to play to Your Highness?" She asked, "no worries as I shall certainly play along." She added while she smiled.

       Liu Zhan rushed into Empress Li's Chambers where she found Chiyun Ling tending to her hair and helping her dress up.

       "Urgent news Your Highness." She said while bowing her head.

        "Is it concerning that Consort Huang tramp?" Empress Li asked.  

        "I heard that outside the Palace there is an old man out in the streets that was claiming to be a fortune teller who turned blood to water." Liu Zhan said.

       "Those are rumours, please assure me that you are not a fan and believer of those foolish superstitions." Empress Li said.

       "Certainly not Your Highness but when someone asked him the meaning of this miracle he replied saying that an Imperial Prince will be born to the Emperor and would be the Advent of our Empire's greatness." Liu Zhan replied and the Empress surprised she widened her eyes.

       "What did you say?" She asked.

       "As you heard Your Highness, an Imperial Prince will be born to the Emperor and would be the Advent of our Empire's greatness." Liu Zhan replied.

      "That News hasn't been released from the Palace." Empress Li muttered.

       "Maybe one of the ladies in waiting passed it on but Your Highness must know well that it's quite common for such alarming information to spread beyond the Palace walls." Chiyun Ling remarked.   

       "Are they saying that my son Zhao Kuo is not enough?" Empress Li asked.

       "If I may Your Highness?" Chiyun Ling asked.

       "What is it?" Empress Li asked.

       "People want superstitions to believe in and it's not natural for someone to turn blood into water and even if it was a magic trick the masses remain rather ignorant." Chiyun Ling replied.

      "And what is it you are trying to imply?" Liu Zhan asked.

       "Think about it, if Consort Huang were to hear about this, it's likely she'll grow overly confident and use this alone to bolster that status of hers and that of her unborn child, furthermore knowing those greedy Courtiers they'd in an instant abandon your side and then quickly curry favour with her." Chiyun Ling replied.

       "Such a perfect opportunity at her exposal." Liu Zhan remarked.

       "I suppose that I in deed underestimated her." Empress Li said.

      "If we don't do something about Consort Huang then I am afraid that she'll become very daring." Chiyun Ling said.

       "We'll see how well it goes for her." Empress Li said.

       "Has Your Highness thought of anything?" Liu Zhan asked.

       "It's better to test the waters first before we can react, pass this News to Consort Huang and make sure that she hears it with her two ears, I don't want to rely on the mere fact that themselves having been spread she must have naturally heard them." Empress Li replied.

       "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied and bowing her head she walked out of the room.

       "You are in deed smart." Empress Li complimented Chiyun Ling.

       "I can't be too stupid serving Your Highness otherwise I'd end up losing my head and then putting your life in danger which will make me a very unfaithful servant." Chiyun Ling replied with a smile on her face.

       "Keep that up and be strong for me, I assure you that then I'll help you reach greater heights."  Empress Li remarked.

       "Yes Your Highness." Chiyun Ling replied.

       The Imperial physician stared at the bowl and then pulling it closer to his nose he smelled it while Ping'er was watching.

       He then stood up from where he was seated and moved over to his shelf and pulling out a small trunk he opened it and started testing the components that were inside one by one.

      Eventually he got one small piece and brought it closer to Ping'er.

      "What is it Sir?" She asked.

      "It's normal arsenic." The physician replied, except that there's a little more added to it." He added.

      "What is it?" Ping'er asked.

      "Botulinum." The physician replied.

      "The mixture of the two?" Ping'er asked.

      "It could spark off the worst of deaths." The physician responded.

      "Certainly." Ping'er replied.

      "Let me ask, what's it doing in this bowl?" He asked.

      "Someone attempted to poison Consort Huang." Ping'er replied.

       "Who could dare?" The physician asked.

       "You and I know the one person that wouldn't want to see this child being born." Ping'er replied.

       "The Empress?" The physician asked.

       "She'd sever anything that could link her to the murder but it's without a doubt." Ping'er replied.

       "I never thought that she would certainly take it too far." The physician muttered.

       "You'll get used to her I'll temper sooner or later." Ping'er said.

       "Arsenic and botulinum?" Consort Huang asked.

       "Yes Your Highness." Ping'er replied.

       "Prepare me a similar combination." Consort Huang said.

       "Your Highness?" Ping'er said so surprised.

       "This is a clear threat to my face and it seems that the both of us can not exist in this Palace together." Consort Huang said furiously.

       "But if you fail Your Highness?" Ping'er asked.

       "I am tired of leaving in her shadow and today she attempted to harm both myself and my child so how is it that I could probably spare her?" Consort Huang said, "if I can not kill her then both myself and my child will never rid ourselves of that demon and I would never rule to us harem." She added.

      "Very well Your Highness." Ping'er said while her mistress stood in from where she was seated and descended the stairs towards her.

      "She is very good at burying others, I wish to see if she will also feel very good having a taste of her own medicine." Consort Huang muttered as she smiled ghastly.

       Yang Meizi arriving into the Retired Emperor's Chambers she was left alone with him.

       Watching him dozing in a distance she moved closer until she was standing by her side and picking up the memorials and piling them she caught sight of the one that was in front of him and couldn't help but read through curiously.   

       "Khan Talha?" She asked herself.

       "Your Majesty?" She called as he opened up his eyes and sat upright.

       "Yes." He said.

       "You fell asleep." Yang Meizi replied.

       "I didn't realize that." Emperor Xiaozong said.

      "You look exhausted." Yang Meizi said.

      "What to do?" Emperor Xiaozong asked, "I heard that there is a rich Monghol merchant in the city and he's giving the noblemen and the Ministers loans however I can't help but wonder where he could have gotten all that money." He added.

       "The Monghols are known to have so much gold in their land, it's natural that he has that much money." Yang Meizi replied.

       "Oh yes." Emperor Xiaozong said, "how's the Consort Huang, I heard that she is also with child?" He asked.

       "I heard that she wasn't feeling well and she's resting." Yang Meizi replied.

       "Why?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.

       "No one from the Xuanying Palace has given us that much detailed information." Yang Meizi replied.

       "I see." Emperor Xiaozong said.

       "It would be good for Noble Consort Huang to be graced by Your Majesty's presence, furthermore His Majesty will also feel honoured." Yang Meizi said.

      "I'll see to it." Emperor Xiaozong said.

      "I shall inform Xuanying Palace." Yang Meizi said as she headed out of the room leaving him still reviewing the memorial.

       "Your Highness?" Chiyun Ling said as she barged into the Empress' Chambers bearing with herself a small box while being accompanied by a couple of ladies in waiting.

        The Empress with Liu Zhan surprised by her reaction quickly lowered the books she was looking through and looked up at her.

       "What's this fuss all about?" She asked.

       "Your Ginseng tea." Chiyun Ling replied as she opened the trunk in front of her.

       "It's about time." she muttered.

       "Pardon our carelessness Your Highness but the tea was poisoned." Chiyun Ling said and the Empress widening her eyes in surprise she stood up and looked at her.

       "Poisoned?" she asked while Chiyun Ling looked at one of the ladies in waiting he moved up to the Empress' feet bowing her head.

       "I saw Lady Ping'er walking out of our Xuanying Palace kitchen suspiciously and at the time Lady Chiyun and the others found me looking at her, we found it suspicious and went inside to check and we noticed that your tea had been moved so we picked it up while Lady Chiyun smelt it." The lady in waiting said.

      "What?" Empress Li asked.

      "I may have forgotten to tell Your Highness but I knew a thing or two about poisons, this is like ordinary arsenic but there are some traces of botulinum." Chiyun Ling replied, "you can consult with a physician if you are not willing to believe me." She added.

      "I know those two poisons too well." Empress Li muttered, "but I didn't expect that in such a short time she would be so brazen." She added.

      "We can't overlook this Your Highness." Liu Zhan said.

      "And I can not tell the Emperor otherwise he's under her spell he'll hardly have enough time to believe me thinking that I am just coming up with excuses." Empress Li muttered.

      "Had it not been for Chiyun Ling we wouldn't have known what she is up to." Liu Zhan said.

       "No worries, she dared to strike first she can not blame me for retaliating." Empress Li said, "I'll now show her who rules the Harem and why." She added as she smiled ghastly.

       Yang Meizi returned to her Chambers and joined by Nuwa she slowly started to undress her.

      "How's everything?" Yang Meizi asked.

      "It's well done Milady." Nuwa replied.

      "The Empress couldn't tolerate herself having been a target and Consort Huang either, if the both of them can tear off their own faces wouldn't it be better to say that we tore off their guises?" Yang Meizi asked.

       "Perhaps." Nuwa replied, "what are we going to do though?" She asked.

       "Watch." Yang Meizi replied, "we have done our best part so the rest is up to them." She added as she smiled at herself ghastly.

       "Consort Huang was nearly poisoned?" Empress Dowager Wu asked Wan'er.

       "It's what I have come to hear Your Highness." Wan'er replied

       "How so could it possibly be?" Empress Dowager Wu asked, "could the Empress brazenly do that?" She said.

       "A mixture of arsenic and botulinum was slipped into Consort Huang's daily anti abortifacient." Wan'er replied.

        "Even if everyone were to blame the Empress without any proof she'd still confidently stand up for herself moreso she would get rid of the Guifei of the Huang Clan once and for all." Empress Dowager Wu said.

        "I believe that now Her Highness has gone a bit too far." Wan'er remarked.

        "We can't underestimate her capabilities, we know very well what she is very good at." Empress Dowager Wu said.

       "It's harder to keep an eye on her." Wan Mei remarked.

       "Of course Yang Meizi had seen to this so she must know a thing or two." Empress Dowager Wu said.

       "Shall I summon her?" Wan'er asked.

       "Surely, I must see her." Empress Dowager Wu replied.

       Shi Miyuan was walking in the Palace with Dong Hua when he halted at the top of a pavilion and stood there gazing around.

       "You said that someone wanted an audience with you?" Dong Hua asked.

       "There's no doubt who it could be." Shi Miyuan said.

       Suddenly he caught sight of another retinue that was approaching him and after the guards at the front moved to the side he saw the Imperial grandson mounting the stairs and walking towards him with his hands at the back.

        "Your Highness." He and Dong Hua said in unison while bowing their heads and offering him their salutations.

       "I thought that you wouldn't make it." Prince Zhao Kuo said.

       "Any problem with me?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "Did you not see the letter?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "It was you?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "Were you expecting someone else?" The Prince asked and Shi Miyuan smiled.

       "Your Highness would have time to think about me?" He asked.

       "Should I not?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "Given our positions it's only unimaginable." Shi Miyuan replied.

       "I understand." Prince Zhao Kuo muttered as he walked closer to him, "but a cup of tea wouldn't hurt that's if you don't mind." He added.

       "Would I have my head spared if I refused?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "You are overly confident on one hand and the other I don't know what I can not do, similarly we are stubborn you could say but I was hoping that we would get to know each other." Prince Zhao Kuo said with a smile on his face as he pointed at the table on his right where a tea set had already been arranged.

       "Alright." Shi Miyuan replied and the two moving towards the table they sat down.

       Shi Miyuan touched his cup and started running his finger around the body feeling it's warmth.

       "Say what you have to say Your Highness." He demanded.

       "Do you love Head Lady Yang?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "What if I said yes?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "That would be treason." Prince Zhao Kuo said.

       "What if I told you that I wouldn't mind even if I had to lose my head?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       The Prince kept quiet.

       "Or perhaps you don't cherish her that much to be ready to lose your life in doing so?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "What would you know?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "You can't have everything Your Highness." Shi Miyuan said.

       "You are asking me to give up?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "Devote your all or not I don't mind but if you were hoping that we'd reach a negotiation over our true feelings for her then Your Highness must be mistaken as I don't wish to have this conversation with you over and over again you can rest assured that I won't give up on her." Shi Miyuan said as he picked up his cup of tea and sipped it.

       "I would kill you." Prince Zhao Kuo said.

       "The top scholar in the land?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "That won't hold me back." Prince Zhao Kuo muttered.

       "But the possibility of her hating forever will." Shi Miyuan replied, "who knows, what if she also killed herself because you'd raise your hand and kill me?" He asked.

       "You are too headstrong." Prince Zhao Kuo said.

       "We are both too stubborn." Shi Miyuan replied.

       "After all." Prince Zhao Kuo muttered.

       "You are now a father, ever wondered what would be of your children, I heard the Empress chopped a ladies body parts and put them in a trunk because of her jealousy what's the difference between her and Princess Consort Han or other concubines of yours?" Shi Miyuan asked, "you all are confident leaving in these walls that are very cold how often is it that you think of how turbulent it is for the women?" Shi Miyuan asked.

       "I didn't think you'd understand too well." Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "Because I understand Head Lady Yang and because she can share with me her burdens, the stories of her life and her deepest secrets along with her feelings and emotions." Shi Miyuan replied, "tell me Your Highness, have you even felt what I am talking about?" He asked.

        "You dare speak to His Highness like that?" Lan He asked.

        "You'd stoop so low to ask me to come hear and convince me to give up but you forget that I am not afraid of the Zhao, the Li and the Han Clans." Shi Miyuan said, "if Your Highness wished to have the world in your hands then get up and fight me for it like a real man." He added as he stood up and bowed his head before withdrawing.

      Prince Zhao Kuo furious he looked around and caught sight of Yang Meizi who standing nearby she quickly walked up to him and bowed her head.

       "May I have a word with Your Highness?" She asked.

        "Yes." Prince Zhao Kuo replied.

       "I wasn't expecting you here." Prince Zhao Kuo said.

       "And neither was I." Yang Meizi replied.

       "I'm sorry." Prince Zhao Kuo muttered.    

       "You shouldn't be." Yang Meizi said, "what is it that you think you have done wrong?" She asked with a smile on her face.

       He kept quiet.

       "Maybe you would know what I am about to say." She spoke up.

       "Are you also going to scold me about him?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "We all have boundaries and we each have private lives, hopefully Your Highness understands well that your business with the Princess Consort isn't my business just like my business with Shi Miyuan isn't Your Highness'." Yang Meizi replied.

       "Really?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked, "Is that all you think about me?" He added.  

       "Your Highness is a Prince." Yang Meizi said.

       "So what?" Prince Zhao asked.

       "Above everything else what I despise the most is the blood that flows through your veins and furthermore You're all too good at looking down on people." Yang Meizi replied.

     "Then teach me how to look at you." Prince Zhao Kuo asked a sad expression on his face while Yang Meizi looking closely she didn't seem bothered but preferred to lower her head.

      "I am ambitious, there are things about me that you shouldn't know, I fight fire with fire, return misery with misery, I never have to worry about heartbreak or disappointment because I don't dare put too much faith in people." Yang Meizi said.

      "But with Shi Miyuan you keep trying." Prince Zhao Kuo remarked.

       "Because he makes me feel special, I lose my head when I am around him forget that breathing is hard and I hold onto his every dear memory with me, for Your Highness, this heart can't move so I wish to ask you to withdraw your affections because for me if you are not him then regardless of how hard you try, I promise you that you will never come close." Yang Meizi said while she stood up.

      "Please, don't go." Prince Zhao Kuo said.

      "I am the Retired Emperor's head Lady, not the Imperial grandson's nanny." Yang Meizi said.

      "If you go, I don't know what I can stop myself from doing." Prince Zhao Kuo said, "I don't know how much longer I can hold on to the anger inside me and I can't guarantee that it'll end here." He added.

      "The blood of the Li Clan flows through your veins after all." Yang Meizi remarked with a smile on your face, "you will keep fighting to get what you want." She added.

      "At least this you know." Prince Zhao Kuo muttered.

      "I also will keep fighting until I get what it is that I want." Yang Meizi said as she turned and with her whole retinue she marched away while the Prince smacked the table with his fists.

       "Calm down Your Highness." Lan He said.

       "Shi Miyuan is a very remarkable young talent, which of the other Imperial Princesses and Ladies would match his temper?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.

       "Your Highness, are you thinking of a marriage alliance?" Lan He asked.

       "I can not be blamed for how far I have been dragged." Prince Zhao Kuo replied.

       "But the decision of Imperial marriages with family members rests with the Empress Dowager." Lan He remarked.

       "Worry not, time shall certainly be on our side." Prince Zhao Kuo assured.

       Yang Meizi descending the stairs of the pavilion she halted in front of the Princess Consort Han.

       "Your Highness." She greeted.

       "It's quite rare to find a person that infuriates the Imperial grandson." Princess Consort Han Said.

       "I just speak in Your Highness' best interests and perhaps I am very arrogant because of the Empress Dowager's protection, when I think about it am I entirely wrong for only being commensurate to the Emperor?" Yang Meizi asked.

      "Perhaps you are right my dear." Princess Consort Han remarked, "but you can only remain loyal to one that can protect your head." She added.

       "Serving another other than the Emperor treason, tell me Your Highness, which crime is bigger than this?" Yang Meizi asked.

       "Then when he becomes the Emperor will you continue to serve him?" Princess Consort Han asked.

       "As long as he can save my neck Your Highness." Yang Meizi replied.

       "If all the others in the Palace were as faithful as you are?" Princess Consort Han asked.

       "How I wish!" Yang Meizi exclaimed with a smile on her face that the Princess Consort returned it.

       "Then I won't detain you any longer, I understand how busy you must be." Princess Consort Han said and Yang Meizi bowing her head she walked past proudly while the latter turned around to look at her slowly vanishing from sight.