Emperor Ningzong opened the doors of the small room and walking up towards the centre he saw Yang Meizi lying down in bed while Manyin and Xiaoyang tended to her with the Imperial physician.

        Acknowledging his presence they quickly stood up and they bowed their heads to him.

        "Your Majesty." They offered their salutation but ignoring them he halted at the bed side where he saw Yang Meizi sound asleep, with her lips dark and purple there were bags under her eyes and she had become more pale.

        "How is she?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

        "She's survived only narrowly, the poison didn't get too deep." The Imperial physician replied.

         "How long until she wakes up?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

         "We're not certain Your Majesty, we can as well hope for the best and leave the rest to the heavens to decide." The old man said but the Emperor holding him by the collar dragged him closer to himself.

         "I am asking you to try harder someone's life is on the line." Emperor Ningzong said furiously.

         "Your Majesty?" Lan He intervened after seeing the situation getting out of hand thx young Emperor seemed to come back to his senses then he looked at his hands for a moment before he turned to see Lady Yang who was still lying there quietly as though she were dead.

        "How did everything come to this?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

        "Ma'am was concerned when she returned from seeing Court Lady Cao and the first thing she demanded was poison in a bowl to which we didn't think much, before she consumed it, she only said that whatever she was doing she was doing for Your Majesty." Xiaoyang replied.

        "Yes Sure." Manyin agreed as well.

        "She'd actually do it for me?" Emperor Ningzong asked himself as he studied her for a while when the doors of the room were opened and through them, Eunuch Deng walked in.

       "Please come with me Your Majesty, the daily assembly is about to start." He said as he bowed his head to the Emperor who was short of words to say.

         "Get my robes ready." Emperor Ningzong ordered.

         "Yes Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng said as he withdrew from the room leaving the g our alone with the unconscious Yang Meizi.

          "Be sure to watch her until I say that I you can stop." Emperor Ningzong muttered.

          "You don't have to worry about a thing Your Majesty." Manyin said.

          "We shall surely look after Ma'am Your Majesty." Xiaoyang said as the young man turned and walked out of the room the moment that he got outside Yang Meizi opened her eyes and with the might that she could find she stood up and smiled ghastly at herself.

          "Did you really think that you were the only person that could play the dead Nuwa?" She asked herself contently she laughed slightly on top of her voice.

         "Even Lady Yang poisoned herself?" Empress Han asked.

         "Yes Your Highness." Qing Yi replied.

         "And I wonder what it could be that those two are trying do hard to pull off?" Empress Han remarked.

         The Courtiers murmuring amongst themselves, Eunuch Deng appeared ahead.

         "His Majesty deigns you with his presence." He announced and the doors of the room being flung open the Ningzong Emperor walked down while carrying his ceremonial tablet while they fell into silence and bowed their heads on either side of the room.

        Through the aisle he reached the bottom of the footsteps that led to the dragon throne and mounting them gracefully he was set up on top of the world as he lowered himself onto it.

        "Long live His Majesty." They said in unison.

        "At ease." He replied and they each stood upright.

        "You'll forgive me that I have stalled the assembly for a while, it's just that there was an issue in the harem which was a very personal affair." Emperor Ningzong said.

         "We also choose to speak in the welfare of the harem." Han Touzhou said as he moved out and bowing his head to the Emperor Zhao Ruyu still standing watched while the latter continued.

        "If I may?" He said.

        "Proceed." Emperor Ningzong replied and he smiled.

        "The world is in chaos and the ministers are tense, it is already the second day and the Concubine selections appear to be stalled as a number of people seem to have noticed that the receipients of the Emperor's flowers haven't left, and up until now, even those with his sachets haven't served Your Majesty well." Han Touzhou said.

        "Your Excellency sure knows what is going on in the harem, but I recall that this is the Emperor's personal affair and not yours." Left Chancellor Zhao Ruyu remarked.

        "Isn't it so Your Excellency?" Grand Chancellor Shi Hao asked.

        "The rumours escaping the Palace it could be that the rules aren't too strict and the servants too lax, I was merely worried for His Majesty's well-being should there be Scoundrels that are colluding to poison his reputation and by nature the Empress is Virtuous and upright, kind and gentle, without the clear affections of your Majesty towards the ladies, decorum forbids her from acting on any of these girls until the hierarchy has been established and the seniority well taught in the inner Court." Han Touzhou muttered.

         "His Excellency the Grand Chancellor cares deeply for my family I am moved, the Empress is in deed virtuous and I am giving her a very hard time, but you can not blame me there's still one more final day to the Concubine selections and then I can assure you that by tomorrow, we shall have dealt with everything accordingly and I shall make known to the Empress the ladies of the Palace." Emperor Ningzong said.

        "Your Majesty is Sage." Han Touzhou said and all the Courtiers bowing to him he shook his head with contentment.

        "All other issues can be brought forth as well." He remarked and the Imperial Court appeared to go into a deeper session.

        He threw the doors of his Chambers open and walking out towards the training grounds he was escorted by Lan He and Eunuch Deng and he stopped in front of the arrow targets.

         "Give me a bow and arrow." He said and Eunuch Deng responding immediately laid the golden dragon bow in his hands he took an arrow in his right and then he aimed at a distance.

         "The Empress is Virtuous and upright, huh!" He Said as he shot the first arrow it was so far out of range.

         "Please appease your anger Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng Said.

         "What could possibly make me appease my anger." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "Did Your Majesty not see that coming?" Lan He asked as the Emperor drew the bow and released the arrow from his grip it hit slightly closer to the bullseye.

          He finally halted and turned around and looked at the two.

         "Do you really think so?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

         "Your Majesty must surely have thought out a solution to everything." Eunuch Deng said.

         "Two women each bedridden because of poison, are very close friends I trust." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "Did Your Majesty not give Lady Yang a flower?" Lan He asked.

          "The flower isn't what the world knows but it is what I say that it is." Emperor Ningzong replied as he picked up and arrow and acting up a bit calmly, he aimed at the bullseye without looking there he finally let go and the arrow hit it straight.

           "Nice short Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng muttered.

           "Sometimes it's better to not let the world see." Emperor Ningzong said as he put down the bow and then moving closer to the nearby chair he sat down, "these past couple of months on the throne did well to teach me and make me realise, there's never a seat too peaceful for any ruler in the world and mine is one that is filled with the most thorns." Emperor Ningzong said.

         "What about the girls Your Majesty?" Lan He asked.

         "Once my feelings were sincere, whether love can tame the heart of a lion or not, he keeps his paws and claws, teeth sharper than any other blade he can see because the person that he loves is also one that can hurt him the most." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "Your Majesty can say the word, we shall make it happen." Eunuch Deng said.

         "Both women have proven their loyalties, Lady Yang is greater in the palace than any other place in the world because if she rid it of my mother it won't be as hard to push out the Empress for me." Emperor Ningzong replied, "the might of Han however great it may be, what makes the phoenix crown more fragile than that of the dragon is that it depends of favour and can be snatched and given to another if the holder is weak." He added.

         "What about Court Lady Cao?" Lan He asked.

         "For all we know she is too faithful, but she was right and the pain in her eyes most sincere, as a Court Lady she can barely do so much." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "But she is the head of the six Matrons so how high could she probably go beyond that?" Eunuch Deng asked.

         "She cares too deeply for Lady Yang, she cares deepest for me, she is calm in managing affairs and has a soft and likeable side to her, she is devoted and possesses way too many qualities none of the ladies in the harem have, hence one poses as ambition and the other Virtue surely there should be a place for the two." Emperor Ningzong Said.

        "Your Majesty means to say....?" Eunuch Deng asked.

        "As far as I know, there's no law in the Palace that forbids a Court Lady from becoming an Emperor's woman." Emperor Ningzong replied as he smiled at himself and the two men looking at each other they bowed their heads and withdrew from the young Emperor's presence while he seemed most content of his plans.

        "His Majesty agreed?" Empress Han asked the other ladies fanning her while she lay on her sofa caressing her white husky.

        "I heard from His Excellency, tomorrow the Emperor's Concubines shall announced but it's only a matter of time until Lady Yang gets out of the Palace." Qing Yi replied.

        "She takes poison too soon and recuperates within, normally one wouldn't bother but I heard His Majesty seemed concerned when he heard the news he swiftly made it too her room we can't overlook this." Empress Han said.

         "But His Majesty gifted her a flower." Qing Yi said.

         "No." Empress Han replied, "as a flower is given so can it be taken away and to think of it it is most likely that this was what that bitch wanted in other words, her good health seems to have lately been the biggest obstacle to her stay in the Palace." She added.

         "I don't understand." Qing Yi muttered.

         "I don't expect you to try so hard but His Majesty is rather lenient and you might not know him any better than I do he is one to change his mind and one to get so emotional all the same." Empress Han said, "Yang Meizi on the other hand was merely buying time." She added.

         "What for?" Qing Yi asked.

         "A soft heart can not pretend to be hard for a very long time, trusting her old charm on his Majesty, naturally she hopes with time that he'll soften and when he does.....?" Empress Han asked.

         "She'll have her way." Qing Yi replied and the Empress smiled at her ghastly.

         Lady Yang lying in her bed the doors of her room were opened and Xiaoyang walking in she bowed her head.

         "So did you receive a reply?" She asked.

         "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied and Yang Meizi pleased she smiled at herself while the young woman carried towards her a small white envelope which she handed over.

        Yang Meizi opened it and then pulled out the small white piece of paper which she unfolded.

        "Are these all the names?" She asked as her eyes perused through.

         "Many of the people who are loyal to the Grand Empress Dowager outside the palace yet, those within that are very close serve in the Cifu Palace but she has roots within the six departs and ears everywhere, the Empress on the other hand seems to have included hers as well." Xiaoyang replied as Yang Meizi folded the papers.

         "There's quite a fortune from a friend of mine that we'll receive in a couple of days." Yang Meizi said.

         "But Ma'am received a flower from the Emperor." Xiaoyang said.

         "Regardless what it is, you are not one of those people to believe that I am going to be sent out of the Palace?" Yang Meizi asked.

         "Pardon me Ma'am." Xiaoyang said as she bowed her head.

         "The Empress is very benevolent in giving misery I couldn't simply let go of that but this Palace is full of people that my hands haven't nurtured henceforth they aren't people for me to trust." Yang Meizi muttered, "for everything to work out I must first start by clearing it of all those parasites and filling it with a more formidable force of allies." She added.

         "Milady, the Empress gets to usually appoint people within the palace." Xiaoyang said.

        "But there's one pone we have above her." Yang Meizi said as she smiled at herself ghastly, "after all I heard with both my ears, the Investigations Bureau within the harem is filled with quite a number of faithful dogs." She added.

         "I heard that It was started up by the Empress to maintain the law and order within the harem but it's her grip on all the other Concubines and servants and it is her eyes and ears as well." Xiaoyang muttered.

         "Then you can tell our people to be ready, once we hear the good news tomorrow then we shall start on our grand plan." Yang Meizi said.

         "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang said as she withdrew from the room at once leaving Yang Meizi alone.

        Court Lady Cao seated in her Chambers Linxiang walked in.

         "Milady." He greeted her.

         "What happened to Lady Yang?" She inquired.

         "She isn't doing any better I heard and His Majesty is rather worried, earlier in the day the Courtiers pleaded that he come up with the final choice of his Concubines." Linxiang replied.

         "I see." Court Lady Cao replied.

         "Why does Milady seem worried?" Linxiang asked.

         "We overestimated His Majesty and we got a little bit too excited, we faulted with that as a result." Court Lady Cao replied.

         "Why?" Linxiang asked.

         "The Empress won't hold out, I couldn't help but remember the words those men spoke to me, I couldn't help but think about it throughout the whole day until I realised, we can't beat Lady Yang that easily." Court Lady Cao replied.

         "But must we worry since His Majesty gave her a flower?" Linxiang asked.

         "Even the Empress herself must have realised it now, it will be very difficult for Lady Yang to leave the Palace moreso after what she did, His Majesty had no reason but to care yet it was a bold move to prove her loyalty I suspect that she was already prepared when she uttered the word of death." Court Lady Cao replied.

         "We aren't as strong ourselves Milady, but there are more people in this Palace that are more loyal to you than they are loyal to her." Linxiang remarked.

         "And which ones are those?" Court Lady Cao asked and the latter remained silent, "every man can fall prey to their darkest desire, moreso if there's another hand that is more powerful and is willing to sustain them." She added.

         "Milady means to say?" Linxiang asked.

         "As long as they are loyal because we are the hand that feeds them then they aren't our people but rather wild hungry dogs that are ready to turn on us and bite when the situation calls for it." Court Lady Cao replied.

         "Then where are we going to find faithful people in the world?" Linxiang asked.

         "The same place that Lady Yang shall seek them out from." Court Lady Cao replied, "enemies." She added.

         "Which ones?" Linxiang asked.

         "You can leave all that to me." She replied as she smiled at her ghastly.

         It was very early in the morning and Grand Empress Dowager Wu and the Empress Han walking around towards the Grand Hall of the Cifu Palace they met outside and bowed their heads to one another.

        "Your Highness." Empress Han muttered.

        "Empress?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu replied.

        "You have been awfully silent the past couple of days." Empress Han muttered.

        "I heard that the Imperial Court was very eventful and active in front of His Majesty, I hoped that the Harem was likewise yet above all as Empress I was sure your abilities could do just fine and as it is, I am as old as they say." Grand Empress Dowager Wu muttered.

        "It must be chilly and I shall remember to send over some fur coats, as it seems to me, these days have been awfully cold." Empress Han said.

        "I'll kindly wait on my Empress' benevolence." Grand Empress Dowager Wu replied as she led the way inside while the Empress followed in her footsteps.

         A while later everyone was present in the Hall when the Emperor Ningzong walked in and along with him he was followed by about fifty eunuchs each holding a scroll in their hands they dispersed and moved to the sides where the ladies in waiting where standing and they stood between them.

        Court Lady Cao looking a bit sickly was seated not so far from the Empresses and Yang Meizi was on the opposite side of the hall facing her and smiling causally while the two exchanged glances.

        Eunuch Deng walking in last he stood beside the Emperor who was seated.

        "His Majesty's Imperial decree." He announced and everyone where they were they stood up and knelt down while Court Lady Cao and Yang Meizi in the attempt they were pardoned and excused by the Emperor they themselves remained seated with the Empresses.

        "With Heaven's blessings and His Majesty's benevolent grace, we have found in our favour today the fruits of the provinces and districts within the Great Song that the Empire is above blessed." Eunuch Deng said, "His Majesty hereby presents the honours and the ranks to all his women." He said and the Eunuchs walking up to each of the forty eight women which excluded Yang Meizi and Court Lady Cao they handed over the Edicts which the women took into their hands.

        "We thank His Majesty." They said in unison." Long Live His Majesty." They added as they each fell into four lines of not more than ten people the two women Court Lady Cao and Yang Meizi remained seated and the Empress and the Grand Empress Dowager were surprised with the two standing Eunuchs that still bore their Edicts.

        Looking at the Emperor he nodded his head and presenting the Edicts to Eunuch Deng and Eunuch Gong, the two took them into their hands and opened them to read they wound up surprised as Eunuch Deng chose to read His first.

       "Lady Yang is very gentle and submissive, kind and warm hearted in nature, graceful in deportment and we'll cultivated in the liberal arts she welcomes both anger and care from His Majesty, the flower she warmly embraces, she is hereby created the LADY OF PINGLE COMMANDERY." He said.

        "Yang Meizi thanks His Majesty, Long Live His Majesty." She said as she bowed her head and kneeling down she received the Edict while Eunuch Deng turned to Eunuch Gong who had fallen silent at the time.

        "Court Lady Cao is very gentle and submissive, intelligent and diligent in nature, graceful in deportment and we'll cultivated in the liberal arts she holds onto her pride and accepts correction, upholds the dignity of the inner Court serving with integrity and respect for herself and all authorities, she is hereby created the LADY OF SHUNZHANG COMMANDERY." He read and the latter delighted she quickly stood up and facing the Emperor she knelt down.

        "Court Lady Cao thanks His Majesty for his benevolence she said smoothly while she took the golden scroll in her hands the rest of the Concubines present and the three Empresses, the Ladies in waiting and Eunuchs surprised Yang Meizi looked at her while she stole a glimpse of her from the corner of her eye.

        "Congratulations Ma'am." Linxiang said to Lady Cao as she walked through the doors and she stretched her hands joyously before she sat down behind her table.

        "Who would have thought that I would be this lucky, Just like that I rose from being a Court Lady to a Noble Lady I have His Serene Majesty to thank." Lady Cao said.

        "You should have seen the look on Lady Yang's face Ma'am." Linxiang remarked.

       "Surely it is so sad that she couldn't hold the limelight alone, the more I think about it, there's heaven's Providence on my side so what could possibly go wrong?" She asked.

         "For the time being I suppose Lady Yang must be in shock having a hard time trying to believe it." Linxiang said. 

         "On the contrary she must be afraid." Lady Cao suddenly muttered under her breath, she seemed more uncertain of the situation but did little to let it show.

         "How come?" She asked.

         "She could wish to take the Empress down but she's returned here primarily to settle an old score with me, that means that my life here is in a lot more unimaginable danger but we don't have to worry much except to use this favour that His Majesty has given us." Court Lady Cao replied.

         "How if I may inquire Ma'am." Linxiang asked.

         "First loves are unforgettable the same must be for Lady Yang, furthermore, we need to make allies of people in the Imperial Court to survive this coming storm." Lady Cao remarked.

          "Our connections are only limited to the people within these Crimson walls." Linxiang said.

          "Nonetheless." Lady Cao replied, "there's one person that could get us allies beyond these very walls that hold us." She remarked seemingly assured and confident in her own words at the moment.

          Yang Meizi walking through the doors to her room she quickly sat down behind her table and keeping quiet she leaned her head.

         "Please be at ease Ma'am." Manyin said.

         "Why?" Lady Yang asked.

         "From a Court Lady to the Noble Lady of the Shunzhang Commandery, Lady Cao is someone that we should be wary of." Xiaoyang replied.

         "She's merely a trivial issue at hand." Lady Yang notified them.

         "How so Ma'am, when we clearly have her for an enemy and you more than us no that at this point and also in the future, she's already drawn her sword against you?" Manyin asked.

         "Victory doesn't come to he who draws the sword first but rather the one that throws it down last and have we not learnt from history, we can not let a small crack ruin the whole building, similarly, Lady Cao is just another minor flaw in my grand plan if I attach too much attention I fear, I shall lose my sight." Lady Yang replied.

        "But we can't let her go." Xiaoyang protested.

        "I didn't say that I would let her go." Lady Yang replied.

        "But Ma'am you're still restraining yourself." Manyin added.

         "The Palace has seen way too many Lady Caos and Linxiangs but history remains unchanged after all most of them don't even have a grave let alone a tombstone." Lady Yang replied.

         "If You wish so Ma'am, we were merely concerned." Manyin stated.

         "And I thank you but after all this is heaven's providence and our hour has come, you can tell our people to act up now." Lady Yang said.

         "Yes Ma'am." The two replied as they bowed their heads and they withdrew from the room.

         "Lady of Pingle Commandery and the lady of Shunzhang Commandery, they haven't even yet served His Majesty but he holds then in such high regard." Qing Yi muttered.

         "Patience my dear, His Majesty has done us much more than we expected." Empress Han spoke up.

         "You think so sister?" Consort Han asked.

         "There's no better way to put it but this is the best chance that we have had so far." Empress Han replied.

         "I don't understand how Your Highness can be so happy about this, enlighten this servant of yours." Qing Yi requested.

         "Don't let shortsightedness ruin you my very good friend and think about it, if His Majesty made the two enemies into his concubine what's the best that we could get out of this?" Empress Han asked.

         "The two can't bear each other, surely, theirs is a battle that will be very grave." Consort Han replied.

          "I heard reliably that they grew together it is natural that they not only share some characters but they also know better than anyone else each other's secrets, strengths and weaknesses." Empress Han remarked.

         "Quite right Your Highness." Qing Yi said.

         "The best that we can do is let them have the best of themselves and fight to the death, after all, it'll be much easier for my enemies to get rid of themselves and that way I shall reign over the harem as it has been and it still is." Empress Han said as she looked at her sister and she smiled at her ghastly.

          Recalling the words that a shaman was saying to her Lady Cao was seated in her room when Linxiang opened the doors and walked.

         "Ma'am." She greeted her.

         "Did you do what I asked of you?" Lady Cao asked.

         "Rest assured Ma'am." Linxiang replied.

         "That's the hardest of things to do." Lady Cao replied, "we are in an uneasy spot and every mistake can cause us our lives." She added

         "Lady Cao requests to have an audience with Milady." A woman at the door announced.

         "Let her in." Lady Cao replied and Linxiang standing up she quickly moved to the side while Yang Meizi walked in and halting in front of her table she bowed her head to her.

         "Greetings Ma'am." She said.

         "You are here to see me?" Lady Cao asked.

         "As soon as I got into the Palace I was very much blessed with your presence, must I not return the favor to come and congratulate you in person on your promotion after all I was a little bit displeased that my subordinates would do it badly." Lady Yang replied.

         "We are all Noble Ladies hence I should congratulate you upon your stay in the Palace, surely, it seems that leaving it won't be as easy as anyone thinks." Lady Cao said as she pointed at the seat that was across her and gracefully, Yang Meizi took it while she looked at the ladies in waiting who withdrew from the room and they finally shut the doors leaving the two women so still smiled at each other.

       "Do you mean to become my enemy?" Lady Yang asked and silently Lady Cao pouring herself a cup of tea she picked it up and took a sip, looking at it intensely before she lowered it onto the table.

         "Why?" She asked, "has your heart suddenly grown too soft?" She added.

         "You let a man come between us, alright, I don't mind if you love him." Lady Yang said and her fellow pouring her a cup of tea as well she held it in her arms and looked at it.

         "Don't you wonder why I become your enemy?" Lady Cao replied.

         "To protect His Majesty surely you love him much more than anyone else in the world, yet I can still give you a choice, return to my embrace and bosom while my patience can still last." Lady Yang replied.

          "Putting all affections aside Ma'am, if I could rewind time I could still try to do the same, driving that blade through your abdomen I would worry less there are other reasons that are too deep for me to get into, but thanks to you I can finally realise my potential, after all, orphans like ourselves can finally  take a step into the Palace and demand for the whole world." Lady Cao replied.

         "You should have stayed far from the harem and enjoyed it there, you and I know that there's no peace for anyone under this roof." Lady Yang said.

         "But Ma'am forgets one thing." Lady Cao replied, "I realised that you and me perhaps could share the same ambitions and we could share the same opportunities and even the same favours yet they that could glimpse into the future call you the light and myself a shadow." She added.

         "My heart has already turned dark, there's too much I can give even my life for power." Lady Yang said.

         "But it all doesn't matter when you are enough to blur every sense of reasoning, stir all the possible doubt to arouse great caution the end story is that you and I both are destined to be the greatest contenders that this world has ever seen." Lady Cao said as Yang Meizi sipped at her cup of tea she finally placed it down onto her table.

         "And this would make you take up arms against me and for a mere prophecy you'd stake your entire lifetime?" She asked.

        "Yes." Lady Cao replied, "you are that most unfortunate side of my existence to which I can not secede." She added.

        "You must have learnt from experience the fate of all those that choose to contend with me." Lady Yang said.

        "Well enough." Lady Cao replied.

        "In sharing my ambition you should know that the world is too small to hold the both of us however big it may seem, two Yang Meizis can not exist hence to become one you must first kill the one in front of you who is me." Lady Yang said.

         "You aren't the only one that could take a gamble thus it is so that if I must stake my life I have lived in your shadow for too long I will make you regret the day you crawled out of the grave even if I have to drag you there with me." Lady Cao said.

         And Yang Meizi exploding into a laughter the latter was shocked until she flew back into silence all of a sudden with a bitter and cold expression on her face.

         "Then fight to the bitter end." She said.

         "Alas you reveal your true colours to me?" Lady Cao asked.

         "It isn't a path you chose for yourself." Lady Yang replied as she stood up and turned around to walk away.

         "I had no choice." Lady Cao muttered while she halted into her footsteps and taking a deep breath she sighed before slightly turning her head around to look back at her.

         "You could bend to me when you had the chance but it isn't there anymore, you allied with my adversaries of all the people around that know me none is as conversant with my strengths and weaknesses I can't spare you." She said.

         "You can prepare your head soon." Lady Cao said as she stood up, "and watch your step because I shall not see you out." She added.

         "Time alone shall tell, I shall look forward to it." Yang Meizi replied and smiling contentedly she walked out through the doors.

          "Linxiang?" Lady Cao called and the young woman walked in.

         "Yes Ma'am?" She replied.

         "We go to the Cold Palace at once." She ordered.

         "Yes Ma'am." Linxiang replied as she bowed her head.

         Yang Meizi stood outside her room.

         "Xiaoyang?" She called and her servant moved closer to her right.

         "Yes Ma'am?" She replied.

         "Keep an eye on her." She ordered.

         "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied as the two continued on their way out.

         Emperor Ningzong walked into the Grand Hall of the Cifu Palace and there he found the Grand Empress Dowager Wu seated she immediately stood up and bowed her head to him.

        "Greetings Your Majesty." She Said.

        "At ease Great Grand mother." Emperor Ningzong muttered and Wan Mei helping her up onto her feet the two sat down.

        "To what pleasure do I owe Your Majesty's visit to me today?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu asked.

         "I was just passing by." Emperor Ningzong replied, "I also wanted your help." He added.

         "Anything that Your Majesty would ask, I'd do my very best." She added.

         "About the Concubine selection." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "I thought it's already done with." Grand Empress Dowager Wu said.

         "Yes, but I am rather concerned." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "About Lady Yang?" She asked.

         "Yes." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "What is it that you wish to know about her?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu asked.

        "I heard that you fostered her well enough and you protected her in the Palace all those years, I am very curious though Your Highness, why?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

         "How long has it been?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu asked.

         "Twenty six years or so." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "So much time has passed but that young girl hasn't had the most peaceful childhood, her mother who singlehandedly raised her passed on when she was eight, being a Court entertainer I took pity on her and I raised her because her mother was very dear to me as I was dear to her and I had promised her since we were young that in the event of the death of any of us we would look after each other's children and give them the best there was too offer." Grand Empress Dowager Wu said.

        "Is that why you wanted her to become a part of my Harem?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

        "She is destined for misery all her life and it is written in her eyes, but strangely enough when I can no longer belong to this world and I cease to be strong enough to protect you, only she is the best choice of a person that I can see you can rely on for safety." Grand Empress Dowager Wu replied.

         "Are you sure?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

         "Women very much like her can exist once in a Dynasty, she is my beautiful flower so at least take her and in my honour cherish her." She replied while he kept quiet.

         "I hope that you don't exhaust yourself too much." He remarked.

         "You needn't worry so much about me Your Majesty." Grand Empress Dowager Wu replied.

         "I must." Emperor Ningzong insisted.

         The Retired Empress Li was seated inside a small room covering herself in thick blankets amidst the cobwebs and the solitude, the whole place drab and the walls themselves having turned a pale shade of red, the windows all around were shattered and the pillars cracked while the ceiling hanging above her head was filled with holes in the tiles and through some of them the water that had clustered there in the morning still dropped slowly and slowly.

        The doors were opened and Liu Zhan walked through.

        "Someone is here to see you Your Highness." She said while bowing her head to the old and weary Empress, with wrinkles all over her face and bags under her eyes, her long hair was unkempt and she'd turned very thin her cheek bones and temples had become prominent.

        "I don't wish to see anyone." She replied.

        "They say that it's urgent." Liu Zhan said.

        "Was I not clear?" The Retired Empress Li asked.

        "Pardon me Your Highness." Liu Zhan said as she bowed her head and turning around before she could walk out Lady Cao made her way into the room while she was accompanied with Linxiang.

         "What are you doing?" Liu Zhan asked.

         "Who are you to come in without my permission?" Retired Empress Li inquired.

         "Hear me out Your Highness." Lady Cao said and the old woman looking at her eyes closely she seemed to find the face quite familiar.

         "You..." She muttered.

         "Yes Your Highness." Lady Cao replied.

         "That Court Lady's servant." Empress Li Said.

         "Call me Lady Cao Your Highness." She spoke up.

         "Get out of my sight." Retired Empress Li demanded.

         "Why?" Lady Cao asked, "do you really think that the reason you are held behind these walls of the cold Palace is because of the Grand Empress Dowager?" She went ahead to provoke a conversation with her and as she had in deed hoped the latter's face seemed curious.

          "What are you trying to say?" Liu Zhan asked.

          "It's such a pity for Your Highness, you once were the most powerful woman in the whole world but just in a glimpse of an eye your fate was decided and everything of yours that you possessed only came crumbling down don't you really want to know the reason why?" Lady Cao asked.

         "Tell me." The Retired Empress demanded.

         "Chiyun Ling's betrayal, the Noble Consort's death was all nothing but an orchestration of that same Court Lady that ceased the grudge between father and son that you sowed to widen the rift between you and your people as well as the state and ultimately was the brain behind the Grand Empress Dowager coming to charge you with rebellion to see your dear son ascend the throne." Lady Cao replied.

        "How can I know that you are not lying?" The Retired Empress Li asked.

        "You must hate every second within this cold Palace, but what you must hate the most is the Grand Empress Dowager that put you here and that very young woman, while her grudge may seem great, the old hag is out there and she doesn't have that much time left on earth I am sure, soon enough, I can guarantee that you return into the Palace as long as you can grant me a favour." Lady Cao replied.

         The Retired Empress smirked.

         "Have these walls not contained me this long?" The Retired Empress Li asked, "if I were still powerful I wouldn't be here right now." She added.

        "But there's still a reason that is keeping you alive." Lady Cao remarked.

        "Which is?" The Retired Empress Li asked.

        "Hope." Lady Cao replied and the old woman went silent, she studied the expression on her face and then after the silence had prevailed amongst them long enough the old woman eventually spoke up.

       "What is it that you need from me?" She asked.

       "I have grown around Lady Yang to understand that her return in the Palace can not guarantee me the safety of my life and her return is an indicator that she has powerful people behind her, powerful people behind the Empress as well there aren't any powerful people behind me." Lady Cao replied.

        "You can tell me, I did boast the most remarkable retinue, is it perhaps Liu Zhan, my brother Li San or the clans of Xia?" The Retired Empress Li asked.

         "The most remarkable of these that I need is your Highness." Lady Cao replied, "with Your Highness I can tap very great things and I can strengthen my position as part of the Zhao Dynasty, I just need to belong to the lineage of the Empress Cao of the Renzong Emperor." Lady Cao replied.

         "I have to tell you before hand, if you are going to need my help it won't be easy but you must also live up to your promise." The Retired Empress Li muttered.

         "You can trust me Your Highness, just give me that good family and your people and then you can live the rest to me including the safety of our Emperor." Lady Cao said.

         "If you so wish." The Retired Empress Li replied and the two women smiling at one another, they seemed to come to a concession.

         Shi Miyuan was seated in his study when the doors were flung open and through them Dong Hua rushed through he immediately fell down to his knees.

        "Your Excellency." He said so Disturbed and sweating profusely he appeared to have been in a hurry the latter still writing was concerned that he immediately lowered his brush and turned to the young man.

          "You aren't yourself Dong Hua, what's the matter?" Shi Miyuan asked.

         "His Majesty's concubine selection." Dong Hua replied.

         "Oh, that?" Shi Miyuan asked.

         "Yes." Dong Hua replied and for a moment acting deaf he went back to what he was doing and Dong Hua feeling ignored he became uneasy.

          "How can you be so calm?" He asked.

          "The Harem is the Emperor's personal family issue, at the very least how would it dare to concern me?" Shi Miyuan asked.

         "The Lady of Pingle Commandery." Dong Hua replied.

         "What about her?" Shi Miyuan asked.

         "You won't believe what I'll tell you but I have heard the rumours from the Palace amongst the servants of the Eldest Princess that it is the former Court Lady of the Xiaozong Emperor, Yang Meizi." Dong Hua replied and still making a stroke with his brush the young man ceased immediately.

          "What did you say?" He asked.

          "Yang Meizi, the former Court Lady of the Xiaozong Emperor is the Noble Lady of the Pingle Commandery." Dong Hua replied and unable to write any longer the young man's hands trembled while his eyes became teary at once, and behind the door and listening was Lanhui who was holding a tray she quickly made her way from the area until she barged through the doors of the Eldest Princess' Chambers and there she found the young woman combing her hair.

          "Your Highness?" She said while the latter turned around and looked at her.

          "What's the problem Lanhui?" Princess Qi'an asked.

          "I was on my way here when I passed by Milord's room and I happened to eavesdrop the conversation between both him and Dong Hua." Lanhui replied.

          "Why would you act up like that?" Princess Qi'an asked.

         "You should be concerned about Yourself Milady." Lanhui replied.

         "He is my husband and I forced this marriage upon him, if I must atone for that for the rest of my life I don't really care what happens as long as I can get to be beside him all my life." The young woman replied.

        "I wish it was so Milady but I am even more worried about His Majesty the Emperor because one of the concubines that he happened to take in was the Court Lady of the Xiaozong Emperor and Milord the Imperial Censor's old lover, Yang Meizi." Lanhui muttered and the Princess combing her heir she let go of the Jade comb which shattered on the ground below her.

         "What?" She inquired to be certain that her ears had heard everything well.

         "You heard me Your Highness, one of the concubines that he happened to take in was the Court Lady of the Xiaozong Emperor and Milord the Imperial Censor's old lover, Yang Meizi." Lanhui repeated once again the Princess immediately stood up curious as to what was happening.

         The doors to Yang Meizi's chamber was opened and while she was seated with Manyin by her side Xiaoyang made her way to her presence.

         "Ma'am?" She said bowing her head.

         "Anything interesting?" Lady Yang asked.

         "I looked around and I followed Lady Cao as you had instructed me and I made sure that I was unseen and in deed, she has something up her sleeve." Xiaoyang replied.

         "Really?" Yang Meizi said smiling eagerly and waiting to here her response.

         "Yes." She replied and Yang Meizi sighed.

         "Tell me what you saw?" She asked.

         "I'm not too sure what she is up to but I did see Lady Cao with both my eyes going all the way to the Cold Palace I followed her and I saw her coming out as well a while later." Xiaoyang replied.

         "The Cold Palace?" Manyin asked to be sure.

         "Yes." Xiaoyang replied and Yang Meizi's mind seemed to drift away while she leaned he me hand on the table and then she supported her head.

         "What would she be doing there?" Manyin asked.

         "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, surely it was to see the Retired Empress." Lady Yang replied.

         "I don't understand, why would she be after seeing the Retired Empress?" Manyin asked.

         "The only reason I could think of the Retired Empress one time ruled these walls and contended with the Grand Empress Dowager until she was defeated and cast into the cold Palace on the charge of planning a rebellion and misleading his Majesty the Retired Emperor with her clan and family members." Xiaoyang replied.

         "We spelt the doom of the Retired Empress." Yang Meizi replied, "she once had wealth and power but all that seemed to fade in an instant and Lady Cao against both the Empress and me she must have found herself to be most vulnerable because we each have people that she doesn't have." Lady Yang replied.

         "So she wants an alliance with the Retired Empress?" Manyin asked.

         "Surely." Yang Meizi replied, "this is how she chooses the play and she can be sured of loyalty because the one thing that keeps a man loyal to vengeance is hatred for a common adversary." She added.

          "But the Retired Empress is out of power and many of her people are as well Ma'am, for Lady Cao to seek her alliance isn't it like her sowing seeds on barren land?" Manyin asked.

          "As long as a man lives there is still hope, a new strength every day can give one the assurance of resistance in the future and the Retired Empress of all people being one of those that hardly accept defeat in all forms can look at this as an opportunity to root her influence in the Harem especially against Han Touzhou's nieces the Empress and the Consort Han." Lady Yang replied.

         "What's there for us to do Ma'am?" Manyin asked.

         "It's a good thing after all." Lady Yang replied.

         "Enlighten us Milady." Xiaoyang replied.

         "There's too many enemies all around me and surely even Lady Cao is very much uneasy I shall give her whatever it is that she certainly hopes for." Lady Yang replied as she smiled at herself ghastly, "it's much better knowing how to fight when she knows that I too know." She added as she smiled at herself ghastly.

        Emperor Ningzong was walking through the gardens of the Palace when he eventually halted at the sight of Shi Miyuan who was standing with Dong Hua in front of him with a couple of Imperial guards.

         "Greetings Your Majesty." He said.

         "Isn't it the Prince Consort Shi?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

         "Pardon me for turning up at the Palace uninvited but there's a matter that I wish to discuss with you Sire if you don't mind?" Shi Miyuan replied.

         "It's already getting dark and the firmament itself is getting star filled, I am sure it is something that can wait until tomorrow morning so please go back to your home." Emperor Ningzong said as he tried walking past the young man who immediately fell down to his knees.

         "How dare you?" Lan He asked as he pulled out his whip.

        "Please hear me out Your Majesty." Shi Miyuan said while Dong Hua ceased it and the Emperor raising his hand the two retainers stared at themselves intensely he looked at Shi Miyuan and realised at that moment the young man seemingly bothered, there was still an uneasy tempest in his eyes.

        "You may speak." He Said.

        "Thank you so much Your Majesty." The latter replied as he stood up and facing the Emperor he bowed his head.

        "I actually wish that Your Majesty would have a word with me in Private." Shi Miyuan said.

        "Alright." Emperor Ningzong muttered.

        "Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng and Lan He tried to stop him.   

        "It's a very simple conversation, there's no need to be worried." Emperor Ningzong replied as his retinue bowed down their heads to him.

        The two stood under a shed and the Emperor turning to look at Shi Miyuan he quickly went down onto his knees.

        "She will die." He muttered.

        "Excuse me?" Emperor Ningzong muttered.

        "The Lady of the Pingle Commandery, she will die." Shi Miyuan said.

        "The Harem is my personal affair and family matter, you have no right whatsoever to voice out your opinions on what I can and can not do, especially on how I should run my house." Emperor Ningzong remarked.

         "I am aware that Your Majesty hates me, but you and I know what it's always been like in the harem, until now your affections Sire could stir nothing more than jealousy, the attention that you give is most beautiful now but later will evolve into a display of scenes and designs that are really fatal Your Majesty will regret, there's no need leading her to all those vixen only to abandon her without a dagger." Shi Miyuan said.

        "She came on her own accord." The Emperor spoke up in his defence.

        "Do you know her too well Sire?" Shi Miyuan asked and the young man kept quiet.

         "Surely you aren't implying that I can't deal with my own women, furthermore you aren't trying to tell me that you care as much because if you really did you could have taken your life instead you chose to marry my sister and out of all the people in the world there's nothing more that you can give to her that my hand can not give twice as much or even more." Emperor Ningzong replied.

        "I am an Imperial Censor, my duty is to advise my Sovereign where I must, if I am yet not one for you to fear you should be pleased, teach me to be a most loyal citizen so that I can protect you because if I am in the position to do that of all people in the World, one way or another I shall be protecting her." Shi Miyuan requested.

         "And what about the Eldest Princess, what about my beloved sister?" Emperor Ningzong asked, "tell me you loyal citizen of mine, if you choose to protect me then who in this world shall protect her?" He added.

         "Your Majesty has all the liberty in world to believe what you wish to believe but truth be told, at least from the bottom of my heart, you might know not that for you and me to survive within this Court against those old conniving Courtiers and Censors, Secretaries and Officials, apart from Her Highness the Eldest Princess, the one person you and I can rely on is her." Shi Miyuan replied while the Emperor kept quiet.

         Lady Yang in her chambers the doors were flung open and Manyin rushing in she quickly fell down onto her knees.

         "Ma'am." She cried.

         "What's wrong?" she asked.

         "His Majesty." Manyin replied.

         "What about him?" Lady Yang asked.

         "The Imperial Censor Shi is having a word with him." Manyin replied and at once Yang Meizi stood up.

         "What?" she asked.

         "They have been at the pavilion within the Central gardens for a while." Manyin replied.

         "That imbecile." Yang Meizi said as she clenched her fists infuriated.