"You can not arrest Manyin." Lady Yang spoke up.

          "Ma'am?" Xiaoyang voiced her concern on the issue but seemed suddenly eclipsed by the outcome.

           "I said that you can not interrogate my ladies without my permission." Lady Yang replied.

          "I hope that having been in the Palace for a while Ma'am, you do understand what possible dire consequences could arise from your actions and how poisonous your words may be?" Lady Zhang inquired.

           "Is this the best that the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace can do?" She inquired.

          "An issue this Grand is meant to be dealt with and should it compromise the reputation of the Imperial family and the inner Court rumours outside the Palace walls can at times stir too much disorder which as the Lady Investigators we were invested to prevent." Lady Zhang replied, "however if my Ma'am insists that the young woman is innocent a culprit must be caught and serving under you my Ma'am understands better that we have no choice but to investigate you." She assured her.

          "But are you that desperate?" Lady Yang asked.

          "It is our duty so surely I suppose that if my Ma'am has nothing to hide you shouldn't be hesitant." She bluffed while Yang Meizi only appearing more patient she stepped to the side paving the way for them.

           "Do what you came to do." She uttered and at once the Ladies marching up towards her quarters she exchanged a poisonous glare with the fairly old woman standing in front of her and themselves rummaging through everything around and within the small structure.

          The two women stared at one another for a while until one of the Lady Investigators turned up through the doors.

         "We have found out something Milady." She said carrying with her a small trunk that was covered with a crimson silk wrapper.

           Looking at Lady Yang they opened it quietly and pushing the lid up the first thing that they saw was a small bottle that was covered.

           Lady Zhang opened it at once and then poured onto her hands a darkish grey powder which she sniffed with everyone around waiting for her reaction.

          "You?" She exploded as she handed over the small jar to another of her subordinates Investigator who tasted it.

        "It's aconite." Lady Miao confirmed as well.

        "Anyone?" Lady Zhang called and at once the other ladies in waiting that had accompanied them surrounded the fair Yang.

         "Cease this woman on charges of conniving with outsiders to plot against the Grand Empress Dowager." She concluded that they immediately held her arms.

          "Don't touch me." Lady Yang protested.

           "I am afraid that I am not the one to take orders from you here, you should know better in fact that your life is in my hands." Lady Zhang muttered to her.

           "I didn't do it." Lady Yang refuted.

           "That's up to the law of the Palace and the country to decide, however since you seem so stubborn then I shall open your mouth and force you to speak up." Lady Zhang said, "take her." She ordered.

           "Yes." The Ladies replied in unison as they dragged her out of her own Courtyard while Linxiang who was hiding nearby she saw everything with her eyes she decided to run away in the direction of the Central Palace.

            Emperor Ningzong seated right beside his great grandmother he smoothly passed a wet cloth over her forehead.

         "Please get well Grandmother." He whispered reassuringly to her, "I'll root out whoever it was that did this to you and I shall make sure that they pay dearly." He said.

          The doors being opened Eunuch Deng made his way in accompanied with another fair lady in waiting he bowed his head to the Emperor.

          "Have they found anything?" He asked.

          "Yes Your Highness." Eunuch Deng replied the Emperor turned his attention to him suddenly he looked and studied his eyes while the latter old and inexperienced at hiding his thoughts the young man detected something wrong immediately.

          "Who was behind this?" The Emperor persisted to ask, "who tried to poison the Grand Empress Dowager?" He inquired aloud.

         "Pardon me Your Majesty but she's one of the Lady Investigators from The Ladies'Investigations Bureau of the Palace." Eunuch Deng replied.

         "What happened?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

         "Noble Lady Yang was found in the possession of aconite which we believe is the cause for Her Highness' great suffering and troubling state." The young woman confirmed bowing her head.

          "Impossible." Emperor Ningzong remarked.

          "We are only seeking Your Majesty's approval and we can begin the violent interrogation as soon as peace fails." She added the Emperor confused he turned to look at his unconscious grandmother who sweating profusely even with veins all over her forehead he could tell that she was in immense pain.

           Lady Yang seated in front of Lady Zhang there was silence that prevailed in the room where they were being contained.

          "There's not a single soul around." Lady Zhang muttered.

          "Why are you telling me this?" Lady Yang asked.

          "What do you think?" She replied.

          "What more could I say?" Lady Yang muttered.

          "I heard that you were quite stubborn from a number of people but I have broken way too many people in my life that were much better." Lady Zhang said and placing both her hands on the table she leaned in bringing her face closer to the latter, "just as you came into this Palace Concubine or not you can disappear in fact and you must have noticed that all evidence is pointed at you." She added.

          "Which side of His Majesty do you know?" Lady Yang inquired while the other kept quiet she seemed to study her expression she smirked a little about it.

          "So it's not too much." She concluded aloud.

          "What about you Ma'am, do you think that the man that you left within these walls nine months ago has remained unchanged or perhaps he is not so wary?" She wondered.

          "The Grand Empress Dowager is poisoned as soon as I return into the Palace surely it's suspicious, but what's more suspicious is that despite all that she is a person that for the time being I can rely on the most for survival under this roof surely only a fool would cut off the hand that feeds them, this I'm sure His Majesty knows." Lady Yang asserted.

          "It's only a matter of time before we can hear His Majesty's reply so I am giving you a chance to confess to your crimes, after all I can assure you most of all people, you can't necessarily rely on His Majesty to shield you from your so many adversaries." Lady Zhang threatened.

           "At the very least you can hurt me and torture my ladies in waiting thinking that they shall speak what they don't know but suppose another accident happened beyond this room powerless as I am in your custody, will you take the fall with the whole office?" Lady Yang asked.

          "Test me." Lady Zhang concluded.

          "About your accusations which I know nothing about you can quit confidently like you came but I won't break my statement, I did not harm the Grand Empress Dowager." Lady Yang insisted.

           "If you so wish." Lady Zhang said and standing up immediately she walked out of the room leaving the other bound to a chair.

          "It can't be true." Emperor Ningzong said pacing around the side Chambers of the Grand Empress Dowager's room.

           "I wish that I too could believe that Your Majesty but there's way too many ears beyond the walls of the Palace that have received the news even the Grand Empress Dowager's faction is going rampage in their homes, everyone thinks that Han Touzhou is the most potent villain that orchestrated this and it's quite obvious that the Empress ruling the harem she could have felt threatened by her she framed her and wishes to use this as an excuse to take down the Grand Empress Dowager." Eunuch Deng said.

         "There has to be a way to save Lady Yang." Emperor Ningzong remarked.

          "But don't you expect it to be a little bit more difficult, for this Your Majesty can not intervene as your affections for her could make you seem partial and unfilial which makes me worry so much." Eunuch Deng said.  

           "You and I can worry but the both of us can do nothing." Emperor Ningzong said, "but even when my heart is against it I am still the ruler if this country." He uttered and the fairly old man seemed shocked by the words that flew out of his master's mouth.

          "I don't understand Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng said.

          "What if.....?" He asked.

          "Lady Yang couldn't be as foolish to leave the trail leading to her behind, her resistance to all charges and her presence in the palace with such unfortunate events I seem to find it so strange that this case is being resolved with ease." Eunuch Deng remarked.

          "Perhaps." Emperor Ningzong replied, "but someone is waiting for my order to commence the torture." He added.

           "Your Majesty......?" Eunuch Deng still speaking he was halted with the Emperor's right hand.

            "Prepare for me to go to the office of Investigations." He ordered.

           "Yes." Eunuch Deng replied reluctantly as he bowed his head to the young man ahead of him while he looked out through the window.

            Lady Yang quietly seated inside the doors were opened and a while later Emperor Ningzong walked in halting in front of her which forced her to stand upright and bow her head to him.

           "Greetings Your Majesty." She said so softly herself having turned pale while the Emperor studying her he reserved his silence and choose to sit down while signalling for her to do the same.

           "What is this that I am hearing Mei'er, it can't be that you my dearest poisoned the Grand Empress Dowager as they say." Emperor Ningzong muttered.

          "It is as you heard Your Majesty, I have been too naive that I didn't see it coming." Lady Yang replied.

          "Naive is too big a word." The Emperor remarked.

         "What about you Your Majesty, do you hold considerable their claims against me?" She inquired.

          He kept quiet for a while.

          "I didn't have the best recent past within this castle Your Majesty all my days were uneasy, without the Retired Empress I thought that for once I could set myself at peace but even then I noticed that for the first time I had become a good person." She asserted with a rather sombre tone her eyes teary she was on the point of breaking down.

           "As a man my Mei'er won't possibly do it, but how to convince the world as the Emperor is very hard it leaves even the innermost part of me ailing and how much I hope that you would forgive me for my transgressions against you." Emperor Ningzong requested but standing up and leaning over the table she placed her hand and touched his lips.

            "I don't resent Your Majesty because just being your wife alone is the biggest blessing there has ever happened to me, the world has its eyes on you and so do the Courtiers along with those greedy conniving snakes that are looking for a moment to strike you down with the venom from their very long sharp fangs." Lady Yang muttered to him.

           "Are you suggesting that I let you go?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

           "You are the father of the people, you are the father of the Great Song, if you don't hand me over to be tortured even if for your sake with my ladies we'd be more than willing to die for you but they'll call Your Majesty too weak and myself an enchantress." Yang Meizi replied.

            "The Lady Yang I know never gave up this easily." Emperor Ningzong remarked as she looked him in the eyes and sat down.

           "I am for Your Majesty and one day I promise to you the truth shall come to light." She assured him while he painfully stood up and looked at her trying to retain his composure while she looked the other side.

            "Anyone?" He shouted and at once Lady Zhang and Lady Miao rushed into the room bowing their heads to him.

           "Your Majesty." They said to him bowing their heads.

           "I was informed earlier that you are all waiting for my consent." Emperor Ningzong muttered.

           "There's all clear evidence pointing at Lady Yang your Majesty and if we do nothing about it the people will revolt and the Empress' reputation as well as that of the Harem and the Inner Court shall fall to tatters." Lady Zhang replied.

          "Are you sure?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "My instincts weren't lying to Your Majesty from the start if it is a confession that Your Majesty needs then we shall deliver it to the world." Lady Zhang said.

           "But what if I am innocent?" Lady Yang asked and the old woman looked at her.

          "I'm sorry Ma'am but can you prove that?" Lady Zhang asked.

          "At the least point possible shall the Ladies'Investigations Bureau of the Palace bear the responsibility?" Lady Yang asked.

          "We are already fulfilling our responsibility." Lady Zhang replied gracefully as she turned to the Emperor, "Your Majesty, if you'll excuse us, we'll start the Interrogation at night." She said bowing her head to him.

         "Should she still fail to confess even at the lowest point possible...?" Emperor Ningzong asked her while the older kept quiet.

         "I shall bear full responsibility with the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace." Lady Zhang replied while the Emperor trying to retain his confidence he dashed past the two leaving her to turn and look at Lady Yang.

         "I told you." She reminded her, "You can't necessarily rely on His Majesty to shield you from your so many adversaries." She assured her while Lady Yang falling silent responded with a fearless gaze.

          "You will regret this." She remarked, "so much you shall hate me and curse me to your very last breath." She added.

          "Anyone?" Lady Zhang called and a couple of Lady Investigators rushed in as they bowed their heads to her.

          "Yes Milady." They replied in unison.

          "Put her into the waiting room and there she shall await her punishment." Lady Zhang said.

         "Yes Milady." They replied as they dragged Lady Yang up from where she was seated out of the doors of the room herself hardly protesting as she was carried across the Courtyard to another detached house.

          "For real?" Empress Han asked.

          "Yes." Qing Yi replied, "His Majesty the Emperor agreed for Lady Yang and her Ladies in waiting to be interrogated with torture himself." She added that at once the Empress seemingly startled she smiled at herself ghastly.

          "Call for me Lady Zhang." She said.

          "Sorry?" Qing Yi asked uncertain if her mistress meant it.

          "Did you not hear me, I said summon the Head Lady Investigator Zhang." Empress Han said.

         "Yes Your Highness." Qing Yi replied as she immediately withdrew from the room.

          "Let us see if you'll get out of this one Noble Lady Yang?" She spoke to herself as she chuckled evilly.

          Lady Cao seated in her Chambers she was immersed in her own thoughts and a mild light shining through slowly she hit the top of the tea cup with her small fake talons watching the ripples moving back and fourth.

          "Ma'am it is I?" A voice emerged from the outside it brought her back to her senses.

          "Come in." She muttered regaining her composure immediately that in a very short while she was smiling while Linxiang halted in front of her and bowed her head.

          "What has happened now?" She asked.

          "His Majesty travelled to the Court Ladies' Investigations offices and there he personally talked with Lady Yang though later emerging from within infuriated I heard that he gave the final order for the Noble Lady Yang and her Ladies in waiting to be tortured into confession which will commence tonight." Linxiang replied.

          "Are you sure?" Lady Cao asked feeling a bit strange.

          "I wouldn't lie to you Ma'am." Linxiang confessed while the latter seemed very puzzled it was the news she expected to hear the least.

          "How could His Majesty be so cruel?" She inquired.

          "To harm the Grand Empress Dowager at least as he thinks must have struck him hard and I heard that he had the whole morning unable to be consoled he must hate her with everything at this rate and moreso feel betrayed as it is there's no pain and rage that is worse than that which is born from betrayal." Linxiang replied.

          "Nonetheless." Lady Cao replied, "these past couple of months His Majesty has been strange and what's more surprising is I seem to have thought hard about it but hasn't it been way to easy for the both of us to get rid of Lady Yang?" She asked.

         "Ma'am is very smart surely Lady Cao must have had her eyes on the Empress the most for a while she ignored you as another presence of a formidable for, it's natural that we had to use her own scheme against her." Linxiang said.

          "Maybe." Lady Cao said, "but we can't be too lax about it." She confessed.

          "What more can we do?" Linxiang asked.

          "As long as Lady Yang is alive I can't possibly reach as high as I want and I can't claim the heart of His Majesty but knowing how fragile their relationship has become we have to cease this opportunity to also throw the Empress into her own fire." Lady Cao replied.

          "What does Ma'am mean to say?" Linxiang asked herself surprised.

          "I can't get rid of one snake and forget the other, the Empress herself is as big an obstacle as the Lady Yang what makes you think that I could possibly spare her?" Lady Cao asked as she bent over and then she picked up her trunk and placed it right on top of the table she opened it up to her eyes.

          "What's this?" Linxiang asked.

          "What do you think?" Lady Cao replied, "you didn't think that there was more aconite where the one that wound up in Lady Yang's came from?" She added as she smiled at herself ghastly.

          "It couldn't be Lady Yang." Emperor Ningzong said as he barged into his room being accompanied by Lan He and Eunuch Deng as he stood behind his table and furiously he threw everything away to the ground.

         "Please be careful Your Majesty, appease your anger." Lan He requested but the latter unwilling he reclined into his seat.

         "I am too heartless." He blamed himself, "I have brought this upon me." He continued to claim and the two looking at each other they noticed how strange he had become all of a sudden.

          "Sire.....?" Eunuch Deng speaking he was interfered with.

          "She returned to the Palace after all these months I should have been kind I was only suspicious, but for the sake of my reputation she'd succumb to those cruel women she's changed so much from a malevolent schemer that I was so used to thinking her to be and for that she has lowered her guard I brought this all upon her the day I allowed her to stay into the Palace." He claimed as he recalled aloud more than anything the words that Shi Miyuan had told him some time back.

            "I am aware that Your Majesty hates me, but you and I know what it's always been like in the harem, until now your affections Sire could stir nothing more than jealousy, the attention that you give is most beautiful now but later will evolve into a display of scenes and designs that are really fatal Your Majesty will regret, there's no need leading her to all those vixen only to abandon her without a dagger." he'd insisted while the latter seemed too reluctant to believe his words he finally fell to the ground and leaned close to his table.

         "This can't be happening." He said to himself.

         "But with all that evidence pointed at her there's only one person in the harem that is most capable for being envious." Lan He asserted as the Emperor holding his head he seemed to realise what the latter meant to say he looked up at him.

          "The Empress." He muttered.

          "If there's someone I can think of in the harem to be capable then it surely is Her Highness not to mention it but more than anyone else in the world she would resent the Grand Empress Dowager and even worse the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace was formed under her championship if it's a ruse that's intended to frame Lady Yang she's the best candidate I can think of." Lan He muttered.

         "Even if the Empress did it, there's nothing that I can do to prove her guilt, this has all been well laid out by her she must have been careful about leaving any loose threads." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "I suppose so too." Eunuch Deng said.

          "But the public is crying for the culprit who orchestrated the Grand Empress Dowager's poisoning to be brought to justice they won't be silent I fear even the Courtiers involved are trying so hard to fuel this chaos, at the very least something is bound to turn up." Emperor Ningzong remarked.

          "I'll do my best." Lan He said.

          "No." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "Then perhaps shall Your Majesty leave Lady Yang to die?" Eunuch Deng asked when someone rushed in through the doors of the room, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty." He cried carrying in his hands a white envelope.

          "What's it with you?" Eunuch Deng asked the young Eunuch.

          "Someone left this behind." He muttered as he handed it over the Emperor curious about it's contents he opened it and pulled out a piece of paper which he unfolded to read and his eyes widening they turned red that he smacked it onto the table.

          "What's the matter Your Majesty?" Lan He asked.

          "Where are the Imperial guards?" He asked.

          "They are outside Sure." Lan He replied.

          "We're headed for the office of Investigations." Emperor Ningzong said and standing up at once he strode out of the room.

            "Your Highness, it is I." Lady Zhang said.

         "Come in." Empress Han muttered and opening the doors the old woman walked in and immediately she halted in front of her she bowed her head.

         "Greetings." She offered her salutations.

         "No red Tape." Empress Han muttered.

         "I heard that you called for me." Lady Zhang said.

          "Please have a seat." Empress Han said and the latter complied while Qing Yi who was present in the room poured them some tea they smiled at one another as they each picked a cup and took a sip and she withdrew from their presence leaving them alone.

           "Anything you wish to tell me?" Lady Zhang asked.

          "I made you a powerful woman within the Inner Court." Empress Han said.

         "I can't possibly forget Your Highness' benevolence." Lady Zhang replied.

          "The Office of Investigations is the institution I built with my own hands to keep all the concubines in line the past couple of months and all the other ladies within this Palace you can say that it is an offspring of mine and an arm that I cherish so much in the Harem." Empress Han remarked.

          "Surely, all we have came from Your Highness." Lady Zhang agreed.

           "You wouldn't let me down as well because you are my mirror that the people outside look to and that means that wherever it is that you are my reflection follows like a shadow." Empress Han muttered.

            "Yes." Lady Zhang replied and the Empress smiling she picked up her cup of tea and immediately she sipped it before lowering it on the table in front of them.

           "I wish you to be honest with me to your very best." Empress Han said, "there was a little rafian you had to deal with and the Grand Empress Dowager is bedridden because of her I heard reliably that His Majesty gave you the permission to torture her into revealing the truth." Empress Han said.

          "Yes Your Highness." Lady Zhang said.

          "We've taken care of a number of cases the past couple of months I'm sure you are used to the exercise but this one is quite special surely a number of questions will intend to rise and I hope to silence them." Empress Han said.

          "Your Highness seems to have a wonderful idea in mind." Lady Zhang said.

          "I am only curious how many people can withstand torture and not die from it, or perhaps even better, how many culprits leave suicide notes?" Empress Han asked as she smiled at herself ghastly.

          "Lady Yang can be quite stubborn Your Highness, are you too sure?" Lady Zhang asked.

          "There's already proof that's irrefutable and rendered sufficient so what more is it that the world could say?" Empress Han asked, "since the dead tell no tales surely you will see that with the extinction of such loose lips the things in the palace shall return back to normal." She added.

          "You can leave it all too me Your Highness." Lady Zhang said as she stood up and bowed her head.

          "I know that I can count on you for this and I hope to hear the best." Empress Han muttered.

         "Yes." Lady Zhang replied as she got out of the room.

          Standing outside the doors she looked back at the building for a while and herself lost in thought one of her fellow lady investigators made her way towards her.

          "Milady?" She cried worriedly.

          "What's the matter?" Lady Zhang asked.

          "I have just learnt that His Majesty and a set of Imperial guards are headed for the Bureau of Investigations." The young woman replied.

          "His Majesty, Imperial guards?" Lady Zhang asked as she quickly descended the stairs and rushed into the direction of her office. 

           "What?" Lady Cao said furiously as she smacked the table.

           "His Majesty is on his way to the Bureau of Investigations with a set of Imperial guards." Linxiang said.

          "Why in the world?" Lady Cao asked.

          "I don't know but I have heard that he looks furious." Linxiang replied.

          "Something's not right as of yet." Lady Cao remarked while she stood up immediately.

          "Where are you going Ma'am?" Linxiang asked.

          "We can first forget about the Empress for the time being, I need to go to the Bureau of Investigations and I see for myself." Lady Cao replied as she sashayed towards the doors that led her out of her room while Linxiang followed.

           "Please wait for me Ma'am." She cried after her but the former didn't slow down at all as she made her way through.

           Emperor Ningzong marching with the Imperial guards the Ladies of the Investigations Bureau in panic they prepared themselves and stood in front of the entrance.

           Yang Meizi seated in a detached house had been silent having seen the Emperor only a couple of hours ago, her eyes closed she faced the rays of the sun that were shining through onto her face and illuminated it.

          Lost in her own thoughts she opened them at once and she smiled, content and confident that there was something going on.

          The gates of the Bureau of Investigations already opened the ladies noticing the Emperor's presence even from a distance they bowed their heads and striding across the Courtyard to where they were the soldiers halted behind him.

          "Greetings Your Majesty." Lady Miao said.

          "Where's Lady Zhang?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.

          "She left a couple of minutes ago but the moment I heard that Your Majesty was on his way I sent someone to get her." Lady Miao replied.

          "That's good." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "It's my pleasure Your Majesty." Lady Miao muttered and at that moment the Emperor looking at her she kept her head bent low.

          "How is it though that we could be of service?" Lady Miao asked.

          "There's a hundred formidable women in this bureau I heard that a couple of months ago, you started planting pine trees in the backyard." Emperor Ningzong replied.

          "Yes Your Majesty." Lady Miao confirmed, "though they are still very small." She added.

          "Then cooperate with me." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "I don't understand." Lady Miao replied.

          "Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough." Emperor Ningzong said, "guards?" He called.

          "Yes?" They replied in unison.

          "Uproot them all." He ordered.

          "Yes." They replied again and scattering at once the Lady Investigators seemed puzzled as the Emperor made his way into the backyard accompanied with Eunuch Deng and Lan He.

           "What's the meaning of this Your Majesty?" Lady Miao asked but with no response she and the rest of the Lady Investigators followed them.

          The Imperial guards gathered around the pine trees in clusters and one by one they started to cut them out by the roots pulling them to the surface while the Emperor moved around.

        "Make sure you unearth everything down there." He ordered.

         "Yes Your Majesty." They replied in unison.

         Empress Han seated in her Chambers Qing Yi rushed into her presence.

         "Your Highness." She cried falling onto her knees as the latter turned and looked at her.

         "What's the matter?" Empress Han asked.

         "His Majesty rounded up some Imperial guards and he is creating a scene at the Investigations Bureau." Qing Yi replied.

          "What?" Empress Han asked.

          "The harem only seems to have fallen into disorder as no one knows what he is up to but with the looks of it His Majesty is certainly looking for something." Qing Yi replied.

          "Something's wrong." Empress Han concluded.

          "What could it possibly be?" Qing Yi asked.

          "Prepare my sedan." Empress Han said.

          "But Your Highness....?" Qing Yi protested.

          "Something is awfully wrong and I can't sit by and watch, we must go to the Investigations Bureau." Empress Han concluded as she stood up and strode out through her bedroom doors.

            "Your Majesty." One of the guards called and everyone else quickly rushing over towards him they looked at the roots of the pine trees and beneath them small trunks that had been put together.

          "Bring them out." Emperor Ningzong ordered while the Lady Investigators seemed so startled by it the guards complied moving the trunk towards him and opening it, there were small white bottles that had been placed inside.

          Lan He personally took the initiative to pull out one and open it and at that very instant he poured it's contents in the form of a powder onto his hands and tasted them with his tongue.

          "What is it?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "Pardon me Your Majesty." Lan He replied and Eunuch Deng following his example he too chose to have a taste of what the contents truly were he picked up another bottle and did the same while everyone waited for his response.

          "This is aconite." He confirmed aloud and the Emperor startled he lost all his strength his eyes turned to Lady Miao at the same instant that Lady Zhang charged into the same backyard.

          "Your Majesty." She said bowing her head to him.

          "Arrest all these rebels." Emperor Ningzong ordered and heeding his command at once the Imperial guards rounded up the women who tried to scream in protest but to know avail.

          "What's this Your Majesty, you can't do this." Lady Investigator Zhang muttered.

          "You connive with rebels and attempt to assassinate the Grand Empress Dowager of the Great Song and fabricate proof to incriminate the innocent Lady Yang you are very malicious and you shall pay dearly." Emperor Ningzong said.

          "Your Majesty, we have been wronged." Lady Zhang screamed while they were being dragged away across the Courtyard when Lady Cao turned up and the Empress alongside all the other ladies of the harem.

          Yang Meizi still seated under the sunlight that shone into the room where she had been Manyin rushed over and opened the doors while she made her way in to her side.

         "Ma'am?" She called to her and the other opened her eyes.

          "What is it?" Lady Yang asked.

          "His Majesty has ordered your immediate release." Manyin replied.

          "It took him long enough." Yang Meizi remarked as she stood up.

          "Let's go." She said while she led the way towards the exit.

           Emperor Ningzong halted in front of his Empress and all the other ladies.

           "Greetings Your Majesty." They said in unison while the Emperor looked the other way as though passively accepting their salutation.

           "Empress is here?" He asked.

           "I heard that Your Majesty left the Main Palace and charged towards the Investigations Bureau furiously with a set of Imperial guards I knew that something was in deed wrong yet I am curious and Your Majesty alone can give me the answers I am looking for, what crime is so heinous that the Lady Investigators have committed?" She inquired.

           "We have been wronged Your Highness." Lady Zhang pleaded.

           "Silence." Emperor Ningzong shouted and at once they all fell quietly while Lady Cao watched at a distance.

           "Tell them Eunuch Deng." He ordered.

           "Yes Sure." The man replied as he turned to the Empress and they carried about three trunks which they placed in the midst of the two and they opened them.

          "What's this?" Empress Han asked.

          "You can test yourself Your Highness, each of these trunks contain aconite in them, abnormally large quantities that it is sufficient to kill every being and animal that resides within this Palace and perhaps even the capital as well." Eunuch Deng replied.

           "A small portion of it found in the Chambers of Lady Yang she was charged with the attempted murder of the Grand Empress by this same Bureau that Your Highness put in place with your own hands which makes it the most blessed institution to serve the Imperial cause and furthermore I expected it to be the most prudent in it's actions." Emperor Ningzong said.

         "I understand Your Majesty." Empress Han said, "but we can't be too hasty to decide this." She defended.

          "Weren't they as hasty dealing with the Lady Yang?" Emperor Ningzong asked and the Empress fell silent, "or perhaps her being a stranger now made us trust her less and think her to be the culprit I have been unfair to her as my woman and if world goes out the image of the Inner Court and the Harem is at stake Empress, and what's worse is another attempt on the Grand Empress Dowager's life or any other member of the Imperial family would have caused so much chaos within the country it was the Investigations Bureau's negligence to not see this through." He added when the doors of the detached side chambers were opened and Lady Yang's face appeared with her hair disorganized it seemed pale and bony and bags under her eyes they were each alarmed by her appearance.

         "Your Majesty?" She called while Lady Cao looked and her heart feeling like exploding it started to beat vigorously.

          "Lady Yang?" Xiaoyang cried coming from the other end of the building as the young woman collapsed and rolled down the few stairs to the ground the Emperor rushed to her side and immediately looking at her lying there lifeless with his two hands as the world watched he put her head onto her thighs.

          "Guiren?" He called, "get up." He muttered slapping her cheeks a little bit to get her to be conscious but to no avail his efforts seemed vain he chose to stand and carry her with both his hands.

           "Throw the Lady Investigators into the dungeons." He ordered and quickly he rushed with Lady Yang as he was followed by Eunuch Deng along with his retinue Empress Han and her sister Consort Han along with all the other Concubines watched the sight while Lady Cao clenched her fists.

           Swiftly walking across the Courtyard the young Emperor carried the fair Lady into his quarters while the doors were shut behind the two accompanied by Eunuch Deng and an Imperial physician.

          "Please stay with me." Emperor Ningzong said as he laid her down onto his bed and the Imperial physician rushing onto her side he took her hand with the intention of feeling her pulse.

          "How could she be in such a state, she was fine hours ago." He remarked but the physician after doing the preliminary tests seemed to know what was wrong he stood upright and faced the eager young Emperor who stared at him intensely expecting an answer soon.

         "Your Majesty." He honoured him.

         "What's wrong with her?" He asked.

         "I dare not say this uncertain as I might be but it seems she hadn't made a full recovery from the poison that she took last time along with her confinement she hasn't had anything to eat that it must have had a toll on her health to cause her the temporary unconsciousness." The Imperial physician replied.

          "Is it?" Lan He asked.

          "She's a bit weak as it is but her condition isn't too critical." The Imperial physician replied.

           "When could she regain consciousness?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "In a short while but for the time being she shouldn't be stressed out so much." The Imperial physician replied and the Emperor looking at her in silence he sighed deeply.

          "If that's all you may leave." He said to him and the latter unhesitant he walked out of the room leaving the Emperor and Lan He watching her altogether.

           "Your Majesty?" He called out of concern.

           "The more I think about it there's only one person that's this capable and now with the Grand Empress Dowager unconscious her condition wasn't better yet they pushed her to the edge because she was powerless." Emperor Ningzong said.

         "You mean to say the Empress?" Lan He Asked.

         "Who else if not her, the Ladies'Investigations Bureau of the Palace was formed by the Empress it falls under her control the Grand Empress Dowager doesn't like her much to begin with while the Empress Dowager is detached from both Palace and state affairs while Yang Meizi could have my heart combining all this together I ail but what's even more is the possibility that in a single strike the Empress would have become the most powerful woman in the Empire and Han Touzhou and his men would have preyed from it." Emperor Ningzong replied.

         "Thank goodness they didn't." Lan He remarked.

         "I never thought that I would be so sorry to her again and now here she is lying in this uncomfortable position because of me." He muttered.

         "But the Lady Investigators plead that they are innocent." Lan He said.

         "Do you think that they can surrender the Empress' crimes?" Emperor Ningzong asked while Lan He kept quiet, "at the very least they think me unable of doing anything to them because in their eyes I am weak and additionally I don't think that they would be as foolish to bite the hand that feeds them." He asserted.

            Throwing the doors open, Empress Han rushed into her Chambers and accompanied by Consort Han and Zhong Furen they sat down at her table.

         "Please appease your anger Your Highness." Qing Yi requested.

        "No." Empress Han said, "how could everything have come to this?" She asked.

        "Who can tell?" Qing Yi asked.

        "Is this not what was bound to happen?" Consort Han asked.

         "Sorry?" Qing Yi asked.

         "We were only too hasty." Consort Han replied.

         "So you are telling me to endure whatever it is that this bitch has put as through?" Empress Han asked.

         "Rather than worrying about the outcome isn't it better for us to think through our mistake?" Consort Han asked.

          "Perhaps Lady Cao tricked us." Qing Yi remarked.

          "You can't hold her solely responsible." Consort Han said.

          "If anyone would have benefited from the downfall of Lady Yang then it would have been her as it is that recently she had started to curry favour with the Emperor she'd have him entirely to herself but she didn't have the power to act and she turned to me." Empress Han muttered.

         "In my opinion both of them are to be wary of." Consort Han said.

         "I totally agree." Zhong Furen said.

         "But what about the Lady Investigators." Qing Yi asked.

         "It is clear that they were framed." Empress Han replied.

         "But the world doesn't necessarily believe that?" Consort Han asked.

         "Then what do you want me to do, this case as per the Emperor's decree is out of the Inner Court and the mere fact that the Grand Empress Dowager was harmed it becomes a National concern it has moved to the state Tribunal." Empress Han concluded.

          "Can't it be reversed Your Highness?" Qing Yi asked.

          "The last thing that we could possibly do is to make the Emperor swallow his words but the people are demanding for an answer, the Courtiers especially those loyal to the Grand Empress Dowager more so Zhao Ruyu are demanding for an answer." Empress Han replied.

          "Perhaps it's just as I had predicted, it shall be really difficult to deal with that woman at this rate." Consort Han said.

          "Since when has she been that frail?" Lady Cao protested as she rushed over to her seat and she sat down.

          "Please calm down Ma'am." Linxiang said.

          "That bitch is really out to kill me." Lady Cao said.

          "The Lady Investigators, how so?" Linxiang asked.

         "I don't know but it seems clearer right now at the moment." Lady Cao remarked, "she was confident this was clearly part of her ruse that's why she seemed tolerant despite all the accusations that they hurled against her, her silence wasn't her inability." She added.

         "But I saw Manyin." Linxiang asserted.

         "Even if you did so, clearly one way or another it wasn't us that she targeted or the Empress." Lady Cao concluded.

         "Then why would she attack the Investigations Bureau of the Palace?" Linxiang asked.

           "Isn't it so obvious that the Investigations Bureau of the Palace is what the Empress uses to check the inner aggression from the other harem but now after everything that has happened the Emperor is bound to lose his trust in them and the worst possible case scenario is them being disbanded." Lady Cao replied.

         "There must surely be something that can be done for them." Linxiang remarked.

         "I wish that it was that easy but the tongues of the people are unsettled and so are those of the Courtiers, the attack and threat on the Grand Empress' life is something that they can't go over easily and most of them understanding how important this institution is to the Empress they'd be more than willing to ensure that it hardly survives any storm that is aiming for it." Lady Cao replied.

          Emperor Ningzong still seated close to Lady Yang a couple of hours past she opened her eyes and looked at him.

         "Mei'er?" He called with concern while she sat up in bed to his tight embrace that came unexpected she was short of words to say.

          "Your Majesty?" She called him.

          "Are you alright?" He asked troubled and Yang Meizi coughing aloud he withdrew at once and shyly he looked at her.

          "Yes Your Majesty." Lady Yang replied as she looked around the place studying it, she'd been there before that she was familiar with the bed and much of it was still unchanged as it had been during the reign of Emperor Xiaozong.

         "This is..." She was still saying when the Emperor interrupted.

          "My room." He said.

          "Yes." She concluded nodding her head but looking at her eyes he could let in on a hint of affection, she'd started seeing him as someone else at least he thought and they seemed very lively as he stared into then, devoid of resentment and anger as he had hoped.

          "What happened?" She asked.

          "It's better to forget everything, after what the Ladies'Investigations Bureau of the Palace did to you, they must certainly pay for it." Emperor Ningzong replied.

          "Please don't let it be so Your Majesty." Yang Meizi spoke up.

          "I can't change my mind, this situation we I'll be dealt with by the state Tribunal as it has now evolved into a matter of national concern." Emperor Ningzong muttered.

          "Is there no peaceful way for Your Majesty to resolve this issue?" Lady Yang asked.

          "I am out of options and also my patience, I have been too lenient and it nearly cost you innocently your life and even worse I am mad at myself for betraying your affections towards me." Emperor Ningzong replied.

           "Don't blame yourself Your Majesty but it isn't my intention as well to go against you I merely wish that you'd realise what I'm trying to say." Lady Yang remarked.

          "And what could you do to convince me to withdraw the case?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "The Grand Empress Dowager was harmed and the Courtiers are demanding an explanation what do you think it is that they want, for the Imperial family it will merely be one of those excuses to try and attack the Empress which will be an indirect way of attacking you and as usual Han Touzhou is bound to respond with fury because they'll indirectly mean to attack him, and the mere fact that the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace has proven to be incompetent it is one thing that we can deal with." Lady Yang remarked.

           "So what do you suggest?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "We can't hold the Empress accountable for the crimes of her subordinates." Lady Yang replied.

          "So you mean to trust the Empress Han that much?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

          "In the harem I am nothing more than a powerless Noble Lady and those people will say that I bewitched your Majesty like the Empress Wu of Tang and turned him against his Empress what's even more unbearable is that they'll call you weak, henpecked and too foolish a ruler with myself so disloyal a servant for your sake I can sever any grudge." Lady Yang replied.

         The Emperor keeping quiet he looked at her and slowly he held her hands.

         "This time we have been apart I never imagined that you would even grow into being more reasonable than I am." He remarked.

         "Is that not what every ruler needs, a Virtuous wife to guide you and give you counsel I only hope to be calm and lovely, closer than your bossom friend that even when my hair turns grey you'll never have to get tired of me." Lady Yang replied.

         "Alright then, I'll leave this matter to you." Emperor Ningzong said.

         "Thank you Your Majesty." Lady Yang replied and leaning over she tightly embraced him into a hug while he didn't cease, behind him where his eyes could hardly see, she smiled ghastly in a moment rid of the vulnerability she'd seemed to posses a while earlier.

          The Lady Investigator Zhang seated in a dark cell she heard the doors opening and a couple of guards appeared behind the bars where they looked at her.

           "Come out." They demanded as she stood up slowly and walking towards them they opened the door and siezed her with their arms thereafter dragging her from the dungeons where she'd been contained.

           In a Courtyard that was filled with nothing but torturing equipment, most of her fellow Lady Investigators had been apprehended already a number dead from the torture and some still weeping and bleeding heavily while she was set at the bottom of the staircase where she saw Lady Yang seated at the top looking calmer than usual.

           "Why don't you kill me you witch?" She asked.

          "Because I understand that even death can not let you live regrettably for a leader it's only ailing that you have to bury the Innocents that staked their lives to follow you." Lady Yang replied.

          "And you think this is the end?" Lady Zhang asked.

          "Honestly it isn't one that I expect." Lady Yang replied, "but you do remember the promise that you made to bear the responsibility for every outcome." She added.

           "Yes." Investigator Zhang replied.

           "The Ladies'Investigations Bureau of the Palace was instituted by the Empress and I plan to keep that prestige regardless but you let Her Highness down and you were a disgrace to the Inner Court being too lax you have ignored your primary responsibilities you endanger the lives of the other members of the Inner Court and falsely you dare to slander the Emperor's woman you are as brazen your crime deserves death but I am myself too merciful I shall grant you a pardon to live as reformed citizens and keep your life, in return, you along with all your people are banned from the capital and in your place a new guard of Lady Investigators shall be put in place." Lady Yang said and widening her eyes in disbelief the woman seemed to curse at her.

          "No." Investigator Zhang said.

          "Apparently that isn't up to you to now decide." Lady Yang said as she stood up from where she was seated and turning around she smirked a little at herself before she walked away while the Imperial guards untying the Lady Investigators one by one they dragged them out.