Emperor Ningzong descending the stairs from his quarters he caught sight of Lady Yang who was uneasily sashaying through the gardens as she walked back and forth.

           He could tell from afar how worried she seemed and at that moment hesitantly he dared to walk up to her while she realised in a distance his presence she bowed and offered her respects.

          "Greetings Your Majesty." She said gracefully.

           "At ease." Emperor Ningzong said and standing upright she kept her head down until the point of him being unable to help it but question what it was that was most responsible for her unreasonable behavior.

             "What are you doing here?" He inquired.

             "Pardon me Your Majesty I didn't know that I was nearby, it's just that I paid little attention and roamed so far from the harem aimlessly.

              "You look troubled." Emperor Ningzong remarked.

              "It's nothing Your Majesty, I am merely exhausted." Yang Meizi lied and slightly sneaking a glimpse at Manyin she spoke up.

              "Your Majesty....." She said.

              "Enough." Lady Yang reprimanded aloud that it became clearer to the young man that there was still something that was being hidden from him.

              "It couldn't be that you are lying to me." He said.

              "Your Majesty is already burdened with the affairs of state so who could we possibly be to bring to you the most petty issues?" Lady Yang replied.

              "Even if I don't find out from you I shall find out from someone else so why the vain effort in trying to remain silent when I trust that better than anyone else you know how uneasy it is for my heart to see you like this?" Emperor Ningzong asked as the young woman fell silent.

             "Pardon me Your Majesty." Lady Yang said as she bowed her head and the Emperor turned to Manyin who felt intimidated by his gaze.

              "Tell me." He spoke up in a very commanding tone.

             "How to tell you this Your Majesty?" She replied.

             "Just go on and speak up to His Majesty." Eunuch Deng ordered.

             "My Ma'am has hardly felt well since morning and the Empress is furious from the Sericultural Ceremony, Lady Cao has been implicated and her fate lies in the hands of the Ladies' Investigations Bureau of the Palace so that overwhelming inadequacy causes her to be this way." Manyin replied and Emperor Ningzong looking at Yang Meizi in tears he'd hardly realised that his heart had broken down so badly.

            "How so?" He asked.

             "No Your Majesty." Lady Yang said as she fell on her knees and tightly ceased the Hem of his garb.

            "How could the Empress be so cruel?" He asked.

            "But what can you do Your Majesty?" Lady Yang asked, "if you interfere with the affairs of the Inner Court moreso the harem you'll make her look weak and inefficient and the Censors and Courtiers understand best that this isn't an average Imperial family affair they'll still censure you." She pleaded.

            "So I should let them have their way with Lady Cao?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.

             "For Your Majesty it's our duty to live and die in this harem and perhaps who knows that this could be the very best for her?" Lady Yang said.

            "The best for her?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

            "My dear Cao has long been my protectress and the Empress attacks her to corner me so much I fear and I wonder what it is that I have done wrong to be a target for her wrath, I can keep up with all harm and trouble but I can't risk her innocent life.

             It was her earnest wish to protect me that got me this far and should I appeal to you to stay she certainly wouldn't dare both once or twice as much to live the good life that she promised her mother when she was young." Lady Yang replied.

            "If you can't protect each other then my dear who shall protect you?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.

            "I rely on Your Majesty and I wouldn't regret death even for you, all I ask is that you retract from Her Highness the death penalty and at least have Lady Cao exiled from the Palace temporarily so that she doesn't perish at her hands Your Majesty." Lady Yang said.

            "Alright." Emperor Ningzong said as he bent over and ceasing Lady Yang by her shoulders he helped her up onto her feet, "wipe your tears because I don't want to see you cry and it hurts me staring at your shattered soul I couldn't find ease in your gaze all I feel is weakness." He muttered.

              "Mei'er is grateful to Your Majesty." Lady Yang said as the Emperor with his golden handkerchief he wiped her tears and leaving it in her hands while she smiled naively he turned to Eunuch Deng who was beside him.

              "Take me to Her Highness the Empress." He ordered.

              "Yes Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied and leading the way while the Emperor looked at Lady Yang, she bowed her head and moved aside as he continued in the direction of the Central Palace.

              Swiftly Lady Yang's worried expression evolved into a ghastly smile she turned around and raised her head high the moment that she was sure the Emperor was out of sight.

            "In deed as you had thought Ma'am, the Emperor is angry." She remarked.

             "The Emperor will only be convinced how spiteful the Empress is and even if the Lady Investigators staked their lives he would take it as a sign of their allegiance he wouldn't bother to make a mountain of this molehill at the very least the Empress Han will be hit so hard she wouldn't see it coming." Lady Yang said.

            "Wouldn't she lose her faith and trust in the Lady Investigators?" Manyin inquired.

            "Trust me if it's about who is faithful she'll learn sooner or later in our favor but if there is something that I can assure you it isn't the best news that she'll receive shortly." Lady Yang replied as she continued walking her own way.

            The gates to the Central Palace were opened and the Emperor and his retinue making their way through the ladies in waiting present and Eunuchs within the Courtyard each bowed their heads and they paid their homeage while he mounted the stairs that led to the Empress' Grand Hall.

            "His Majesty the Emperor." Eunuch Gong announced and the Empress Han and her sister Consort Han each stood up and they greeted him while he stared about the place.

             "A word with the Empress." Emperor Ningzong asked and Consort Han quickly stepping out with her lady in waiting left the two altogether they each stared each other in the eye.

             "Please have a seat Your Majesty." Empress Han said gracefully but his eyes only with resentment he tried hard to hide he smiled nonetheless and took a seat that was directly opposite that of the Empress.

             "You may now speak up." Emperor Ningzong said.

             "Have I annoyed Your Majesty in any way?" Empress Han asked.

             "I heard about everything that happened at the Sericultural Ceremony that is if you really felt too embarrassed to tell me, furthermore I learnt that you weren't feeling well after all those unfortunate events." Emperor Ningzong replied.

             "I apologise if in any way I have bothered Your Majesty." Empress Han muttered.

             "Greatly it is that I am hurt but I won't dwell much on it, you are the Inner Court and the harem I am too powerless as your husband in this field to stop you." Emperor Ningzong said.

             "I suppose Your Majesty is here to defend Lady Cao." She remarked.

             "And what she did is unforgivable but for your sake and for the sake of the Imperial family's dignity you must be strict regarding decorum but in the very least most sincere as well, you as an Empress should understand that above all else you are the mother of this nation who gives it life hence if you deprive it how is it that the future generations shall refer to you as a most Virtuous Queen and myself a benevolent ruler?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

            "Pardon me Your Majesty but a punishment that is too lax will only make others go astray and as the Empress it is my duty to set an example for all other women in the country as well as warn those within the palace that could bear such ill intents to desist from being led into temptation that they may be delivered from all evils." Empress Han replied.

             "Yet you know better that above all else the world sees things differently they'll cease to call you sagacious and others shall brand you overly jealous over a low ranking concubine." Emperor Ningzong said and the Empress where she was seated she kept quiet.

             "So what does Your Majesty see fit enough a punishment for this vile woman?" Empress Han asked.

             "Lady Cao has worked in the palace for so long and prior to her appointment as the Noble Lady she was the head of the six Matrons she'd surely understand her place if you had her exiled to a temple indefinitely." Emperor Ningzong replied, "surely she'd cultivate her morals and return as a refined woman and in the eyes of the people isn't it you my Empress they'll consider most tolerant and benevolent?" He remarked the young woman unwillingly she smiled at him.

             "Your Majesty wishes to have her spared I certainly won't let you down hence if this is it alone I shall deal with the issue concerning Lady Cao immediately." Empress Han said.

            "Thank you so much Empress." Emperor Ningzong said and holding her hand lightly he stood up and walked out of the hall while Qing Yi walked in moments later.

             "Your Highness......" She said to her.

             "She's got him as well beneath her fingers." Empress Han remarked.

             "I appeal that Your Highness becomes calm." Qing Yi said.

             "Definitely you would but those women seem to have really gone deep into his heart you should have seen how hard he pleaded with me on her behalf putting on the charade of desiring so much that current and future generations call me his most benevolent wife." The Empress calm but with a tone of fury she spoke.

              "But would Your Highness clearly defy His Majesty, in the very least at least he proposes that Lady Cao has to go it's better for the harem to do with one fangless snake instead of two poisonous ones." Qing Yi said.

            "And who says that Lady Yang is fangless?" Empress Han asked.

            "Until now except for trying to curry favour with Your Highness what else is it that she has done?" Qing Yi inquired.

             "The one thing that keeps a man alive is hatred and vengeance, she might be too good to read but I am myself to cautious I worry greatly about the day that mask hanging over her face shall rip and she shall put her blade on my neck." Empress Han muttered as her mind drifted away and she recalled the words that Wang Liuan had mentioned to her.

           "As long as you have the phoenix crown it is hard earned Milady hence you should know that as it is given so it can be taken away and given to another." Wang Liuan had cautioned, "if Your Highness insists to surround yourself with enemies then I pray that the heavens be with you in these soon to be most chaotic times because you must devote your all to vanquish someone that has devoted their all to vanquish you." He'd added.

            "Then what should I do Your Highness?" Qing Yi inquired while the Empress turned and looked at her.

            "Pick out the worst of temples and the furthest at that we could send her to." Empress Han replied.

            "Yes Your Highness." Qing Yi replied as she withdrew at once from the room leaving her mistress alone and herself lost in thought.

            Lady Cao seated behind a group of wooden bars Lady Yang turned up and she turned to look at her.

            "So you see me?" Lady Cao asked.

            "Were you as surprised being dragged from your quarters?" Lady Yang inquired.

            "So it wasn't the Empress, it was your doing." Lady Cao muttered.

             "You can say so." Lady Yang replied, "but at least there's you to thank me for saving your life for a short while as you consider turning that foster mother of yours into a legal wife you'll cultivate your mind and soul at some very distant temple as I asked His Majesty." She added.

             "You are mistaken to think that this is the end for me." Lady Cao muttered.

             "I don't dare think so." Lady Yang replied as she turned and showed her her back, "I warned you the day I set foot again in this Palace, I asked you to return to my grace where my arms could embrace you, I could have forgiven that you tried to kill me but with the Empress you took from me my whole world." She said.

              "Isn't that what this life is all about?" Lady Cao asked, "giving and taking who says that a smooth path has been laid ahead for you, it is that pain and hatred, that blood and fire that has made you strong as you are today couldn't it make me as well someone much better than you already are Ma'am?" She asked.

             "You longed for too much and it cost me a lifetime you should learn from today that my mercy keeps you and more than anything else that I am going to burn down hundreds of words if I must to get even with you all." Lady Yang said as she walked away and Lady Cao falling onto the wooden bars she held them tightly as she screamed behind her.

             "I will return you wait for me, blood will flow in the Palace and I shall rip you apart limb by limb." She swore furiously while Lady Yang got out of the structure and standing at the top of the staircase, beneath herself she saw the Consort Han waiting with her attendants she smiled as she bowed her head before she walked away.

             Grand Empress Dowager Wu seated in her room Wan Mei walked in a short while later.

              "Your Highness." She called bearing a tray in her hands.

             "What is it?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu asked.

             "Master Bao sent over someone along with some Biluochun Tea." Wan Mei replied and the Empress sighing she waved her hand which showed her approval shortly afterwards, the doors of the room were opened and Beiyuan walked in his head bowed her bore something in his hands.

              "Greetings Your Highness." He said.

               "At ease." Grand Empress Dowager Wu replied and the young man complied while she studied him for a while and found the latter to be well composed and confident.

             "Come closer." She ordered and without hesitation the young man delivered himself.

             "You are.....?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu asked.

             "Beiyuan Your Highness." He replied and the old woman offering her hand to Wan'er she helped her up onto her feet the latter slowly drew closer to him and ceased.

              "What has Master Bao had to say?" She asked him.

             "If Your Highness would will it, I dare to request you to take me in as a Eunuch under the Noble Lady Yang." Beiyuan replied.

              "You speak with so much compassion surely she is someone that you admire wholeheartedly." Grand Empress Dowager Wu muttered.

             "Truthfully speaking yes, if it is to be grateful I am the most grateful of people in the world that she gave me this life I live and had it not been her, mortal as I am I would have ceased to exist." Beiyuan asserted.

             "Noble Consort Huang of the Guangzong Emperor had a most formidable Eunuch Wei that came into her service he cherished his mistress deeply to the extent of dying for her she seemed in fact close to him like a sister but at the time the ruthless Empress Li caused the latter to die with child, he wove a fabric of silk and then hanging it over the central pole about ten feet high he suspended his body and slowly life sipped out of him, he kicked air back and forth by the time someone came in to save him from the jaws of death his spirit had long descended into the bottomless depths of the Netherworld his eyes cursed at the Empress bitterly four years later to have her ousted from the Central Palace where we had her thrown behind the doors of the Cold Palace." Grand Empress Dowager Wu narrated as the young man paying keen attention he eventually looked up at the old woman that she could tell he was burning to ask her a question.

             "Say it." She allowed him.

             "Why are you telling me this Your Majesty?" He inquired.

             "Because my dear, affections are merely empty words without actions and if it is loyalty what better example is there than that?" Grand Empress Dowager Wu asked and the young man kept quiet, "I once told that little girl she'd have a bright future but there's too many enemies around her each with their own arms and legs, eyes, ears and charms every machination has a corpse attached to it and loose lips by you must be silenced you must do all the dirty work prepare to burn and bury not even ash should be in the position to show that there once was something that existed in a place it shouldn't have been." She added.

             "Yes Your Highness." Beiyuan Said.

             "That's your place in this lonely and bloodied Palace, that's what it shall always be." She continued to tell him and slowly turning around she was led from the hall while Beiyuan was left alone bowing his head onto the ground in the centre of the room.

             Lady Yang walking into her room she sat down onto her stool behind her table and Manyin and Xiaoyang noticing his their mistress was lost in thought they drew closer to her presence which she seemed to realise then.

            "I am so worried about Lady Cao." Manyin muttered.

           "It's better this way." Lady Yang said, "there's an even bigger problem at hand and knowing the things that she knows she should have understood better it was the only way to keep her mouth closed." She added.

            "What is it Ma'am?" Xiaoyang asked.

            "At least we can confront these two sisters." Lady Yang muttered.

           "How certain can we be that everything will work out?" Manyin asked.

            "The Empress and Consort Han altogether in peace is largely unrealistic, furthermore each one of those two sisters has something that is suffices to make another envious of the other." Lady Yang replied, "remember the elder serves the younger that got to be Empress and she seems to be too lax about the rules while the younger is convinced that the younger is deficient in Imperial favour in now way would she possibly threaten her position or the position of the crown Prince." She added.

             "I see." Xiaoyang muttered.

              "There's this balance of power in the harem that Han Touzhou yields from and it is therefore what we can possibly use to our advantage and turn upside down into our own favour." Lady Yang said as she smiled at herself ghastly.

             Consort Han sat down beside the Empress who picked up a cup of tea and sipped at it.

            "His Majesty surely is benevolent however we won't be dealing with one of those bitches for a while." The Empress muttered.

             "Come to think of it Your Highness about how she could pull off such a scheme I am so shocked myself." Consort Han said as she picked up her cup and she took a sip as well before resting it on the table.

             "Yet I really fear." Empress Han said.

             "What is it?" Consort Han inquired.

             "I am merely concerned about that Noble Lady Yang because initially she had her competition from Lady Cao and now that one is gone I suppose for her it must be every deliberate effort to monopolize His Majesty's affections." Empress Han replied.

            "I don't understand from that very moment she swiftly sent Your Highness gifts." Consort Han Said.

             "I was reluctant I had them inspected for poison but there was hardly a trace, if it is a charge I was about to place and fabricate I wouldn't risk my Investigations Bureau a second time knowing that I could rely on these more efficiently than the previous Lady Investigators." Empress Han muttered.

             "To think that she is much older than we are she must have dreaded Lady Cao themselves having once been very close I heard that the Emperor was reluctant to bed with her ever since their marriage." Consort Han said.

            "The Grand Empress Dowager surviving death alone is most cunning but now this new woman I can see from her eyes she'll be a bigger problem sooner or later." Empress Han said.

            "She merely prefers to keep a safe distance." Consort Han muttered.

            "Would I be as foolish to embrace her fake charity?" Empress Han inquired.

             "Why so Your Highness?" Consort Han asked.

              "She was I heard very influential in the past troubles that stirred the Palace and sent it into chaos, she was I heard most influential in the abdication of the Retired Emperor and the downfall of the Empress Li whichever schemes they must have been known or unknown are sufficient to keep me wary it is clearer that she's had pretty much the upper hand in all the events that transpired lately." Empress Han replied.

            "But her child having died Your Highness, there's nothing more appalling and there's never a memory as gruesome it's possible that in her position she'd fear for her children going through the same fate." Consort Han muttered.

            "Yet it's all but a gamble because I have heard that old habits in deed die hard." The Empress remarked.

             "I dread more than anything that Your Highness keeping a distance world stir up enough suspicion you'd still prefer to keep your distance?" Consort Han asked.

            "If it's a game I would wish to play along as well." Empress Han confidently replied while her sister stared at her intensely.

            Madam Jing and Madam Rui mounting the stairs that led to the Empress' Grand Hall they halted and we're received by Qing Yi.

             "Milady?" They greeted her.

              "What is it that brings you here?" Qing Yi inquired.

              "We were hoping to have an audience with Her Highness." Madam Jing replied.

              "She's occupied at the moment with Consort Han so if it isn't very urgent then perhaps you could come back later." Qing Yi said and Madam Jing ceasing her hand and pulling her to the side sneakily, the latter unwilling only followed until they halted towards the edge of the building.

              "This is very urgent." Madam Jing replied.

              "What could it possibly be?" Qing Yi inquired.

              "It's about Her Highness the Pure Consort Han." Madam Jing replied and Qing Yi was shocked Madam Rui looking about the place the doors of the hall were opened and Consort Han stepped out and was joined by her retinue which forced Madam Rui to move to the side and bow her head to her.

              "Greetings Your Highness." She said but the Consort paying little attention to her she descended the stairs and Qing Yi noticing her departure she turned to Madam Jing.

              "Please." The young woman pleaded and immediately Qing Yi couldn't keep up with her pressure.

              "I'll inform Her Highness first." She said as she walked into the room where she found the Empress reading a couple of books.

              "Your Highness, something urgent has come up." She said bowing her head.

             "What could it be?" Empress Han asked.

             "It's Madam Jing and Rui of the Investigations Bureau." Qing Yi replied the Empress surprised turned her attention to her attendant.

            "The Investigations Bureau?" Empress Han asked.

            "Yes." Qing Yi confirmed.

            "Let them in." The Empress ordered and compliantly the two women walked into her presence and they bowed their heads to her.

            "Greetings Your Highness." They said in unison.

            "I am told that there's something urgent you wish to tell me." Empress Han muttered.

            "It's about Consort Han Your Highness." Madam Jing replied.

             "What?" The Empress asked, "Consort Han?" She added.

             "Yes." Madam Jing replied.

             Consort Han arriving in her Chambers she sat down while her Lady in Waiting moved closer and watched her uncomfortably touching her chest.

             "Are you alright Your Highness?" She inquired.

             "I am fine Liaoren." Consort Han replied, "I'm only feeling a little bit uncomfortable." She implied.

             "Perhaps we should call the Imperial physician." Liaoren insisted.

             "It's alright." Consort Han refused but already starting to sweat profusely she started to breathe intensely her hands holding onto her table as she stood up only a couple of steps were enough for her to fall down unconscious.

             "Your Highness?" Liaoren shouted as she held her up before her head could hit the ground, "someone, call the physician." She demanded certain that the ladies outside would hear her plea and fulfill her wish.

             "Have you any idea what you are saying to me?" Empress Han asked furiously trying to keep a calm tone her gaze had long evolved into one which seemed awfully frightening and demanding.

            "Yes Your Highness." Madam Jing replied.

             "Her Highness the Empress and the Pure Consort Han are both sisters related by blood, they share a mother and father and above all else it could have been another woman in the Palace or the harem but certainly Not Her Highness' sister." Qing Yi said.

              "I hope that Your Highness would understand, I so much wished for the same but as a Lady Investigator I can not pretend to turn a blind eye myself." Madam Jing replied, "we have conclusive evidence that Her Highness Consort Han must have been involved in the mishaps during the Sericultural Ceremony." She asserted.

             "You're lying." Empress Han said furiously as she smacked the table herself not breaking her gaze with Madam Jing she stretched her right hand under her cloak and from there she pulled out a ring which she placed on the table in front of them the Empress immediately recognized it.

             "What's this?" Empress Han inquired.

              "You know this ring Your Highness and it belongs to Consort Han I am sure that even if you inquired with her you would know the answer yourself, before we could arrest Lady Cao we were keen to follow the case, my only concern is that she exploited the loopholes in what would have been Lady Cao's scheme and in turn she pulled off the trick." Madam Jing muttered.

            "How do I know that you are telling the truth, it could be anyone else but certainly not my sister." Empress Han continued to protest.

             "There was some information that we found for ourselves but we kept confidential, despite getting away with the Lady Cao, there was another impossible witness who participated in this scheme as well." Madam Jing replied, "if Your Highness wills it, we can have his oral, written and face to face confession." She added and the Empress reluctant she only leaned against the table.

            "No." The Empress said.

            "I only wish it wasn't this hard on you Your Highness, but it's been roughly a year since you became the Empress of the Great Song and His Majesty taking into consideration other Concubines there's rumours that Consort Han has been a little bit too lax and in longing she disrespects you seeing you only as a sister they fear that decorum may fail her." Madam Jing said, "however if Your Highness really wishes then I shall reinvestigate this case." She added.

           "No such thing shall be done." Empress Han spoke up and raising her head she looked Madam Jing in the eye.

             "Your Highness..." Madam Jing protested.

             "Consort Han is my sister and Lady Cao has already been proven guilty furthermore there wasn't a request for reinvestigation of this case I don't wish it to be pursued any further." Empress Han insisted.

            "If Your Highness wills it, then who could I be to disobey?" Madam Jing muttered.

           "Just make sure that you keep this entirely between the both of us." Empress Han muttered.

           "Yes Your Highness." Madam Jing said as she stood up and bowing her head she withdrew from the room leaving the Empress utterly confused.

             Consort Han looking at the Imperial physician with Liaoren beside her, the fairly old man done feeling the pulse he let go.

            "What is wrong with Her Highness Sir?" Liaoren inquired.

            "Where is Her Highness' make up?" The Imperial physician asked.

             "Why do you ask?" Liaoren spoke up.

             "There's something that I must confirm beforehand." The Imperial physician replied and Consort Han seating up she looked at her attendant.

             "Your Highness..." Liaoren trying to stop her was interrupted.

            "Didn't you hear him?" Consort Han asked.

             "Sorry." Liaoren replied.

             "Get him what he has asked for." She ordered and the young girl standing up she walked towards her mistress' dressing table and there checking through the lockers she pulled out a couple of cosmetics which she bore all the way back and she handed them over to the Imperial physician.

            "Here they are." Consort Han said with a most sincere smile on her face the old man took her lipstick and puting it closer to his nose he sniffed and seemed to hint on something.

             "For how long have you used this lipstick?" The Imperial physician asked.

             "It's been way too many years." Consort Han replied, "why do you ask though?" She inquired.

             "I don't know how to say this Your Highness but you are severely barren and you can never bear any children as your womb has been dried." The Imperial physician replied and the young woman seemed to feel the old wounds exposed yet again.

            "It is something I am aware of." Consort Han said.

            "Your barrenness Your Highness isn't natural though but induced." The Imperial physician said and Liaoren more surprised she stood up.

            "What is it that you are trying to say?" She scolded the physician.

             "Your Highness can have any other expert look through these things only the best would notice that your lipstick and mascara all contain LASERWORT." The Imperial physician replied and Consort Han shocked she tightly held onto her chest.

             "LASERWORT?" She asked.

             "A very rare herb it isn't even grown in the country but rather it's exported by Roman traders for the distant West there's limited documented information on it but one thing at least those who know it know is that......" He was still saying when Consort Han interrupted.

            "It is used as a contraceptive and can induce abortion but furthermore, persistent use could cause lifelong barrenness." She concluded as she clenched her fists furiously and her eyes teary even the physician could tell that there was so much that was going on in the young woman's mind.

           Manyin walked into the room where Lady Yang was seated and sitting down beside her she leaned over desperately.

            "We failed Ma'am." She asserted, "the Empress is unwilling to believe but it seems that on the other hand Consort Han might be growing just about sufficient doubt." She added.

             "Is it so?" Lady Yang inquired.

              "Certainly." Manyin replied, "it's what they have reported." She confirmed and the young woman quietly massaging her temples she closed her eyes for a while and silence prevailing in the room temporarily it was curtailed when Xiaoyang walked in at that moment and offered her salutations.

              "Did you do as I had asked?" Lady Yang inquired.

              "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied and turning to Manyin who seemed to be having a hard time processing the conversation between the two she adjusted her ears and inquired as well individually.

             "What is it Ma'am?" She said.

             "You wouldn't think that it would be enough?" Lady Yang inquired.

            "Ma'am had something in mind." Manyin muttered.

            "The Empress' trust towards her sister is very deep she wouldn't doubt her so much, but suspicion sows seeds for more suspicion and those as well sprout into more suspicion it shall be all the more painful when harsh realities kick in." Lady Yang replied.

            "But blood is thicker than water." Manyin said, "judging from the situation it won't be as easy." She insisted.

            "All it takes is some amount of water to turn thick blood dilute, if crowns and thrones can come between Princes and brothers, for a woman the most fatal venom is a man." Lady Yang asserted and smiling at herself ghastly she seemed content that there was much more that was bound to happen.

            Empress Han seated in her Chambers couldn't help but recall the words that Madam Jing had mentioned to her.

            "I hope that Your Highness would understand, I so much wished for the same but as a Lady Investigator I can not pretend to turn a blind eye myself." Madam Jing had asserted, "we have conclusive evidence that Her Highness Consort Han must have been involved in the mishaps during the Sericultural Ceremony." She implied confidently.

              "You know this ring Your Highness and it belongs to Consort Han I am sure that even if you inquired with her you would know the answer yourself, before we could arrest Lady Cao we were keen to follow the case, my only concern is that she exploited the loopholes in what would have been Lady Cao's scheme and in turn she pulled off the trick." Such cautious words lingered in her mind and sighing she seemed unable to read the book in her possession any further she decided to put it down onto the table.

             "Your Highness seems exhausted." Qing Yi muttered.

             "I can't seem to get a lot of things out of my mind." Empress Han said.

             "Is it about what Madam Jing said?" Qing Yi inquired.

             "I thought that I had asked you not to mention a word of it." Empress Han said.

             "It concerns Your Highness so much myself growing up with you well enough I can claim you are one of those people I understand inside out, given the character of Consort Han and the way you treat her well, I don't find her to be capable of performing such a grave sin to dishonor your sisterhood." Qing Yi said.

            "Is it perhaps that I am worrying too much?" Empress Han inquired.

             "I believe that Your Highness should take it that way." Qing Yi replied and reluctantly the young woman seemed to take it to heart.

             "Where's the Eldest Prince?" She inquired.

             "I am certain that he returned from the Imperial library a while ago." Qing Yi replied.

            "Is it so?" Empress Han asked.

             "Yes."Qing Yi replied.

             "Your Highness, who could have....?" Liaoren asked but Consort Han kept quiet.

             "Impossible." She muttered while she seemingly recalled all those gifts, ornaments and cosmetics that she'd received from the Empress her heart unsteady she broke down.

             "I don't think so." Liaoren muttered, "there must be something else wrong or perhaps the cosmetics were tampered with." She added.

              "I am a woman I would feel that something isn't right with my body more than anyone else, I had migraines recently and fatigue, pain and general body weakness all which are symptoms of persistent use of Laserwort I knew even before I could be like every other woman in the world to be able to bear a child and hold them in my arms to love them entirely." Consort Han muttered, "who would have thought that even the Emperor himself was blameless and of all people in the world it had to be my sister." She added.

           "Why would she do that Your Highness, you are her blood and flesh, if it is marrow that she bears it's also a part of you, could she really be as cruel?" Liaoren inquired.

             "The first thing you learn as a Han the moment that you are born in this world is to fight to become strong and stand on top of the world, my little sister was always naive at least I thought I don't wish to believe that she'd be this capable but Lady Yang whom I would hold responsible hasn't known me longer than she has and never had I taken anything from her, all my life the hand that fed me was that of my sister I thought myself to receive without giving a single thing in return I never knew that indirectly I was paying a huge price for it and when I come to think of it an Imperial son made her a Crown Princess and an Imperial son made him the Empress, the mother of this nation which Crown would have belonged to me being the elder." Consort Han said.

            "We can't be too hasty Your Highness." Liaoren muttered.

            "Then if you insist I shall give you a chance to prove my sister's Innocence." Consort Han yelled at her.

            "Very well then Your Highness, just give me some time." Liaoren muttered as she stood up and bowing her head she withdrew from the room leaving the suspicious young woman in her own individual company.

             Emperor Ningzong walking around the palace had crossed the bridge from the Grand Hall and was headed for the Imperial library when he was intercepted by Lady Yang.

            "Your Majesty." She greeted him while he seemed rather surprised that she had turned up.

            "Mei'er?" He called.

            "Yes Your Majesty." She replied bowing her head again and looking at her expression he could clearly tell that her mood was quite sombre with her eyes slightly red he refrained from asking a single question while she on the other hand seemed determined to keep dragging the charade.

           "What are you doing here?" He asked.

           "I merely wished for an audience." Lady Yang replied and the Emperor looking around at Eunuch Deng and Lan He, quietly they moved a couple of steps behind while Lady Yang's retinue withdrew at a certain distance the two moved up to one of the balconies that was situated close to a pond and there they sat down.

           "What is it?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

           "How to tell you this Your Majesty." Lady Yang replied and incidentally she leaned and placed her head on his chest unexpected while on the other hand, the young man moved his hand around her and held her right shoulder trying to contain his heart from beating fast.

           "Lady Cao shall be sent out of the Palace, and I shall be left in here all alone, I could understand that growing up that poor girl as she is has done nothing much except protect me, I am guilty my past self that was vengeful is someone I killed and I can't resurrect again." Lady Yang said.

            "Is this all that brothers you?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

            "Your Majesty..." Lady Yang replied but she was interrupted.

            "Since when did you start keeping secrets from me when you told me that you married me with your whole heart? What is it that you can not tell me?" He inquired while she raised her eyes and looked at him nearly breaking down in tears.

            "The harem is a very turbulent place, since the founders of our Great Song Dynasty there never was an hour that the Courtiers kept their eyes away from it each tries so hard to merely extend an arm in it and influence a couple of things or so much more, all the people in it are backed by powerful Courtiers and I alone I'm merely another of those orphans with very little knowledge of the type of person I was born to be." Lady Yang replied.

            "Does it hurt you that much?" Emperor Ningzong asked.

           "I'm worried that the more Your Majesty visits me the more others will hate on me and the more others will gossip, I don't want the same thing that Her Highness the Retired Empress did to that young woman whose hands were put into a box be the same thing the Empress and those other Consorts would do to me so yes I am afraid that the more you call on me it'll only make things worse for you and for myself." Lady Yang replied.

            The Emperor maintaining some silence seemed to be thinking through.

            "Consort Han being with you long enough I can only imagine how she'll look at me, the Empress already has a son so I wouldn't be very much worried, Zhong Furen and Xie Cairen are only too close to me, there are others unnamed in this Palace but none has yet spent the night with His Majesty what is it you think that they could possibly wish for more than anything else?" Lady Yang said and pulling her head from his chest she sat upright naively while the young man seemed shocked by her rather drastic change in behavior.

           "Alright." Emperor Ningzong replied and at that time Eunuch Deng walked closer.

           "Your Majesty we're going to be late for the meeting with the tutors." He said.

           "I'll be on my way." Emperor Ningzong replied and Yang Meizi standing up she faced him and bowed her head.

           "Pardon me for holding you Sire." She apologized and the Emperor nodding in approval with a smirk on his face he stood up and walked away while he was accompanied by his retinue and Yang Meizi still watching him at a distance she smiled at himself while the Emperor negotiating a corner towards the Imperial library he arrived at the staircase where he halted.

            "Is there anything wrong?" Eunuch Deng suddenly asked.

            "I want to look at all the vacant positions in the Grand Secretariat." Emperor Ningzong replied the two seemed surprised.

            "All of a sudden?" Eunuch Deng inquired.

            "Who is my biggest enemy, who is my shield, come to think of it the Prince Consort remaining only an Imperial Censor is a disgrace both to my sister the Imperial Princess and also the Imperial house." Emperor Ningzong replied.

             "You so wish to make Shi Miyuan a member of the Imperial Dynasty?" Lan He asked.

             "Isn't it good enough?" Emperor Ningzong muttered as he mounted the stairs and the doors being opened to him he walked in to a couple of scholars who also included Peng Zishou and beholding his presence they each offered him their salutations as the doors were closed and Eunuch Deng and Lan He looked at one another cautiously.

              Consort Han seated in her bed One of her other Ladies in waiting came up to her and bowed her head.

              "Greetings." She offered her salutations and the Pure Consort waving at her she walked closer.

              "What is it?" She inquired.  

               "The Imperial Prince Zhao Jun is here." The young woman replied and a smile coming over Consort Han's face she smiled.

              "Let him in." She muttered, "and bring the cakes to him." She added and the latter complying she stood up and was readied while a short while later, she met the young Prince in the main hall of her Palace.

             The boy roughly at an age of ten he hurried over to his aunt and kowtowed to her while she was delighted to receive him.

             "You are so early today." She remarked.

             "My classes at the Royal Academy got done early." The young boy replied and smiling at him she quickly sat down in behind her table while the young boy took a seat that was close to hers.

              She looked at him happily and with her left hand she patted his cheek while they brought the snacks to the table and placed them in front of the young Prince's eyes.

            "You don't look alright aunt." Prince Zhao Jun muttered.

             "I'm a little bit sick but I promise that if you be a good boy and you have some of these sweets then I shall become alright." Consort Han said and picking one in her hand she handed it over to the young Prince who took it without much hesitation and smiling at his ailing aunt, she patted the young boy's head.

             Emperor Ningzong seated with his tutors and the Grand Secretariat Han Touzhou along with Zhao Ruyu looking at him he sighed.

            "Is there anything wrong Your Majesty?" They inquired.

            "There's something that I need your deliberation on." Emperor Ningzong replied.

            "Whatever it is Your Majesty." Zhao Ruyu and Han Touzhou said in unison as they bowed their heads.

            "I heard that you are lacking in some staff in the Grand Secretariat and I merely wished to promote the Prince Consort to the position of Minister of Rites." Emperor Ningzong said.

            The two seemingly surprised, Han Touzhou voiced out his opinion first.

            "How come Sire?" He inquired.

             "It's been close to a year since I ascended the throne, surviving as my father's only daughter the Imperial Princess Qi'an is the Grand Princess of the Great Song her husband holding a lower rank couldn't make the Imperial clan any more proud and furthermore as her brother I would have neglected her birthright while additionally, this being a marriage that was blessed by His Majesty the Retired Emperor and Her Highness the Retired Empress, surely it must be that this move will make me a filial son and a most sagacious ruler." Emperor Ningzong replied.

            "The appointment is possible Your Majesty, but if you so wish to promote then why not do it entirely?" Han Touzhou asked.

             "You dare to question His Majesty?" Zhao Ruyu lashed out at him.

            "I am just speaking out facts." Han Touzhou replied.

             "And which facts are these you talk about?" Zhao Ruyu inquired. 

            "Your Majesty is benevolent and may you live a very long life, the Prince Consort on the other hand though in the past showing every desire of service to his country the people rumored that Your Majesty deliberately denied him promotion, if you give him a rank beneath me wouldn't that stir much more disorder and the worst case scenario is the rumours would get back to you as a very ungrateful and unfilial monarch as they'd take it as though you intentionally degraded the Grand Princess Royal." Han Touzhou replied.

             "Have you a better position in mind?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.

             "Your Majesty can as well make him a first rank Marquis." Han Touzhou replied.

              "Yet I studied with him this you knew very well, he is a talented poet and he is morally upright in each and every one of his values, furthermore, he is a diligent and incorruptible man so I suppose that he'd make a loyal and exemplary Courtier in office.

             However since you insist that the position of Minister of Rites is insufficient and degrading alone, then perhaps to strike a balance he can hold both duties which I trust will seal off the rumours that are intended to cripple our administration." Emperor Ningzong muttered looking at everyone that was present in the room with a smile on his face.

              "Your Majesty is Sage." Zhao Ruyu said bowing his head to him and all the others following his example the young Emperor was content.

              "Then I shall leave the drafting of the Imperial Edict to you Grand Secretary." Emperor Ningzong said as he stood up and paving way for him he walked out of the hall leaving the two rivals staring at each other intensely.

               Emperor Ningzong descending the stairs was met by his retinue with Eunuch Deng and Lan He inclusive.

              "Your Majesty." They blocked him.

              "Arrange for me to spend the night with Consort Han in her Palace." Emperor Ningzong said and the two were utterly shocked along with the Ladies in waiting and the Eunuchs that followed  him.

              "Yes Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied as the Emperor walked past him and he turned to another of the lesser Eunuchs that happened to be nearby and gave him the order.

             Lady Yang and the Rest of the Concubines gathered at the Investigations Bureau and Eunuch Gong walked through the gates bearing an Imperial Edict in his hand.

             "HEAR HIS MAJESTY'S IMPERIAL EDICT." He shouted and everyone present they bowed their heads while he unfolded the scroll while Lady Cao in her cell she was dragged out of confine.


             "Long Live Your Majesty, Long Live Your Highness." Everyone said in unison and a sedan already laid ahead Lady Cao was escorted towards it while Lady Yang approaching her from the opposite direction she bowed her head to her while Lady Cao unwillingly returned the salutation the latter only walked closer to her until they were shoulder to shoulder.

             "I heard that there are cold nights in Suzhou these days, don't worry, as you wait patiently hoping to return I shall make sure to send over a bowl of poison to save you the sorrow of my fury." She whispered.

             "Enjoy Ma'am while your peace can still last." Lady Cao replied, "when I return to this Palace, your blood will flow throughout it's walls." She added.

            "Then you better hurry." Lady Yang muttered, "after all, you should first pray that you survive your journey to Suzhou." She assured her and moving away she wore a fake sad expression and the latter only continued down the stairs that led her to the sedan while Lady Yang remained at the top staring at her as the sedan was lifted in air and then carried away.

           "I wish you a very long life Lady Cao, it's going to be a hard miserable one in Xuanmiao." She thought to herself as she smiled ghastly while the sedan vanished from sight and in a distance she raised her eyes and looked at the Empress and Consort Han at the nearby balcony with a large distance between them she smiled and bowed to show her respect.