A New Plan


By analyzing Elfriedden's fiancée, I found out a few things.

First, it was empty, no Spirit Orbs.

Second, there was some sort of energy, it was like a very corrupted spirit energy, which was in small quantities.

The rest… Well, it was rather dry and empty, yes, but there was demonic energy slowly festering inside.

It was indeed like the Demonic Spirit Orbs that cultists develop on their own, but without any actual Demonic Spirit there.

From what I've seen and heard, Demonic Cultists, when they go through this change, can only keep a single demonic spirit.

Their old, useless spirit to them, is corrupted and mutates into a new, aberrant form that can grow very quickly by devouring souls and flesh, like demons do.

But she didn't even have that, only a Demonic Spirit Orb that could over time harbor a lot of demonic energy.

Elves that wield Demonic Energy, it is as bizarre as it sounds.