You Need Me, Don't You?


The five elders, resembling stationary and immobile human-shaped machines spoke at the same time, as if their voices and minds were connected into a single being. Yet I am fairly sure they were different people, this synchronization must be thanks to their new robotic abilities, perhaps.

"Genetically Engineered Pilot Blake Goathorn, today you've been called by the council of elders to be judged for your crimes."

"Yes, that's me, Elders."

I didn't lower my head and faced them while rising it, their mechanical eyes glowed red, they seemed slightly displeased.

"Begin the judgement."

"Pilor Blake, based in what we've judged…"

"You're perhaps one of the worst pilots that had been created so far."

"You have ranked the lowest in every simulator test."

"And you have also ranked the lowest ever in everything."