Jealous Pilots


It was much faster than I imagined, once I returned to the mothership, Henriette immediately appeared, telling me that I had been completely… forgiven? Well, that my sentence had been abolished, but it was all the same I suppose.

"Well that was much quicker than I imagined," I laughed. "I thought you people were corrupt, but I suppose survival is more important than pride and selfishness, right? Without relying on me you would be dooming the entire operation; I suppose you're smart."

There was no point in acting humble anymore, and I wasn't going to bother being nice anymore either. If I wanted to complete this Trial, I needed to take charge of things here, or even with my help, everyone's demise will come sooner or later.

"W-What?! Mind your manners!" Henriette screamed angrily. "That you managed to help this much doesn't mean it gives you the right to talk like that!"