Moving To South America



Out of nowhere, Braveblitz's head appeared, or well, the robot resulting from his head.

It looked around confused, as if it hadn't been summoned here willingly.

I noticed how it was made out of Digital Data, this was indeed not the normal one of course.

"Hey, he's here too! Maybe he's really Braveblitz?" asked Eleanora.

"Hello mister big head!" said Saphira, waving her hand at him.

The head noticed us and quickly walked towards us, making a peace sign with his hand's fingers to greet everyone, while giving a smirk.

This damn guy is really creepy! Is it Braveblitz or not?!

At this point, I don't really care anymore.

"So it was summoned by master's words?" wondered Hendrick. "I suppose he is now connected to his core, so Braveblitz and this robot might be something similar to us Spirits."

"Could it truly be the case?" wondered Eleanora. "It's all still quite a mystery to me."