Slaying Dinosaur Mutants


As we landed on the jungles, close to where the last Soul Fragment was, we were immediately greeted by a beautiful an endless greenery, and the already destroyed ruins of an old civilization, a country that was once in here.

According to the data that the Neutonium Mother Core had, this entire jungle was on decline in the past, but after humans disappeared, nature rapidly reclaimed this entire area, regrowing anew.

So I suppose that despite everything, there's some good to the bad things that happened here. Although quite honestly, I don't care what happened here either way.

"It sure is a huge jungle, this place…" Eleanora said. "I don't know why it feels like a long while since we've seen something like this."

"Maybe because the elven continent has been burned down," I said. "Although there were also a lot of forests even when the lizardmen tried to burn everything so much."