Running Away!


Of course, not everything could be good in this story as there's always drama and other things, and well, my friends were all reprimanding me.

"Maria, what you did was way too much. Even I find it overexaggerated!" Exclaimed Lucifer.

"Yeah… You've gone all out… This will only make the Kingdom grow more concerned of you, and they'll prepare for the next time you approach these aristocrats!" Exclaimed Emeraldine.

"Eeehh… But I think I did something pretty amazing, though! Who else would do such a thing like this? Nobody, right? So that's why I did it, because I CAN do it. And I have something that others lack, confidence in my strength, and that's why I have all of you with me," I said.

"I think nee-sama did a good thing! She taught them all a lesson!" Said Takeshi.

"Though we couldn't see the torture, you did well in showing it off to the people, so these bastards were ridiculed even more," Muttered Julia.