This Is Not The Tension I Wanted...!


"What do you mean by closer… in which… way?" I asked. A charming smile emerged in my lips, as I gently touched Partner's chin. I felt the sudden instinct of doing it. I began to finally realize there was something going on. Her feelings for me might be developing, but she seems to be the same as Lucifer.

But of course it's different than him, she's my Partner after all, so she has special privilege that nobody else has. I don't want her to be heartbroken thinking that I will one day replace her or something, or that I will end up with Lucifer and throw her away.

I am still developing my own feelings too, in my previous life I was more inclined into boys than anything else, but Partner is really just way too adorable to act oblivious against. If she really wants to build up such a bond, I am willing to… Uwah, this is embarrassing. And what's wrong with me?! Why am I holding her chin like this?! Have I suddenly transformed into a super confident woman?