Partner's Special Evolution


After convincing Lucifer that everything was okay, we moved forward with the plan, and I took out the carriages from my inventory. The horses carried the people through the carriages, and ten people each wouldn't cut with a single horse, so I lent them some friends in the form of horse skeletons.

The horses were scared, and some died out of terror… I don't know what to say other than I made them into zombies, and they were no longer scared.

Now the plan was set, we got the supplies and the carriages, and we even got a lot of clothes. I made sure to bring winter clothes that were warm, as the place where we were going was cold, but it was a land where people wouldn't easily be able to bother us anymore.

We swiftly moved across the road towards the south, and we made sure nobody was following us around, but it seemed that things were going quite fine.