Lap-Sitting Is Only A Privilege For Kids!


Gofumin was enjoying a big sandwich with slices of grilled meat, tomato, and cabbage, alongside some homemade mayonnaise I made myself. Mayo is not hard to make, just eggs and oil.

She also was enjoying a warm cup of cow milk that Julia had sold to me. I remember she said that it would go stale in a few days, so it wasn't convenient to bring milk on long travels, but I told her it was okay.

Of course! Inside of my Inventory, time stops, so I can just store all these things.

People don't know about such a great cheat, so my Inventory is really pretty amazing. I can store all sorts of food without them going stale. This could revolutionize everything because I could carry stuff and make meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and more never go bad.

I am literally a walking refrigerator.

Wait, that's weird to say…

"Nom… Nom…" Gofumin stuffed her cheeks with the delicious meal adorably as she happily drank the warm milk.