A Dragon's Humbleness


After Partner roasted Catarina alive, Emeraldine began to laugh at what Partner had said to her. The two fire ghosts seemed to also laugh a bit over the absurdity of the situation.

"Hahaha! Catarina, I can't believe you've become quite the laughing stock." Said Silvio.

"Oh my, don't be so rude, or the bully will begin to cry…" said Francesco.

"Y-You two…! Do you dare join in her arrogant remarks?! Your blood was also drunk by her, idiots!" said Catarina.

The two fire ghosts shrugged without caring. They didn't seem to have their bodies drained from all their blood. Partner enjoyed it greatly.

"We don't really care." Said Silvio.

"Yeah, it's a thing of the past. You're the only one so stuck in the past, Catarina! Just embrace this new life. We already reached our new home." Said Francesco.