The Faraway Iceland Kingdom


"I don't know the name of the duchy…" sighed Lucifer.

"Then why do you hype me thinking that you know it?!" I asked. "A-Anyways, Emeraldine, time to wake up." I began to caress Emeraldine's head and used my possession once more, turning on her brain and waking her up with a slight shock to her head.

"UWAH! …Eh? Ah… What happened? Did I just fell unconscious?" she asked.

"Yes you did! It was totally that! That's exactly what happened back then, right, guys?" I asked to the other two.

"Yeah, definitely." Said Lucifer. "You're such a slacker…"

"Indeed, you fell asleep! I really am disappointed on you." Said Partner. "But I guess it is all forgiven because you're… erm… our favorite elf girl!"

"Yeah, right. That! Now that you're awake, we should move down and do some shopping." I said. "Lucifer, move us down please."
