The Lurking Danger Of The Frost Queen


While sleeping, I found the poor Dead Spirit of a man that seemed to be a Dhampir from all things, this man was discriminated by society, even in here, and lived by himself in the forest near the mountains, where he met the Ice Giants and had a friendly relationship with them. However, a character known as the "Frost Queen" suddenly showed up and ruined his life… quite literally, he was frozen alive, and died.

But I do wonder, who the heck is this Frost Queen, and how does she has any relation to the ice in the Demon Kingdom? Could she had done something? And also if he was a friend with the Ice Giants for so long, how come she suddenly showed up and killed him? Why didn't she do it before? Or was there something that caused her to act this way? At the end, I decided to ask this man all these questions. He seemed willing and happy to answer them.