Black Crystal


The day passed rather quickly after lunch, which was a delicious steak of freshly caught wild boar that the hunters of the duchy caught for the Duchess with some mashed potatoes, a delicious, sweet sauce, and a lot of vegetable salad with cheesecake for dessert, we ended gathering inside an underground room with Julia, where the corpse of the Vampire that attempted to assassinate her was located. A Court Magician that serves her, named Emiliano, a well-known noble used the Conservation Life Attribute Spell to maintain the corpse in a state where it wouldn't get nasty nor it would begin to rot.

"So this is the corpse… beheaded." Said Julia. "Damn they were quite brutal now that I think about it, but I guess this is the best way you can kill Vampires, blasting their brains out." Sighed Julia as she looked at the corpse while containing her impulse to vomit.