Time For Some Little Rest


"Moving on, when Emiliano betrayed us, he was given the blood of the a "Pure Blood Vampire". The moment that happened, he started to scream as his body twisted over the floor. We left him behind as we continued fighting and running away, so we were unable to see what happened with him… Have you found any corpse of a man with green hair? Perhaps he died and was unable to transform, the Vampire woman said that the blood might kill him instead of transforming him into one of their kin." Julia said while feeling intrigued if that possibility could be true.

"Sadly, we haven't found any green-haired guy laying dead." Said Partner. "I've been checking the surroundings myself."

"I see…" Julia seemed to sigh in frustration.

"Then that leaves only one possibility the little bastard escaped." I said.

"Yes, that seems to be the case." Julia said.