A Powerful Potion


"It is only a D Rank Potion but it heals five thousand HP?!" Emeraldine cried. "If I drink three of these my entire HP would refill easily! This is insane! Potions are usually used so you can close some wounds or stop bleeding, they're not really capable of completely healing someone to full unless they're made by someone incredible…" Emeraldine said. "W-Well, this is a monstrous Beginner Potion, I can make better ones but even then… Maria, you got a monstrous talent for Alchemy!"

Emeraldine patted my shoulders as she seemed rather shocked about my Alchemy Talent. I guess I really had it within me. I am what they call a Clandestine Brewer too… Whatever that even means.

"Is that so? Heh, I guess I could make more potions from now on…" I said with a smile as I rubbed my chin. "But more importantly, let me taste it."

"Taste it? Sure…" Emeraldine said, as I extended my finger into the potion and saw no pain or anything bad happening.