Setting Off


My plan was to not only spend money but also to make money myself! I wanted to sell rare products, which often times will always sell for nice prices. Dwarves seem to have very few alchemists in their country, they're very rare. And the enmity they have with elves, who are the most talented for alchemy had hit them hard now, as they require potions to heal from wounds, exhaustion of mining and creating items so much, and also to refill their mana while working, as apparently, high level blacksmithing uses MP.

The dwarves themselves said they were surprised about my potions, which also not only restored HP, which they didn't really lowered, but also restored their stamina and energy, like drinking very good energy drinks, but without side effects. However, after drinking too many they might get stomachache and the potion stop working properly, so they need to rest for a few hours afterwards.