Time To Conquer A New Dungeon!


As Maria and company reached the mountain once more today, a lurking figure slowly continued following them from afar. Her sharp, draconic eyes glaring their every movement. They were not exactly menacing, but she seemed to be inspecting them as if she was obsessed with them… when they finally landed in the mountain, she quickly hid beneath a rock and then looked at them once more.

"Where is my brother and his friends going now?" She wondered.

She slowly lurked around, using her magic to hide her presence wonderfully, even from Maria…

"To a dungeon?" She wondered, seeing them slowly descend through a large hole.

As she followed them silently by reducing her size into a smaller form, she suddenly realized something.

From within the dungeon, something powerful was resting…

"Wait…! This dungeon is…?"




(Maria's POV)