Powerful New Items



[The [Soul Reinforcing Phial (A Grade)] x3, [Dark Scale Dragon Blood (A Grade)] x1, and [Lesser Yggdrasil's Sap (A Grade)] x1 Items have been stored inside the [Inventory] Function within the Unique Skill [System] powers.]

[To receive further detail about these acquired items, please visit the Inventory.]

As I was leisurely jumping around over Lily Pads with the Dwarves while the rest of my family was flying around and gathering materials for me out of goodwill, I saw that System message.

"Right, I almost forgot about that…"

I quickly concentrated my mind as I began to talk with the System, wondering what the heck was this. I knew items could be created through things such as Forging and Alchemy, but items materializing out of thin air was really crazy aside from the Dungeon Drops.