The Young Demon King


"W-Why are you hugging the King?! Leave him alone!" Gustaf roared, trying to drag Lucifer away but he couldn't even drag him, he was too strong for this muscle head to even touch him. "Gaaah! He's too strong! My king! MY KIIINNNGGGGGG…!"

"Shut up for once Gustaf." Sighed a Majin lady appearing at his side, with red skin, long silver hair, and two black horns growing atop her head, she even had a pointy demon-like tail. "He's merely hugging our king, maybe he knew him from somewhere?"

"I-I don't even know this man…" Hermes said. "Err, w-who are you, sir?"

"Ah!" Lucifer quickly moved away from the young Hermes. "Sorry about that… I… Well, I was a very close friend of your ancestor, the Demon King."

"My… ancestor? You?" Asked Hermes.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Demon King lived thousands of years in the past!" Gustaf said.