Against Tear's "Mother"


Once Maria managed to temporarily cancel the power of the blizzard by redirecting it to the all-absorbing Gate of the Netherworld, the three dragons charged instantly, attacking with ferocious might.

Lucifer used the power of his Scythe made of Abyssal Death Flames, while Gjoll and Leiptr unleashed the mighty strength of their two weapons, the Hammer Gjoll and the Spear Leiptr!


The three powerful blows managed to throw the mighty Ice Giantess away from her spot, her angered face distorting in pure fury as she saw the traitors working together with her daughter's enemy.

"Unnggh…! Y-YOU PERSISTENT LIZARDS…!" Tear's mother furiously roared, forced to step back as she was surrounded by the three Divine Dragons.

But that wasn't all…