Now It's All Up To You!



As the entire Tower of Skadi was crumbling apart, the mysterious Vampiress flew across its crumbling hallways. Now that the entire fight was destroying the place, it was the ideal time to act.

"With the tower crumbling apart, it means the security functions it holds have been severely damaged… This is my opportunity to get what I truly came here for!" The Vampiress thought, smiling.

She quickly arrived in front of a door in the top of the tower, as she quickly kicked it. The security system did not activate, just as she thought, allowing her to easily get inside.


And there it was, a huge, beautiful blue jewel, glowing with powerful Divine Light and the Divinity of Skadi herself…

"The Divine Tower's Core… It is here!" She smiled maliciously. "Finally…! It is within my grasp!"




Crack… crack… CRAAAASH!