Memories 2


In that moment, Tear didn't really know what would happen. In those times, she was only worried about filling her belly with some tasty grilled meat and live her life carefreely.

She found Veredorr quite handsome, but never really paid attention to him, completely unaware of all the love he felt for her, which developed more and more.

Because of his nature and personality, as a shy person, Veredorr never really talked about how he felt. He always hid those feelings from her.

However, Tear could still remember, all those good times, all those good memories together…

Like that time he and her big brother went to the river to catch fish, and Veredorr ended tripping down the river, and because he was so light, he ended sliding through the water helplessly.

She ran to his rescue without thinking it, jumping in the middle of the river and catching him with her big arms, and lifting him up, carrying him princess-like.