Baiting The Enemy


"Tear's case was Unique…" I sighed. "I still can't say for sure but…" I noticed how Tear, Takeshi, and Laura were giving me puppy eyes.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll do my best to save him but no promises, okay? I can't guarantee that things will always go well!" I sighed. "We've… already lost so many good people. I just… Don't know sometimes."

"Maria…" Lucifer held my hand. "You're not alone on this, you've got all of us as well."

"That's right!" Partner held my other hand and then hugged me and gave me kisses in my cheek. "You've got us all the way!"

"I think my magic could work on purifying the forest alongside Emeraldine's magic… Maybe it could help on freeing the boy from whatever it could be controlling him. Let's not lose hope, even if there's a bit of it, we have to be cheerful and look into the future with decisiveness." Jonathan spoke like a true hero.