Battling Aberrations


Meanwhile, as Maria and her allies confronted the powerful Pharaoh of Ancient Times, her daughter and her friends confronted the three abominations that Heisen had left as gifts before dying. His former assistants who had tried to run away ended getting transformed into Miasmic Chimeras through his Chimera Creation Miasmic Abilities.

Miasmic Abilities were unique Skills people who had Demonite Heart Cores transplanted into their bodies could develop. All the "chimera" children that Maria and her friends have meet possessed one of such abilities, or many. 

And even Heisen had a Demonite heart of his own, acquiring the power to freely transform living beings into chimeras through the usage of miasmic energy, which he exhausted on the process.

And it was such power that Catarina was relying on from little Silva, who she was carrying on her back while being wrapped on many threads made of her own Blood Aura.