An Impossibly Tough Foe!


Partner and Emeraldine protected Fabian, who stubbornly wanted to stay in this battle and see it to the end, while unleashing their strongest spells and techniques from a distance. For Partner, this was a rather difficult job, but she did indeed had a lot of amazingly strong long-ranged attacks, and for Emeraldine, this was an easy task, she was an archer.

Emeraldine's attacks consisted of hundreds of Spiritual Arrows made out of Spirit Tree Wood she summoned and created on the spot, firing them at the gigantic skeleton at rapid speeds, each arrow that exploded on contact would quickly blossom into many trees, restraining and stopping the foe's movements even if a little, while sapping their Mana furiously!

Combining the might of her two Divine Spirits together, Emeraldine was able to deal the most damage because of how effective their combination was against the Undead, explosions of light constantly bathed their foe.