Creation Of Death


Thanks to Emeraldine and Jonathan's Holy Light Spells and Magic, the souls were able to safely pass away, slowly flying into the skies beneath the sun's light, however, a bunch stayed with me, deciding to stick around like other Undead usually just want to serve me.

Among them, there was the Pharaoh, Akhenaton. His human-like form was surprisingly handsome, no longer looking like a wicked black skeleton, his phantasmal appearance looked like an Egyptian pharaoh, brown skin, shaded brown eyes, long black hair, his body decorated with gold and red jewels, tall and muscular, with a dignified appearance.

"So anyways, we've got a lot to talk! Akhenaton, right?"

"Yes, that used to be my name, but you may call me however you desire now, my Summoner."

"Well I'll just keep calling you like that then… So anyways, why did you decided to join us?"