

"Please, anybody… can someone give my child some water?! He's dying! Please!"

Suddenly, a woman carrying a dehydrated, famished child started screaming in the middle of the crowd, nobody paying attention to her.

"Water? She's asking for water? Shouldn't that be available easily through the wells?" Asked Emeraldine. "Do you need some water? I think I could conjure some easily."

Emeraldine suddenly took out a cup of water from her bag and filled it with water with a simple Water Ball Magic Spell, which anybody with some Magic Circle knowledge could conjure even without talent.

"A-Ahhh…! W-Water! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

The woman quickly gave the water to her child, and the small boy, who looked to be around five years of age, slowly drank the cup until it emptied.

"Hahh… Hahh…" The famished boy seemed to feel much more refreshed, his eyes shining bright blue.

"Better now?" Emeraldine smiled.