The Church Of Water's Paladins Trump Card


The Paladin Captain couldn't allow this stranger to insult his honor anymore, even if she could float in midair and do a few "tricks" he was a much stronger and mightier man, someone who was praised and beloved, he filled himself with confidence and overpowered this strange sense of dread he felt as he confronted Maria, rushing towards her with everything he had.

"{One Hundred Sea Tridents}!"

The Paladin swung his sword, combining it with his aura to the point it resembled as if each of his strikes looked like a huge trident made of water, striking against Maria, dozens of strikes in just a split of a second!


However, Maria simply pushed her bare fist towards him.

"{Phantasmal Fist}"

Her bare fist suddenly gathered a tremendous quantity of sheer phantasmal energies and Mana, suddenly creating the illusion of a gigantic translucent fist.