Nyx's Rage


Crack, crack…!


The void of one of the domains shattered into pieces, as a gigantic black dragon emerged from within it, carrying over her back a large group of children, accompanied by an adult woman.

It was Nyx, Fabian and his friends, and Celes and his mother.

"Eh?! Where are we now?!" Nyx wondered, looking around her surroundings. "This entire area's completely white?! And we can clearly see the other domains, they look like black bubbles!"

"T-That's right!" Fabian nodded. "This is weird… Maybe we reached the end of it? Wait, perhaps this place is the core of the whole domain or something."

"If that's right, then that means we should look for what's keeping everything working." Nia said, Celes's mother. "Celes, dear, can you sense something? I remember that you were able to sense the bad energies."

"I-I can…" Celes gulped saliva, sweating all over in utter fear. "O-Over there! Far away!"