A Mother's Strength!


Nia and Fabian and his friends watched in utter disbelief and awe at what Celes conjured. His entire power, everything into the wish of healing his beloved friend.

His pure heart and his divine spiritual soul combined their strengths together, the beautiful manifestation of his past life emerging above him, gently smiling at him and Nyx.

"You have… such a pure heart… my reincarnation…"

She whispered with gentle words, as her crystalline, pure, and clean waters filled Nyx's wounds, washing away the infections, the blood, and even the torn down guts.

"{Divine Spiritual Spring Magic}: {Goddess of Healing's Divine Elixir Tears}"

Her tears flew down into Nyx's disinfected and horrendously large wound, suddenly, the lost flesh, which couldn't regenerate due to all the damage she had taken and how she had depleted all her energy almost instantly, quickly began to regrow!