Creating Brand-New Equipment!


I want to prioritize their safety first, so I better make some armor. I decided to make some full-body armor for everyone, just a single prototype would be enough, as I would then mass produce them using the Alchemy Recipe Book, which allows me to register items I make to instantly create them by using the materials they need.

I decided to make some armor using a myriad of materials I had in enormous quantities, choosing the ones of the highest qualities. 

I used the black bones I can create with my Bone Weapon and Armor Production Skill, I decided to add Moonlight Crystals, a Void Crystal, and also White Silver, Magical Gold, and of course, my unique metals, Umbratite Ore, and Venom Black Draconitite.

I decided to first use my own shadows as the pillar for this material, as I used Shadow Sculping Arts to transform my shadows into a full body armor, which would be fitting for most of the newbies.