The Crimson Moon Order


Within the depths of the underground pyramid below the city, Maleficus was constantly harnessing his Mana and Miasmic Powers, a bright crystal glowing within his chest, as he channeled all of his powers into the large statue in the form of a man resting in the middle of that circle.

Surrounding him there were a dozen more Vampires, all conjuring powerful dark spells, imbuing their mana and souls into the magic circle. Slowly, hour after hour, the statue-like thing started to gain a few more cracks, as if something inside of it was awakening.

The ritual had been ongoing for three days in a row now, and it might finally end in another couple more. Once that is done, the Warlocks shall rejoice, the awakening of their Lord will be finally upon them.

However, Maleficus could not concentrate fully, as someone dared to interrupt him.