A Monstrous Fight!


The twin dragons engulfed my entire body. Their titanic jaws biting both of my arms and trying to tear them apart as Maleficus laughed. His powerful Aura constantly changing as it revealed the shaped of countless beasts he had assimilated. And also thousands of people of all shapes and sizes, even children. They all rushed towards me, like a legion of ghosts made of darkness and these abyssal flames, trying to drag me down.

"This is the power of my Physique!" Laughed Maleficus. "The {One Thousand Abyssal Ghosts Physique}! The gift my Lord gave to me, so I could one day revive him! With this, not even a monstrous necromancer ghost like you can even fight against me! Drown on all the souls and ghosts I've assimilated into my body!"