The Attack Of The Paladin Chimeras


The Paladin Chimeras leaped into the city, crushing the buildings as they monstrously destroyed everything. The smallest of them was at least seventy meters of height, true titans commanded with the very task of crushing the entire city to the ground and eat everyone. The aura of the Saintess further boosting their power. They were all already within the realm of S- Rank Monsters, but with this, they could even reach the Realm of S Rank Monsters.

"Destroy everything… Drown it all!" A gigantic octopus and crab hybrid-like chimera roared, its tentacles spreading everywhere, trying to find people to crush, although the shadows had already taken them away, he was still trying to destroy any building on his path.

"Oh, this guy got a lot of meaty tentacles, he's going to be a tasty Takoyaki!" Partner appeared above the monster, her two spears descending towards it in a split of a second. "{Blood Spear Rend}!"