Moving Underwater


"I-I never thought I would get pregnant so soon, but I got all the symptoms, the same one when I got pregnant from my late husband." She sighed. "I never imagined a woman would give me a child… It is a bit strange when I think about it, but I love you so much that it doesn't really matter, you're more akin to a goddess than a normal person after all, ahah."

"Yes, I suppose…" I nodded. "Well, I was already guessing it would happen, I came a lot inside… We did it without any protection either. I am just a bit startled my seed can fertilize so quickly…" I muttered.

"Fufu, maybe we'll get many children in the future?" She wondered.

"H-Hey, one is enough I think!" I felt a bit embarrassed.

"Oh right! I didn't ask, did you find your brother and all?" She wondered, gasping in disbelief that she hadn't asked before. "I'm sorry for not asking before…"