Dragon Family Reunited


The time to move to the Tower was slowly coming for everyone, and with Maria doing the last preparations, some of her friends grew slightly restless, they didn't really want her to leave so quickly, but they understood that wanting to see her family again was one of the things she wanted to do the most.

They knew that no one could accompany her anymore, there were just too many people, and bringing a whole army of people to the tower was simply ridiculous. Bringing her entire family was already ridiculous enough, they were too many people, according to Eustace, only moved in groups of four at most.

Yet Maria was going with eight people! The number was double that! Eustace ha never heard of such large groups of people moving around the tower ever, mostly because of the risks that implied being such a large group, including the costs of food and more, and how trials could divide everyone if they didn't have the special Party Ticket.