Meeting Old Friends 2


A lot has happened since the last time we met with Helga, honestly. Too much has happened, I would dare say. I felt slightly nostalgic coming back to the dwarven Kingdom and meeting with her and her family again.

It has been over a year since we met, I would say it's been two years by now? Yeah, it has been a long, long, long while! Her kids are all grown up now, I can't believe that two years was all it took for most of them to get so tall.

I guess their father's genes were kicking in strong there, although a few remained smaller.

"Come in! Come in!"

Helga happily received us. Veredorr and Tear though, had gone somewhere else, they were on their own date, so I didn't want to bother them.

But they sure were being lovey-dovey all over the place! Every ten seconds they were kissing or flirting with one another, damn.

I bet they went to a hotel because I'm sure that after all that kissing and flirting, they got a bit excited…