Mysterious enemy!

A tall youngster with a healthy white complexion opened his eyes and yawned without a care in the world, but his expression quickly fell as he found himself sprawled next to a dirty little thing with a smell so putrid that it made his nose scrunch up in disgust.

The young man turned his head to the source of the disgusting smell.

A dumpster with many eye-like holes through which condoms and spoiled diapers were clearly visible greeted him.

Eugene: "…"

Without as much as a second thought, he rolled away from the smelly dumpster and stood up.

First of all, he patted the dust off his black-colored clothes. Second of all, he took in his surrounding.

'This place seems unfamiliar. Where am I? Why am I here?'

Eugene scratched his head in confusion and then closed his eyes to recall anything about himself.

'Wait, why can't I remember anything except my name and what I look like?'

Confusion filled his eyes.

Who was he, and why has he forgotten everything about himself?

He frowned so hard that black lines appeared on his forehead because, surprisingly, he couldn't even recall who he was, much less remember how he ended up next to a dumpster, no matter how hard he tried.

"Maybe I should try harder to think about my past? It's well worth a try."

When he tried to think about his identity, a wave of nausea washed over him.

Such an intense urge to puke filled him that he found it impossible to resist.


He hunched forward reflexively as gut juice blossomed out of his mouth and splashed all over the place and his boots, dirtying them.

The pain that emerged from the depth of his brain disappeared mere moments after he finished puking, and he eased up.

The relaxed expression that had just appeared on his face changed to something completely opposite as he coincidentally chanced upon a bit of his reflection on a broken handheld mirror that was close to his feet.

Eugene's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

What he just saw surprised and confused him.

The person reflected in the mirror looked nothing like him.

The man in the mirror had hair as white as snow and eyes as black as charcoal. He had a chiseled jawline and a penetrating gaze and emitted an oppressive aura. His body, although slim, was muscled, and his height was no less than 6 feet. He had a mysterious air about him, but that was not all.

His face was as if crafted meticulously by God.

He was so darn handsome that Eugene had no words to define him.

If he were to stand in a crowd of ten hundred thousand, even then, it would be hard for others to overlook him.

Eugene's jaw dropped at the handsomeness of the man whose body he had come to possess somehow.

Eugene calmed down pretty soon and readjusted the broken mirror, causing it to reflect his entirely black student uniform on whose chest pocket was his name tag!

Eugene V. Samuel!

Those words were literally shining on it!

A question popped up in Eugene's mind. 'This person, whose body I've awakened in, has the same name as me, but we look nothing alike. Who is he, and Who am I? Why and how did I become such a handsome man?'

[The God's hand-crafted System, Rebellion has booted up.]

A monotone voice rang in his head, scaring the heck out of him.

[The skill, Fortitude Mind, has stabilized your mental state.]

But surprisingly, his fear of hearing a voice while there was no one around him vanished as soon as it appeared.

Instead, calmness replaced his nervousness.

"Huh? Who are you?" After looking around and finding no one, Eugene determined that the voice was in his head, and he asked its source a question.

[I am the system granted to you by the God of Death. My sole purpose is to aid you in surviving the trials & tribulations of your life.]

"You know, you're making no sense to me."

Eugene didn't even remember his past, so how could he remember the God of Death and Rebellion?

Thus, he was further confused by its words.

[Ding! God's hand-crafted system, Rebellion, has found out that you've met the hidden condition of the System by determining that you've reincarnated into the Male Lead's sidekick!]

[I, God's hand-crafted system, will now grant you access to your sealed memories.]

[Please prepare yourself for a short-lasting painful ride.]

"What do you mean?"

[You'll find out in a second.]

A moment later, a terrible headache stuck him, and it made him feel so pained that he dropped to his knees and puked out a second time.

The pain emerged from his soul that was perfectly infusing with the body of Eugene V. Samuel. It had many golden symbols surrounding it. But each of them turned to mere specks that lasted around it for merely seconds before dissipating into nothingness. When that happened, the memories of his past surged out of his soul and flooded his brain.

Eugene remembered everything about himself and also found out why he was here.

He had died and, with the help of God, transgressed into a game world's character, who the main villain of the second expansion had already vowed to take revenge on.

"Why did you seal my memories?"

[If I didn't, the time wave would've swallowed them and left you with a soul empty of memories, something not better than a piece of garbage.]

"If it is as dangerous for a soul to enter that sea, why did God urge me to go into it?"

[It's not like it's dangerous. It's just that someone made a move to eradicate your memories as you made your way to a teleporter within it that connected to this world. However, God of Death has long expected something like this to happen and has taken precautions against it before sending you away. That's why your soul is not the least bit damaged.]

"Who targeted me? Do you know?"

[No, but it must be an enemy of yours. Shouldn't you know?]

"I don't."

He wiped the sweat off his face and got ready to step out of this god-forsaken alley.

Eugene hadn't taken three steps towards the exit of the alley when a figure wearing the same uniform as him blocked his way out.

He looked up and saw a teenager whose weird hairstyle made him look one-third like a chicken and fat yet short legs resembled a pig's.

The only redeeming quality about him was that he had an innocent face.

And for some reason, Eugene found this person familiar.

'Who is he? Ahh, I remember who he is. He is the little brother of Allen, the main villain of the game's second expansion!'

Eugene immediately identified the person blocking his way as Hunter.

Hunter wasn't too bad a person but was a loyal follower of his stupid brother Allen.

Thus, he hated Eugene as he had caused his brother's downfall.

"How dare you appear near the school after destroying my brother's life? Do you expect me to ignore your ugly mug? Well, guess what? I am going to give you the beating of your life today."

As soon as Hunter saw Eugene, he spat out curses at him.

Eugene personally didn't have anything against him, but he wouldn't sit still and let him curse him.

So, he taunted him back.

"Kid, you must think you look cool in every way, but the reality is that you look like an absolute clown who doesn't have the strength to budge a tree, much less beat me. If you don't believe me, feel free to try doing what you just said."

His taunt caused the youngster's eyes to twitch endlessly in raw anger.

"Even if it means ending up in juvenile prison, I am going to avenge my brother by breaking you apart today!"

Hunter charged toward him like a mad bull and closed the distance between them with a few too many steps.

"What are you planning to do?" Eugene asked the child that has gone mad with rage.

'Kill you.'

Hunter replied to Eugene with a fierce glare rather than others.

After he entered his attack range, Hunter clenched his right hand into a fist and shot it towards Eugene's face.