1 VS 12

"Now then, I've spoken to each of you and, to be frank, I would like to accept all of you..." Xavier said, before pausing.

The fighters before him, who thought they had a once in a lifetime opportunity to join the gang that the Unstoppable Trio were in, and be able to become stronger with them, couldn't help but loosen up slightly.

Unlike the Wolf Gang, there didn't seem to be many members in the Outlaw Gang so far, and the chance to develop their skills alone was already enough for them.

However, after Xavier finished what he was saying, they all put their arms up and were ready to fight.

"But before that, I would just like to see what you're capable of. So why don't you all come at me," was what he had said.

Despite his clear provocation, none even stepped forwards after reflexively preparing to fight, but not because they were afraid.

They simply thought that Xavier was joking, as taking on so many capable fighters was insane no matter how skilled someone was.